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“Welcome back students I hope that you all had a wonderful summer,” Miss Fontaine, said greeting the Obelisk Blue girls that were departing the boat. Summer had just ended and the first day of classes would begin tomorrow giving everyone a free day to do whatever they wanted to do.

For the Rhodes sisters that meant catching up with their friends, with a little party at the Slifer dorm. Thanks to Chazz a whole area had been renovated last year, making it the perfect place for them to all meet.

Everyone they knew was there. Chazz, Syrus, Hassleberry, Jasmine, and Mindy. Alister was too busy with his pro work to come and no one had actually heard from Bastion since that whole mess with Sartorius. It’s like he just vanished off the face of the planet. Chummly sent his regards, congratulating them for another year at the academy with several dozen boxes of chocolate.

“Here’s to another year together,” Alexis said holding up her glass filled with soda.

“Come on girl, there’s no need to be so formal with us,” Jasmine said dragging Alexis off her self-made stage.

“Ugh she’s always so uptight after spending time with her mother,” Mindy said to her. “Let’s just hope that Alice is still the same.”

“What are you guys talking about,” Alice said interrupting them, and pulling out her deck. “It was certainly weird but not as bad as you think, now who wants to have the first duel against me of the year?”

“If the sarge wants to duel let me have first dibs,” Hassleberry said, pulling out his deck. “I’ve been training all summer to beat the best duelist at the academy!”

“Best duelist? If you want to duel the best duelist than that would be me!” Chazz said to them. “And if anyone has the right to duel here it’s me. None of you scrubs would stand a chance against her!”

“And you would?” Alexis asked. “If I remember correctly the only reason that you became the GX Champion was because Alice was too busy saving the world from that psycho Sartorius.”

“What!? No way she’s just using that as an excuse!” Chazz yelled getting flustered that his crush wasn’t taking his side.

“There, there, Chazz,” Mindy said, trying to comfort him as he went to sulk. “She’s just sticking up for her sister, you might still have a chance.”

“I’m Alice’s best friend so that means that I get first dibs on dueling her,” Syrus said, trying to show off his new Obelisk Blue jacket, but to be honest no one cared that much, since you know, it was Syrus.

“You were her best friend back when she was still Jaden,” Jasmine said, standing in front of him. “We’re her best friends now,” she said referring to herself, Mindy and Alexis. “Besides whom are you trying to kid, that blue uniform will be oof of you in a week. You barley cut it as a Ra.”

“Guys there’s no need to fight,” Alice said, trying to cut the tension. She just wanted to have a fun duel party with her friends, she never expected that it would be everyone for themselves to see who gets to challenge her. “How about we draw straws?”

“Or how about you just duel me!” a girl said appearing at the entrance of the room.

“Wait it can’t be! Not you!” Chazz yelled out. “I thought I locked the door! How did you get in here!?”

“With none other than the power of love!” the girl exclaimed back to everyone.

“Chazz do you know this girl?” Alice asked, wondering why this girl looked somewhat familiar.

“Oh that’s right, you missed the end of the GX tournament,” Alexis said to her. “This girl is the same girl that you beat during your first year, Blair Flannigan.”



I was going to title this Yugioh Gx Alice's Third Term Act 1 Part 1, but I feel like this title works out better.

Matthew Miller

Alright, Blair vs Alice! Who will win I wonder…?