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“You’re not getting away this time!” Tanjiro yelled at Daki as she ran away.

“Tanjiro wait, it’s too dangerous!” the others yelled at him as he chased after Daki getting separated from them in the process. Three was nothing they could do now but hope that Tanjiro stayed safe.

“Stand your ground and fight me!” Tanjiro yelled, still chasing after Daki. “Just like a weak demon to run away when it knows it can’t win!” Tanjiro yelled, getting cocky that someone as strong as Daki was running from him and he wasn’t even a pilar.

Refusing to let the young boy’s insults bother her Daki kept running, looking back at Tanjiro and smiling. He was falling for her act easier than she had ever expected. Though it was time for her to end this charade.

“Oh, arrogant little boy, over here~,” Daki said compelling him to charge at her.

“Finally! Now we can fight!” Tanjiro yelled charging at her, but the moment that she got close, she jumped out of the way revealing a giant mental cage below them. Unable to stop himself, Tanjiro fell right into the cage. As he fell Daki quickly disarmed Tanjiro of his sword before completing his capture.

She closed the cage before Tanjiro could escape, looming down at him arrogantly. This boy was foolish to think that he could defeat her. In fact, it was almost humorous, almost.

“You old hag let me out!” Tanjiro yelled trying to break the bars of the cage, but they were just too thick!

“You fucking little brat! How dare you call me an old hag!” Daki yelled at him, her anger rising. She was the most beautiful woman and demon in the world! To call such a refined beauty such as herself an old hag was inexcusable! Though lucky for him she already had something special planned for him.

“Go on you old hag, kill me!” Tanjiro yelled at her ready to die for his failure. At least he could die knowing that his friends would take care of his sister for him once he was gone.

“Twice now you have called me an old hag, and now for the second time I shall forgive you,” Daki said to Tanjiro’s confusion. “No, I have no plans on killing you, just as I have no plans on eating you. It would be such a waste to do that to the one I choose.”

“What the hell are you talking about! Kill me you old hag! Do it!” Tanjiro would not accept her pity. He would like as a true man with honor!

“Fine if you don’t wish to take this as a gift then this shall be your punishment,” she said, coldly looking down at Tanjiro with a cold harsh expression on her face. Her obi sashes began to move closer to Tanjiro bit by bit.

“Please stop! Just kill me!” Tanjiro yelled as the obi sashes began to wrap around his entire body until all he could see was darkness! Daki smiled; it was time to begin. He would soon see things differently and repent for calling her an old hag three times.

“Mmmmmmph!” Tanjiro tried to scream for help as he tried to struggle free from the obi sashes, but it was no use. They were so tight that it felt like his very soul was being crushed, but at the same time, it felt good!?

Tanjiro was scared and confused. What was she planning to do with him and why the hell did these sashes feel so good? It was if something was awaking in him, changing and corrupting his soul! How was she doing this!?

“Oh my, look at him squirm it’s actually quite cute,” Daki said, making her way into the cage. “You know he even has a cute face and personality as well,” she said to herself teasing Tanjiro who couldn’t even hear her in his current state.

“In fact, he’s quite the sis con. I don’t think that I have ever seen a boy so resistant to my beauty before just because of his sister. What a sweet and innocent personality he has, he’s not fit to be a demon slayer. Perhaps she should just keep him inside of this forever.

“Mmmmmmph!” Tanjiro’s muffled screams brought her back to her senses. It was time for the fun to begin.

Tanjiro’s body began to shrink beneath the obi sashes. He screamed more and more as his body began to feel like it was on fire! His frame became more feminine as his hair and nails started to grow longer.

“Mmmmmmmmmph!” Tanjiro screamed in horror as a pair of D-cup breasts the same size as Daki’s grew on his chest.

Seeing the tears form in his eyes Daki wanted to humiliate him more. She kissed Tanjiro on the lips with her possession of the obi sash, fattening up his lips to be as beautiful as hers!”

“How does it feel to be smooched by a demon?” Daki asked him, though she already knew that answer thanks to his face turning bright ready!

“Free me!” Tanjiro yelled as Daki gave him enough room to talk now, noticing that his voice sounded just like hers now!

“What the hell are you doing to me!? Let me go! Let me go!” Tanjiro knew that his body was becoming that of a woman, and he knew that if he stayed in this sash any longer then he would no longer be a man!

“Oh, your poor things, there is no need to cry,” Daki said ignoring his demands, as he was nothing more than her doll at the moment, whose only purpose was to be shaped by her. “Here some makeup should fix that sad face of yours,” she said gagging Tanjiro once more, so she could do what she wanted to do.

“Mmmmmmph!” Tanjiro screamed one last time as his ass and thighs expanded out to the same size as Daki’s and then with one painful moment Tanjiro’s manhood was no more! Tanjiro felt a part of his mind shatter as Daki smiled back at her newest creation. His body's corruption was now complete, and it was time to see the fruits of her labor.

“Time to come out and see the new perfect you,” Daki said spitting Tanjiro out if the obi sash.

Confused and dumbstruck by what just happened, Tanjiro looked down at a puddle and saw that her reflection was that of Daki’s!

“No… no way,” Tanjiro said, looking down at her breasts before she began to fondle them as well as her new fat ass to make sure that they were real. With each squeeze waves of pleasure went throughout her new body!

Daki watched her new minion fondle herself with delight and she had to hold herself back from pleasuring herself as well. No was not the right time as such activities would be done during her “training sessions”.

Tanjiro saw Daki smiling at her, taking her out of the pleasure trance that she put herself in. She had to focus! Tanjiro rose to her feet as she look at her. Daki was right there and breasts or not she would-

“Kyaaaaaa!!!!!” Tanjiro screamed at the top of her lungs in Daki’s voice, realizing that she was practically in her undergarments. She tried to cover herself with the obi sash that was around her waist, but it wasn’t enough. Tanjiro fell down to the ground and held her knees to her chest, hoping that no one would see her like this.

What if her friends saw her like this, no it would be worse if Nezuko saw her like this? Nezuko would lose all respect for her as her big sister! Wait sister, Tanjiro was her big brother, not sister. She was starting to become more confused due to her current situation.

“Aww how cute,” Daki said mocking Tanjiro. “I remember when I was that shy. You should be thankful, that I gave you such an attractive new form. I even modeled you after my image, isn’t onee-chan kind?” she asked further toying with Tanjiro in her fragile state.

“Come on you know that you like it, no you love it don’t you?” Daki asked Tanjiro, teasing her. “I saw you groping your new tits and fat ass even though you knew that I was here. You couldn’t resist, could you? I mean really, who could?”

“N-no I-I di-didn’t mean to!” Tanjiro yelled. She began stuttering as she could no longer deny what she did or what she was. She fondled herself and got lost in the pleasure of her new form. A form that was not human. If Daki modeled Tanjiro's new body after herself that meant that she was now a demon!

“Aww, it looks like someone just realized the truth that they’re a demon now. Oh, I’ve seen that expression many times before. You can feel it can’t you? That sense of being reborn, and your body overflowing with power!”

“No I-I-I’m a human!” Tanjiro yelled at her trying to avoid the truth.

“Are you really? Then how about this?” she said flicking a small amount of human blood onto Tanjiro’s lips!

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” Tanjiro moaned in pleasure as a wave of pure ecstasy washed over her body. She had tasted only a small amount of human blood and she had felt more alive than when she was a human. Being a demon was great!

“That’s a good girl,” Daki said to her twin. “Accept the change, there is no use resisting it any longer. Listen to onee-chan and everything will turn out fine.”

With that last bit of encouragement Tanjiro’s mind became corrupted just like her body.  Her body felt another wave of ecstasy wash over it as she began her awakening. Her hair turned white and her body felt more natural than before. Her mind no longer resisted it and she was finally who she was meant to be. While she didn’t feel any stronger than before she felt in a sense, liberated from the shackles that bound her down when she was a human. 

“Hahahahahahahahahahaha!” Daki laughed maniacally, watching the former demon slayer embracing her new life as her demon minion and soon-to-be sister.

“No!!!” Despite her mind, body, and spirit being corrupted by her transformation into a demon there was still a small part of her that fought back against the corruption mentally. She put her hands on her face, trying to resist the urge to give in to temptation as a crazed smile was stuck on her face! 

“I-I…I will…I will fight… back!” Tanjiro yelled at an intrigued Daki, barely managing to win over her corruption. She quickly grabbed a sword on the ground and charged right at Daki with the intent to kill! Even if she was turned into a demon she would not rest until Daki was dead.

Though everything went horribly wrong the moment that Tanjiro decided to go against her new onee-chan. As she charged she found that her center of gravity had changed due to her new curvy demonic form. It felt acquired for her to run as her breasts and fat ass bounced with each step she took.

The sword in her hand felt like she was holding a stick of lead. Her body felt slow and weak. Before she could even swing her sword down at Daki, she was disarmed and before she knew it she was flipped over and forced to stick her ass out into the air!


“Ahhh! Stop it please!” Tanjiro cried as Daki began to spank her new pale white fat ass with her sashes!

“What a naughty girl you are,” Daki said, sounding disappointed in Tanjiro. “You were so close to your true awakening. You just had to get in my way and make things harder for me.”


“Such a naughty little girl needs to be taught a lesson,” Daki said to her, continuing to spank her to get rid of any more unwanted disobedience from her. If this naughty little girl likes to disguise herself as an Oiran then wouldn’t it make sense for you to be a real Oiran and get the full experience?” she asked Tanjiro sadistically.

“No, no, no! I don’t wanna! I don’t wanna!” Tanjiro started screaming, tears flowing out of her eyes and she tried to struggle away from Daki to avoid being spanked but it was no use for her.

“If you don’t shut that little slut mouth of yours and stop fighting me I will cut off your head,” Daki said, threatening Tanjiro. She had had it with this girl's spoiled attitude. She would need to be properly “reeducated” soon.

“No, please no!” Tanjiro begged as she stopped struggling and shouting, but she couldn’t help but cry from the pain of her onee-sama’s spankings. Wait onee-sama, no her mind was becoming even more corrupted now!

“Good girl,” Daki said before continuing Tanjiro’s spankings.


After an endless amount of spankings later Daki decided to cut off Tanjiro’s head, despite listening to her threats. This girl needed to be taught that her actions had consequences.

“Ahhhhhh! What have you done!” Tanjiro yelled at her. “I did what you said, please don’t kill me!” she begged forgetting that not too long ago she was prepared to die.

“Quiet,” Daki said, shoving a gag into Tanjiro’s mouth so she could speak, before picking up her beheaded body as well. She carried Tanjiro like this all the way back until they arrived at Daki’s home.

Once they arrived Daki forced Tanjiro to assume an uncomfortable Seita pose in the room.

“Please I’m sorry!” Tanjiro pleaded over and over again for forgiveness while holding her crying head in her lap. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again!”, but her words weren’t enough. She needed to show Daki what Daki wanted from her.

After ten minutes of apologizing Tanjiro knew what she wanted. “Please onee-sama I’m sorry! Please put my head back on! Please! I promise that I’ll be good! I was bad I should have never doubted onee-sama.”

“Hmm, I don’t know if I should,” Daki said teasing Tanjiro. This girl generally seemed sorry, but she wasn’t done having her fun just yet. She made Tanjiro apologize all night before she attached her foolish younger sister's head back on. Once that was done she looked at her sister in her new room to reflect on what she had done. ‘

Tanjiro couldn’t handle the new emotions that she was feeling and felt far more emotional now than when she was a male. She cried for the rest of the night, complaining under her breath that none of this was fair. It was unfair that her sister beheaded her for not listening to her, it wasn’t fair!

“Onee-sama is such a meanie!” Tanjiro cried out and eventually, she cried herself to sleep. Whether she had wanted this or not, this was Tanjiro’s new life now and there was nothing that she could do to escape. Even now the corruption had still affected her. She had yet to notice that Daki’s personality was already seeping into her own.

One week had passed since Tanjiro was turned into Daki’s younger sister and she had finally realized how powerless she truly was. Her physical capabilities had dwindled tremendously since her change and she could no longer use a sword. When her onee-sama wasn’t looking she tried to train for her escape, but she no longer had the strength to even lift.

Tanjiro tried to contact her friends who she saw looking for her, but her onee-sama would punish her for each attempt. Onee-sama intentionally kept her away from her friends, using her influence. She even forced Tanjiro to fill in as her disguised demon Oiran duties under her alias Warabihime.

Onee-sama told her that it was for practicing discipline, but Tanjiro hated it. It was so humiliating having to wear her onee-sama’s used outfit and having her feminine hair tied up tight like a mature Oiran.

Though secretly she actually enjoyed the arm of her onee-sama on her body. For some odd reason, it calmed Tanjiro down and made her more inclined to do as her onee-sama wished. Daki was pleased with this development, but Tanjiro only found it that much more terrifying.

In addition to taking her onee-sama’s place Tanjiro was forced to give sexual services to wealthy clients and if she refused her onee-sama would cut off her head again. Onee-sama had made sure that she was able to pleasure her customers right before sending her out.

The fear that onee-sama had instilled into her through the past week was more than enough to make her tolerate dealing with a dick that wasn’t her own. Every time she was forced to pleasure a man she would stare in awe wondering if her dick was ever that big.

While Tanjiro did her job properly there were more than a couple of violent guests that she had to deal with. Unfortunately for her that despite being turned into Daki’s younger twin she lacked power.

Her body was weak mainly because she had no idea to fight as a demon and because her onee-sama wanted her to be weak. There was no point in her being strong when her onee-sama could protect her. She was nothing more than onee-sama’s puppet, that did as she was told.

Tanjiro hated this! She was a demon slayer before this and now she was nothing more than an over-glorified prostitute! She knew that each and every day she was forgetting about her past and could only remember her time with onee-sama. Onee-sama was all that mattered, but she didn’t understand why.

Why did she care about onee-sama, after onee-sama had made her act more and more like her each, day? Why did she feel safe when onee-sama would come into her room at night after she had cried herself asleep to lay down with her?  Onee-sama made it so that she was powerless without her. She couldn’t even do anything to protect herself when she was alone!

The other night she was going down on a man, sucking his dick as his friend fucked her up the ass, when a third client came in that didn’t pay and started whipping her! All she could do was cry and cry, unable to do anything to fight back.

These mean were scum and they had planned on taking her away with the, Tanjiro cried and was scared, yet no one came. No one except for onee-sama. Onee-sama charged right into the room and slaughtered each one of them one by one, covering both of them in their blood!

“Ahhhhhh!!!!” Tanjiro moaned in pleasure as the blood rained down on her. She opened her mouth and drank as much of the blood as she could. Unable to resist the urge any longer she transformed into her demon form and started crawling toward her sister, enticed not only by the blood she was covered in but by her body as well. Her pussy started to twitch as she thought about pleasuring herself, but as Daki looked at her, they both come up with the same idea.

After spending a full week teaching her dear little sister the art of pleasuring a man, it was now time to train her in the more refined way of pleasuring another woman.

Daki shoved her tongue straight done Tanjiro’s throat before pushing her down onto the bed. She began her lesson by showing her dear little sister the proper method of using her tongue to pleasure female clients.

“Nnnnnnnnnnhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!” Tanjiro moaned into pleasure as her sister went down on her, making her experience a form of pleasure that she never had before. She wanted to resist this urge, but it was just too powerful. With each turn of her tongue, she began to crave for more. Shen wanted this! She wanted onee-sama to dominate her like the slut she was! She was foolish to see sex as just a means of making money, never realizing that when it comes to pleasuring a woman, another woman was needed. Besides, who knew her body better than her onee-sama.

“M-more! More! Give me more!” Tanjiro yelled losing herself in the pleasure as her onee-sama started fingering her before scissoring her. They spent hours fucking one another, and it was now time for Daki to show her adorable little slut of a sister one of the biggest perks of being a woman.

Daki got out of the bed and used her obi sash to retrieve a black box from the ceiling. She opened it up and strapped the contents around her waist to reveal that it was a strap-on dildo that was three times bigger than that of any one of the men that she had serviced so far.

Tanjiro let her onee-sama take the lead as she got on top of her. “Shh,” Daki said, covering Tanjiro’s lips with her fingers. ‘Just let onee-sama lead the way,” she said before she and Tanjiro spent the rest of the night in sexual bliss.

Several days passed after that with Tanjiro getting more and more into her role as Warabihime.

“Thank you, sweety, please be sure to visit soon,” Warabihime said to the wealthy client that she just serviced. With was her fourth man tonight and once again they couldn’t compare to onee-sama’s technique.

“There you are,” Daki said to her little sister as she entered her room. Daki was in her awakened demon form laying on Tanjiro’s bed. Tanjiro who had been thoroughly conditioned over the past several days started to strip down, but Daki held her hand up for her.

“No, not yet,” Daki said, knowing that she was teasing her sister. “I came here to tell you that your foolish demon slayer friends and that ugly younger sister of yours have already left the entertainment district.”

“Thanks to my influence they now believe that you were kidnapped somewhere else and are still desperately looking for you. It’s quite funny if you think about it. You were right here all along, yet those fools weren’t even bothering to look in the right place. Perhaps they wanted to abandon you,” she said mocking her sister.

“Isn’t it great now a have you all to-” Daki stopped midsentence noticing the saddened look spread across her sister's face. It pissed her off to see that her sister still held onto the hope that her foolish friends would still come for her.


Daki in her frustration smacked Tanjiro’s breasts, then squeezed them in her hands, causing her sister to moan in pleasure.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, and here I thought that you had let go of the foolish notation that you had any chance to escape. There is no escape for you! You are my sister now and no one else’s. Your past does not matter. You are nothing more than what I tell you to be, and right now I need you to be a flawless Oiran publicly in the entertainment district.”

“You are to never show a frown in front of me or another customer ever again! Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes onee-sama,” Tanjiro said obediently as she began to naturally smile like the professional Oiran she was made to be with clients. She had learned better than to disobey her onee-sama. Onee-sama only wanted what was best for her, and she was more than eager to make her onee-sama happy. If she had to be nothing more than a Oiran, pleasuring clients and earning money that benefited her demon kind she was more than happy to do it one sexual service at a time.

“That’s a good girl,” Daki said, caressing Tanjiro’s cheek. “For being such a good girl I believe that you have earned yourself a reward,” she said groping Tanjiro’s fat ass, before ramming her tongue down her sister's throat. Tonight their room would be filled with moans from their pleasure. It was time to show her sister a most wonderful time.

-1 Month Later-

Tanjiro continued her work as Warabihime, becoming more and more like her sister. It was all she could ever desire, or at least it was all that Daki wanted her to desire.

“You have done well dear sister,” Daki said to her little sister as they sat alone in a secluded room together sitting naturally in a Seita pose in their human forms. Both of them looked completely identical to one another from their looks all the way down to their mannerisms. One would not be able to tell them apart from one another if they saw them now. Even Nezuko wouldn’t be able to know which one used to be her brother.

“Though you must be able to act more natural as my sister, not only as an Oiran but as me as well. You must accomplish this if you are to ever become a valuable minion for me to control.”

Tanjiro didn’t say a word, maintaining her pose while sitting silently with a smile on her face just as she was taught by her onee-sama. Pretty girls like herself should only talk when they are spoken to. She was taught that her sisters’ orders are final and one must obey them completely.

“Very good,” Daki said, impressed with how far her sister has come in just a little over a month. “Now sit back and let onee-chan get rid of the nasty thoughts that have been plaguing your mind,” she said as she began to put Tanjiro into a trance.

“You are my lovely obedient sister,” Daki said as she started to hypnotize Tanjiro. “You are a lovely, beautiful demon that is only subservient to one man, our master.”

“Ma…ster” Tanjiro said, in a trance-like voice.

“You are Warabihime, just as I am. You take pleasure in fooling the humans, draining them of their very essence. Your past as a human, as a demon slayer is nothing more than a far-off dream. You have always been my sister, my lovely Taki.”

As Daki continued with her hypnotism most of Tanjiro's remaining personality was replaced with her own. She was never Tanjiro the demon slayer, but Taki, the younger sister of Daki the Upper Six Demon.

“You will be loyal to our onee-sama and never question my orders. Your personality is cold and refined. You must never let anyone see your emotions.” As Daki continued to explain how Taki should act, Taki didn’t notice her smile disappearing as her expression was replaced by a cold harsh glare to mirror Daki.

“Now repeat to me what is your name and purpose?” Daki asked Taki, releasing her trance over her to see if her hypnotism worked on her.

“I am Taki, a beautiful, refined demon with the purpose of serving my onee-sama and our master. I will do exactly as my sister does, and always uphold our dignity.

“Very good,” Daki said, before ripping off her sister’s clothes and engaging in rough lesbian sex with Taki who fully embraced her in kind. The night was filled with their horny moans as Taki’s onee-sama made them grind their pussies together!

-6 months later-

“You stupid little girl! You call this clean?” Warabihime asked pulling the ear of the young girl who did a piss poor job of cleaning the place. “What is this? Tell me, what is it” she asked making the girl look at a dirty shelf that she forgot to clean.

“I’m sorry mistress Warabihime, please forgive me!” the girl begged trying to get through to Warabihime’s heart but it was no use.

“Clean this place up,” Warabihime said shoving the girl to the ground. “And when you are done go back and clean everything once again. It better be spotless once you’re done,” she said walking away from the stupid girl. 

This girl was nothing without her. If it wasn’t for Warabihime she would still be wandering the streets. Warabihime feed her, clothed her, and gave her a roof to sleep under, the least that that little brat could do for her in return was a perfect job cleaning her domain. This was the least that she could do for an elegant perfect demon such as herself.

Warabihime wandered the grounds with the same cold harsh expression spread across her face that she had when she wasn’t interacting with clients or potential clients. While around them she put up a fake seductive smile for them to lure them in.

Other than that her expression was cold. There was no need to be kind to the other Oiran and humans as they were all beneath her.  The only one that she showed her genuine smile to was her precious onee-sama.

For the past several months Taki had longed for her sister's embrace. Onee-sama had been gone for months now for important demon business. Taki was still a low-ranked demon so her job was only to do what her onee-sama told her to do.

“My dear sister, did you miss me?” Daki said embracing her dear younger sister squishing her tits against her sister.

“O-onee-sama!” For a split second, Taki lost all composure. It had been so long since she was shown affection from her onee-sama. Her pussy began to moisten with joy as her face became bright red. Taki started to feel very horny imagining all of the different kinds of sexual positions that she could do with her onee-sama now that she was back.

“My oh my,” Daki, seductively looking at her horny sister. “It would seem that someone is in desperate need of attention. That’s a good girl, you must know that I am the only one that can grant you the pleasure that you are after. Unfortunately, there isn’t time for that,” she said to Taki’s disappointment.

“Worry not,” Daki said, noticing her precious little sister's disheartened expression. “There is someone important to meet, but once that is done I promise to use my new toy out on you,” she said revealing beneath her robe Taki’s old sword from when she was a demon slayer. Daki had spent portions of her business trip transforming this sword into a giant dildo just for her sister. How assuming that she would now use the same weapon that she used to cut down demons, to pleasure her cumdumpster of a pussy.

“Wait do you mean the master?” Taki said as her pussy began to drip with excitement. She had heard many great things about the master and had dreamed for the longest time to meet him. This truly was an honor that master Muzan requested her, Warabihime known as Taki, the younger sister of Daki to see him.

She never thought that this day would come. Despite being the Upper Six Daki’s minion and younger sister she was considered a low-level weak demon. In her new body, she was far weaker than she was when she was a demon slayer.

It was painfully obvious to her that even a freshly turned demon and even a fresh demon slayer recruit could kill her without breaking a sweat. The only reason why she was able to feel so safe for these months since she had been turned was that her onee-sama was there to protect her. Even when onee-sama wasn’t around Taki knew that she was safe thanks to their connection to one another. So long as her onee-sama was alive Taki could even be beheaded and still survive.

It's not that Taki wanted to be weak in the first place, but it was her onee-sama that made sure of it. She made sure that Taki was transformed into the little cute weakling that she is now when she used her obi sashes to transform her into her younger sister.

She had made sure that Taki was so dependent on her, that she wasn’t allowed to hunt humans on her own. Onee-sama had to be present or she wasn’t allowed to do anything. Taki was completely obedient to her.

While Taki was her younger sister Daki made sure to treat her like a pet. Rewarding her with pieces of human flesh from her sash whenever she did a good job making money for them in addition to pleasuring her exactly like she was told to.

Daki truthfully didn’t want to bring her pet to meet with master Muzan, since she knew that Taki did not deserve such an honor. She wasn’t ready yet and her plan to surprise her master with her twin was ruined.

Master Muzan has eyes and ears everywhere. It didn’t take him long to learn of Taki’s existence, though he waited until now to see the curious state of Tanjiro the former demon slayer turned demon slut.

“Don’t do anything he doesn’t tell you to do,” Daki said to her sister before she opened the door to the room where master Muzan was waiting for Taki. She wanted to make sure that her pet didn’t make any mistake to endanger either of them.

Taki, currently as Warabihime walked into the room in her non-awakened demon form, dressed in just Daki onee-sama’s undergarments which showed off her boobs and fat ass. The moment that she locked eyes with him a surge of sexual ecstasy flowed through her body making her immediately fall to her knees.

The feeling that she felt when she looked into her master's eyes could only be described as dominance. He held all the control wherever he went. She was nothing more than a plaything for his amusement, one that he would use thoroughly.

“My, my,” master Muzan said assumed, caressing her cheek before moving up and petting his lowly minion. “Daki has done a most wonderful job with you. The effort that she put into making you into a lovely younger sister and pet can be seen down to your very soul. I am sure that you don’t even remember who you truly are anymore.”

“Nnnnnnh!” Warabihime moaned in pleasure as her master petted her. She didn’t desire to receive such a gift. She could only feel this kind of pleasure from her master and onee-sama. She would do anything to receive more.

“STOP IT!” a voice from the furthest parts of her mind yelled. “KILL HIM!”

For some odd reason this voice deep inside of her wanted to her dear master, what did he ever do to desire such hate? Something to do with him killing her family? No that couldn’t be right. Onee-sama was all the family she ever had. There was no one else but onee-sama in her heart. How could she hate her master when he has done such wonderful things for her and her onee-sama?

Taki threw away those foolish thoughts as her horny mind started to drift towards her master's pants. If she could take them off here and now, onee-sama could join them in a demonic sexy threesome.

“I-I am all yours,” Taki said falling deeper into her perverted fantasy. She was nothing more than a demonic slut, born and raised to please her master and onee-sama for the rest of her days.

-Several Hours Later-

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Harder! Fuck me harder!” Taki moaned in pleasure as her precious onee-sama was ramming her pussy with her once demon-slaying sword turned giant dildo. Her former weapon was “slaying” her and she loved it!

“That’s right you dirty bitch! Take it! Take it all!” Daki yelled, shoving it further to her sister’s pussy.

“Ahhhhhh! Onee-sama! I love you!” Taki yelled out in the heat of her pleasure. The once-great young demon slayer was no more. All that remained was a big sis con that would do anything g for he beloved onee-sama, even help her kill her former friends and family.


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