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“Sarada let’s go,” Sasuke said, after Sakura made sure that his pull-up was proper on him.

“Yes dad,” Sarada said, before meeting him at the front door before being seen off by Sakura.

“Have a good day you two,” Sakura waved off her husband and daughter. She hoped that this was a onetime thing. She didn’t know if she could handle her husband turning into a giant baby.

“So, I heard that you had an accident last night,” she said mocking her father with a sly grin spread across her face.

“How did you- you knew, it wasn’t a dream was it?” Sasuke said, realizing that it was her all along. He tried to deny it, but the answer was always painful to see. His daughter saw him as nothing more than a baby girl!

“I don’t know, was it really a dream,” Sarada said to him. “It may have been a dream, or it could have just been a vision for the future. The real question is what do you want it to be?”

“Sarada you clearly don’t understand how the Mangekyou Sharingan works,’ Sasuke said, trying to both warn and scold his daughter. “It is a dangerous power that can corrupt its users if they aren’t properly trained. I myself lost my sight because I abused the power. I learned that lesson the hard way. I don’t want to have to give up my eyes so that you will be an able to see again.”

“Dad, I never abused the power,” Sarada said confidently. I only used it to enhance my genjutsu and nothing more. I am not foolish enough to use a power which I know that I am not ready for. Only a child, no, a baby would do something do foolish,” she said mocking him.

“Sarada! This isn’t some sort of joke!” Sasuke yelled, grabbing his daughters' arm. “You need to promise to not use the Mangekyou Sharingan until I say that you are ready. Are we clear?”

“Fine, but that doesn’t hide the fact that I beat you yesterday,” Sarada said back to him confidently. “Your genjutsu was overpowered by my own.”

“You can say whatever you like right now, but when we get into the classroom, I demand respect!” Sasuke said, almost shouting at her. “And you better not even dare to tell anyone what happened yesterday or this morning. Do I make myself clear?”

“Of course, I promise,” Sarada said to him, though she made sure to have her fingers crossed behind her back.

Once at the academy Sasuke began his lesson on the true meaning of being a ninja and the sacrifices that one has to make for their village. He went on to explain his own personal story to the class, which several students including Boruto found entertaining.

Though as he began to explain his reasoning the students began to question his reasoning and motives, along with the Leaf’s as well. Sasuke tried to explain the best that he could, but one answer just led to several more questions.

Not wanting to answer any more questions Sasuke decided to change the topic to something more practical, and that was what to do when faced with an unavoidable battle, that you know you can’t win.

“Pfft, you say that, but you are one of the strongest ninja in the village, what would you know about that?” Sarada asked, interrupting his lesson on purpose. “Or are you saying that you actually lose quite frequently?”

The other students stared in awe, watching Sarada talk back and mock her father. Even Boruto could do nothing but watch, waiting to hear his master’s reply.

“Of course, I have lost battle before,” Sasuke said back to the class. “But it doesn’t matter that I lost, it matters that I lived to see another day.”

“So you’re a coward,” Sarada said, obviously avoiding the deeper meaning that Sasuke was trying to express to the class. She was confident that she didn’t have to fear him anymore after already beating him once when she wasn’t even trying.

“Sarada you are missing the point,” Sasuke said sternly back to her. “The point is that not all fights can be won alone, there will always be someone that you can’t defeat, surviving gives you another opportunity to become stronger. This is what we do as ninja. Now all of you listen up, there is much more that we have to discuss.”

Sasuke continued the class, but Sarada was only just getting started. She was going to humiliate her father just as he had humiliated her all her life. While Sasuke talked Sarada began making notes, handing them around the class to everyone except Boruto and began whispering to the students that were closer to her. She told each and everyone the dark secret that her father was hiding beneath his cloak.

Almost the entire class began giggling upon hearing that the great and powerful Sasuke Uchiha was wearing pull-ups. What was the Hokage already in diapers? Does the stronger the person mean the bigger baby they were?

“Sarada I can see that my lesson’s are boring you,” Sasuke said, realizing what his daughter had done and he was not pleased in the slightest. “If you wish to be disobedient perhaps the path of the ninja isn’t for you,” he said as he started to reprimand her. “Two weeks detention for disturbing my class, and one week of community service.” While the punishment was a tad bit extra, Sasuke needed to make an example out of his own daughter that he would not be looked down on.

“No you can’t make me!” Sarada yelled at her father furious with his decision.

“Sarada I am your father as well as your teacher for the time being,” Sasuke said to her. “You will do as I say and that is final!”

“I refuse!” Sarada yelled back at him. “I challenge you to a fight! If you win I’ll do as you have told me to, but if I win you’ll have to show everyone here what’s underneath that cloak of yours!”

“Fine if this is what it takes to remove that cocky attitude of yours than so be it,” Sasuke said,” This shall be a valuable lesson for you.”

“Yeah right,” Sarada said confidently, jumping down to the front of the classroom to where her father was.

“There shall be no use of any chakra related techniques,” Sasuke said to her, getting ready to fight. “If you do that there will be no point to this fight. Now begin!” he yelled as the two of them rushed at each other.

However, Sarada wasn’t planning on fighting fair. She was going to use any means necessary to win. She locked eyes with her father and activated her Mangekyou Sharingan, but she didn’t put her father into a genjutsu this time, though she made her father perceive that she had.

Instead she used her Mangekyou Sharingan to increase that rate of his regression speed further. She noticed that every time she activated her Mangekyou Sharingan in response to her father his regression would be worse.

From a simple wetting of one’s self to the need of pull-ups. Next he would need a diaper. She realized that the genjutsu dream her and her father shared was always a vision of the future. Her father’s fate was to become nothing more than a baby girl, that loved to mess her diapers and dress up in cute clothes.

Sasuke saw past her plan, to fake using her Mangekyou Sharingan, but it still angered him that she used it right after he told her not to. She wasn’t a ninja; she was a giant baby. Though while he thought this he was unaware of the fact that he was using his pull-up unconsciously, like it was natural for him to do.

Sarada went into hit him with the same punch that she used yesterday on him, but Sasuke was prepared this time, catching he punch with ease. Then without warning he pulled her up into the air and put her over his knee.


He then began to ruthlessly spank Sarada in front of the entire class, until she was balling her eyes out. Once he let her go she turned around and slapped him in the face.

“I hate you!” Sarada yelled, before running out of the classroom. She refused to accept this as a lose and would get her revenge latter that night.

“I am sorry class, but it would seem that we have to end here for the day,” Sasuke said to the class, now aware of the fact that he wet himself. He had to get changed before anyone else noticed what he did. Also he would have to make sure to properly punish Sarada when he gets home. That girl needed to be taught a lesson.

Sasuke left the classroom, and Boruto was quick to follow after his master.

“Master, what was that all about?” Boruto asked. “Why did you humiliate Sarada like that, and was it true about the rumor that she was spreading about you in the class today?”

“You mean the one about my wearing a pull-up?” Sasuke asked to make sure that his thought process was in line with Boruto’s.

“Yes,” Boruto said back to him.

“The rumor is true, but it is not by choice,” Sasuke said, trying to not disturb his pupil too much. It’s for a medical issue that my wife said would go away in a few days. As for why I treated Sarada like a baby, it’s because she acted like one.”

“I needed to make sure that she was punished in a manner befitting to how she was acting. Now, if I may, I need to go home and deal with some pressing issues,” he said leaving Boruto with more questions than he had answers.

Once Sasuke arrived home he immediately went to his room to change into a fresh pull-up. In his bedroom he stared at the mirror as his reflection showed that he was crawling on the ground in nothing but a giant pink diaper that looked quite filled. He was sucking his thumb and acting like a big baby.

As he shook his head his reflection returned to normal, but to his horror he found that he once again wet himself unconsciously. He could feel the warm liquid slide down his legs as it began too much for the pull-up to hold.

He took a shower and disposed of the pull-up so that Sakura couldn’t find it before putting a new MLP themed pull-up on, this time showing the yellow and pink pony Fluttershy wearing a diaper. This print would reacted when it became wet showing new images of the pony with a messy diaper as well.

Sasuke embarrassingly walked over to his bed with nothing but the pull-up on and collapsed on his bed. After today he needed some rest. He would deal with Sarada later. She would eventually forgive him and this whole Mangekyou Sharingan mess will be resolved without any further issue. Or at least that is what he thought as he closed his eyes.

When Sasuke opened his eyes again he felt an odd warm and mushy sensation squished against his ass. When he looked down, to his horror he was once again back inside Sarada’s genjutsu dream.

She was still a baby girl and this time her mommy had out her into an adorable pink onesie with ponies printed across into. The air around her smelled weird, so she took a big whiff of air only to discover that she had messed her diapie.

This time her mind was slowly becoming closer to the form that her body currently was in. Calling Sakura her mommy, and even referring to her diaper as a diapie.

“Wahhhhhhhhhhhh!” Sasuke could do nothing but cry as the hormones of her knew body took over. Why was she a baby? Why was she a girl? Why did her messy diapie feel natural? The fear took over her mind and she could only respond as a baby could.

“Aww,” is the baby upset that she made boom, boom?” Sarada asked as she walked over to Sasuke’s crib.

“Swarwda! Agbo dubgu!” Sasuke wanted to yelled at her daughter to realize her from this genjutsu, but all she could manage to do was barely say her name and the rest was baby gibberish.

“That’s right, my name is Sarada,” she said back to Sasuke, mocking the fact that she could no longer talk properly. In truth she designed the genjutsu this time to start affecting her father’s mental state as well as ability to talk. Besides baby gibberish, she was now only able to say mama, and Sarada, with her baby lisp.

After the way he treated her today, he needed to be punished, She was going to use this chance to show what a big baby diaper girl her father actually was. In fact, by the end of it she might actually like being nothing more than a stinky baby.

“Oh my, it really does stink in here,” she said, making it sound as if she was wondering where the smell was coming from, but her and Sasuke both knew where it was.

All of a sudden Sasuke’s body began to move without her permission, crawling around until her diaper was directly in Sarada’s line of view. Then to Sasuke’s horror, she started shaking her diapered butt up and down to get Sarada’s attention.

Once she saw that Sarada was now watching her, she smooshed her diaper on the ground squishing the contents of the diapie around. Then to her horror once more, she was scared that it actually felt good.

“Wahhhhh!” Sasuke began to cry out for help again, and this time she was rewarded for her baby cries with Sarada gently picking her up.

“There, there,” Sarada said, picking  Sasuke up gently before carrying her over to the changing table. Sasuke didn’t try to fight her, since she knew that if she did she would be punish.

“Swarwda. Uuba goba.” Sasuke wanted to tell her to make it quick but it was pointless for her to even try. Sarada just smiled back at her, laying her down before removing her stinky diapie.

“Dang! This reeks,” Sarada said, throwing the diaper into the trash. “What did the little baby eat?” she asked mocking her father. “Well I guess it don’t matter, since we now have to change to bigger diapers for you. It would seem that these ones weren’t nearly as big as we needed them to be. Her I have one made just especially for you,” she said pulling out a comedically large diaper that looked like it could swallow Sasuke whole.

Once she put Sasuke in her lovely diaper and put her into a MLP dress she sat her father down in front of the tv which was showing the entirety of the MLP series in order from episode one!

Sasuke tried to look away, but it was no use. Her new diapie made it impossible for her to move as her legs couldn’t even touch the ground, and the tv show had a hypnotic effect on Sasuke, compelling her to watch it.

“MY Little Pony, My Little Pony, ahahah!”

Sasuke couldn’t even help herself from singing along with the intro of the show. She knew that she was really an old man inside, but she felt natural singing a song for a show that was made for little girls.

What was wrong with her? Why didn’t she just use her Mangekyou Sharingan to escape form the genjutsu like last time? Did she actually like be treated like a helpless baby girl? No it couldn’t be! Big sister Sarada was just messing with her mind. There was no way that she could every enjoy being treated like a baby.

Sasuke got so immersed that she lost track of time. This was just an illusion so time passed differently and by the time she knew it, she had already completed the series and to her horror she not only liked it, but got immersed with it that she failed to notice that she messed her diapie once again!

Sasuke didn’t cry out for help this time because she knew that was what big sister Sarada wanted. She would rather have mommy change her diapie instead.


All of a sudden the doorbell rang and Sarada went to answer the door,. She already knew who it was, but she wanted to make sure that she kept it hidden from Sasuke until now.

“Pfft! Is that really master?” the illusion Boruto asked, staring down at Sasuke to her horror!

“Naooooooooo!!!!!” Sasuke yelled out in frustration, trying to run away from her student, but her diapie made it impossible for her to do. “Swarwda, bkwe hwum luevw!” sasuke tried her heard to tell Sarada to make Boruto leave, but Sarada just stared back at her with a sadistic smile across her face.

This is what her father deserved after humiliating her in class today. He should have shown her the respect that she deserved! Soon the hypnosis from the genjutsu will start to effect his real body and then this dream will become reality!

“Awww, the little baby must be cranky, I think that it’s time for her nap,” she said picking Sasuke up in her arms. “Or I think it’s better to say that it’s time for baby to wake up and see what kind of present she left for her mommy,” she said blowing into Sasuke’s eyes, causing him to wake up from the dream genjutsu.

When he woke up this time, he could instantly smell a putrid stench filling the air. When he pulled off his bed sheet, he was horrified to she that he not only wet himself while he spelt but made a mess in his pull-up! It was so bad that a good portion of his bed was covered with his mess!

To make matters worse, Sakura was right there next to him, wide awake. A look of disgust filled her eyes before she jumped out of bed.

“Sasuke what the hell!?” Sakura yelled, looking down at the mess he made. This was obviously different from kidney stone problems. Her husband had issues that she couldn’t even begin to understand.

“Sakura I-”

“No stop right there, I don’t want to hear it!” Sakura yelled at him before he could say anything in his defense. “I was fine with helping out when I thought that this was a medical issue, but it clearly is not. I don’t know what’s going on I and I don’t want to know. Either you fix these potty issues that you’re having, or I’ll leave you,” she said storming into the bathroom.

“No, no, no!” Sakura yelled in desperation. He couldn’t afford to lose the best thing that had ever happened to him. He had to save his marriage. To do that he needed to start from step one; diapers, from there he would learn to use the botty like a big girl again! …Wait Big Girl?


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