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Sasuke managed to get home after that without incident. He ran into his bedroom and immediately tried to take off his diapie. However, he was having a hard time doing so. For some reason his fingers couldn’t or in fact wouldn’t grip properly onto the tabs of the diaper.

After several minutes of trying to pull the tabs off, he finally managed to do it. When he finally cleaned himself off he looked at his naked body in his bathroom mirror. He was shocked by how much of a woman he looked like. His breasts were at least D-cup’s by now and his ass and thighs look like they belonged to a thick MILF!

Though what shocked him the most was realizing that his eyes were still baby pink and had a rattle etched into his eyes. His soul really was becoming that of a baby. How could he even call himself a man with a body like this? When he looked down he saw that his dick had shriveled up to a state where he couldn’t even grab it. His manhood looked like it would disappear any second now.

Distressed and scared Sasuke went back into his room. He sorted through all of the pony-themed diapers until he found a dark blue Princess Luna-themed diaper and put it on without hesitation, almost as if it was natural for him. He felt a wave of security wash over him as he did. His diapie made him feel safe.

Though the moment that he felt the safety that came with wearing a diaper and accepting the fact that he liked wearing them, he fell into a trance. This however was not one of Sarada’s doing but of his own.

His Baby Mangekyou Sharingan started to glow, putting Sasuke into a trance, He started acting like a baby, sucking his thumb, and babbling as drool started to come out of his mouth. He crawled around the room thinking that bit was one giant playpen. This baby-like behavior continued until Sasuke heard the door to his room open. When he looked up he was instantly woken up from his trance.

“Sakura this isn’t what it looks like I can explain,” Sasuke said to her, covering his chest. He was too embarrassed to stand up since he was in nothing but his diapie right now.

“You can explain!?” Sakura yelled at him, appalled by the state that her husband was in. You can really explain why you are wearing yet another diaper today, acting like a baby, and why you have fucking tits that are bigger than mine!”

Sakura was furious! For one she never knew that her once-proud husband could have such a pathetic side to him. She did not marry him knowing that he had an adult baby diaper fetish. Secondly, if he knew a jutsu to make her breast bigger why the fuck did he use it on himself and not her!? Did her husband secretly want to be a girl!? Though if it was just that and not the whole diaper mess she might have reacted differently to this situation.

“Sakura, this is all of Sarada’s doing!” Sasuke said to his wife. “She awakened her Mangekyou Sharingan and messed with my mind and body! Because of her, I can’t control it anymore! Please you have to believe me!”

“You want me to believe that our daughter killed the person she loved the most to obtain the Mangekyou Sharingan?” Sakura asked him. “If you really wanted to come up with a lie anything else would have been better. Hell, I would have believed you if you told me that this was Naruto pranking you.”

“Sarada is a special case!” Sasuke yelled desperate to have his wife believe him.

“No, I am done with this!” she yelled at him. “It’s over between us. I can no longer see you as my husband. I’m done,” she said walking out of the room without saying another word.

“Sak-” Sasuke tried to call out Sakura’s name, but his legs gave out and he fell down onto his fat diapered ass. “Wahhhhhhh!” Sasuke couldn’t help crying like a baby as he realized that he had just lost his wife.

“Pfft!” Sarada giggles from behind. “What does the bug baby need a baba to help calm their nerves?” Sarada asked him, treating him like the big bay that he was.

“You little bitch!” Sasuke yelled at Sarada. This was all her fault and she was going to pay! “You’re nothing more than an immature brat that needs to be taught a lesson. Meet me at the  Konoha Coliseum where the Chunin Exams are held and we will finish this!”

“You’re on!” Sarada said accepting her father's challenge. “And when I’m done with you the whole village will know what a big My Little Pony diaper loving baby you are!” she yelled leaving the room as fast as she had entered.

Later that day they met up at the coliseum which was packed with people. Sarada had made sure that the entire village would see her father's downfall in person. There was nothing that he could do to stop the humiliation that he was about to experience.

The fight began without a referee to hold them back. The moment that they collided the fight was practically over. Sarada unleashed the full extent of Mangekyou Sharingan causing Sasuke to get trapped in her genjutsu with ease.

While she thought that he would try to stop it with his own Mangekyou Sharingan it in fact made it easier for her to put Sasuke under her genjutsu. It was like it had a mind of its own. It was like it wanted to help Sarada.

Under the power of Sarada’s genjutsu, Sasuke felt as if he had shrunk down and the area around him changed to the interior of a crib. Looming over him were none other than Sarada who looked like she was 18 years old and Sakura the woman who he cherished more than anything else, but she left him.

“See mom, what did I tell you, she's just a little baby,” Sarada said, mocking Sasuke. “There never was a reason to see her as a grown man in the first place.”

“But he’s your father, Sakura said, sounding as if she regrated yelling at Sasuke earlier, but that was impossible, she was just an illusion created by Sarada to torment Sasuke, and show that even his wife saw him as nothing but a dumb baby.

“Abaduba! Beishuba! Memisha!” Sasuke tried to yell at Sakura to save her, but it was pointless. Every word that came out of her mouth was nothing but baby babble and pawing.

“Oh my, look at that, Sarada said to Sakura. “She trying to call you mommy, it’s so cute!”

“Really, because she doesn’t look too happy right now,” Sakura said.

“Nonsense, she’s just made because her mommy isn’t giving her attention,” Sarada said, convincing Sakura to pick Sasuke up in her arms.

Sasuke tried to fight her, and struggle away from her, but with the movement that she held against her chest, Sasuke felt safe. She felt more protected and safe nuzzled next to Sakura's tiny breast than she had ever before had in her entire life as an adult man.

“Mama,” Sasuke slowly whispered to herself, closing her eyes. Why was she fighting this again? Sasuke’s memories and maturity were starting to fade, and her mind was slowly becoming more like a baby’s. She even willingly accepted it when she felt her diapie become warmer upon wetting herself.

While entrapped inside Sarada‘s genjutsu the reality for our big baby was much harsher.

The scene that happened with Sarda and Sakura in the genjutsu did happen in real life as well. The crowd watched in awe, horror, and amusement as one of the greatest ninjas in the nuzzled up against Sakura like a baby.

She was only at the coliseum because her daughter insisted upon her coming and after looking into her daughter's eyes she understood how blind she had been. This was the perfect chance to have her beloved husband depend on her more than he ever had before. She could be her new daughter, one that will stay her adorable baby girl forever. Everything made so much sense now.

“Good now that mother is taken care of it’s time to move forward with the grand display,” Sarada said to herself, looking at her mother who had been completely controlled by Sarada’s Mangekyou Sharingan to become Sasuke’s new mother.

Sakura let Sasuke go and he started crawling around the ground babbling like a baby while shaking his ass for the crowd to see. The crowd started laughing thinking that this was a show, but Sarada was going to break that misconception right here and now.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you all for coming here today,” Sarada yelled out, using a sound amplification jutsu to make her voice loud enough for the entire coliseum to hear.

“I am sure that you are all wondering what this strange scene you see here before you is,” she said pointing over to her father who was busy squishing his wet diapie while Sakura watched with a motherly smile spread across her face.

“For years my father has treated me like I wasn’t good enough. Also deeming my efforts with insults! I tried and tried to win his affection, but in the end, I realized that I would never get it. Upon realizing that I killed  the part of me that loved and respected him, allowing me to gain the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan!”

“Using it I was able to trap my father in a genjutsu of his deepest desire. Normally for men, it would be either about food, money, power, or women, though I found that not to be the case. Image my horror when I realized that my father wanted nothing more than a giant diaper baby girl!”

“Though contrary to belief I wasn’t fully disgusted by this realization. In fact, one could say that I say this and the perfect opportunity to get back at my father and turn him into the baby that he saw me as.”

“I used my Mangekyou Sharingan to invade his dreams causing him to wet the bed so that my mother would have to him use MLP-themed pull-ups, because what is more childish than like cute ponies? Then while he was teaching a lecture at the school I used that chance to humiliate him some more.

“At home, I made sure to mess with him more and to my surprise, my father accepted the changes much faster than I had originally anticipated. He even messed up his pants after the first day of wearing a pull-up! My mother was very upset about that. This caused my father to resort to diapers, but he unconsciously chose the MLP-themed one indies of the pure white one, showing that he really wanted to be a baby girl!”

“To make matters more interesting he messed his diaper in front of his entire class! Yes for all of you that were in that class and to all of your parents, the great and powerful Sasuke Uchiha messed his diaper like a baby and then crawled out of the school displaying his stinky diaper butt to the whole school and the internet!”

“Though that happy accident wouldn’t have happened if it were for the interesting cursed seal on his diaper which has slowly turned him into a woman with bigger tits than my own mother! My father no longer had the right to be a ninja anymore!”

“Oh and for those that don’t believe me and think that this is all an act, take a look at this,” Sarada said, snapping her fingers, disintegrating Sasuke’s clothes with a small flame, revealing her breasts and diaper. The whole crowd was able to Sarada’s father or rather baby sister now for what she truly was.

Sarada snapped her fingers again, pulling Sasuke out of the genjutsu so that she could see her own humiliation The entire crowd was laughing and pointing at her. They mocked the great ninja as they all looked down at the once-great ninja.

“Hah, what a freak!”

“Whose high and mighty now, baby butt!”

“Like I can’t believe that I used to have a crush on him!”

“Does the baby want her mommy's milk!?”

“Whose you to change her diaper?”

“Mightiest, more like stinkiest!”

The crowd belittled Sasuke, no longer treating her with the respect that they once had for him. Sasuke wanted to protest against them, but Sara decided that this was the perfect time to end the show with one grand finale!

Using her own hand-crafted forbidden jutsu Sarada began to steal her former father's intelligence, making sure that she would be nothing more than a babbling infant, that loved MLP and messing her diapie.

Then as the jutsu stole the last of his intelligence, she order her new baby sister to empty out her brain of all of her big boy thoughts and memories right into her diaper. She was now officially Sasuke The Adult Baby Girl of Konoha!

-The Next Day-

A day had passed since Sasuke became The Adult Baby Girl of Konoha and the village was actually surprisingly okay with the change. In fact, several new stores relating to adult baby care had opened overnight. It was as almost if someone with high enough power had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Sarada was happy with how everything ended. She got the respect from the village that she deserved and she got herself a new adorable baby sister. Sasuke was much more obedient after the forbidden jutsu was cast on her. She no longer fought Sarada, but instead, cried for attention and to be played with.

Sasuke was being strolled around the village showcasing her adorable pink princess dress which displayed her Princess Twilight Sparkle diaper which was already filled even though she was just changed an hour before. This baby loved making messes in her diaper and wanted everyone to know.

Sasuke was babbling to herself and clapping her hands happily as they reached the Konoha Nursery. Though the moment that she saw her adorable reflection she started crying. There was still one piece left of the original Sasuke left inside this baby and she was desperately trying to escape, but Sarada would never let that happen.

“Aww is my little princess crying,” Sakura said walking out of the nursery wearing her new uniform. Thanks to Sarada's influence, Sakura decided to work at the nursery where she could always keep an eye on her new daughter.

“She checked Sasuke’s diaper and gave her a warm smile. “It’s alright that’s what little babies are supposed to do, making Sasuke realize that even if she managed to regain control of her body, would she even want to go back to the way that things were before. “Now let’s get you inside, there is a certain blond-haired friend that would love to play with you.”


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