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“Tomioka I am most displeased with your betrayal to the Corps,” Kagaya, said to him, who was surrounded by the other Hashira.

Each one of them had laughed at him the moment that they saw him wearing nothing but a dirty diaper. Even in this hearing that was all Tomioka was allowed to wear.

While the other Hashira had to hold themselves back from laughing at him during the hearing, there were two of them that had other thoughts. Shinobu couldn’t help but sadistically grin at Tomioka’s current appearance, knowing that she still had much more fun things planned for him.

And Mitsuri felt a bit turned on by seeing the once cool and calm Water Pillar in such a pathetic and lovable state. She wanted to hold him and baby him, but she did have an appearance to maintain.

“Do you have anything to say before the final verdict is made?” Kagaya asked, hoping that one of his most loyal servants could explain why he chose to save a demon.

“I did what I thought was right,” Tomioka said. “I have seen how she reacts around humans and blood. She is not like any other demon I have seen before. You may cast your judgment on me, and I will accept my punishment. But I implore you to think carefully on what should be done with Tanjrou and his sister.”

“Your request has been noted,” Kagaya said, respecting the fact that Tomioka accepted his punishment before even being told what it was. It was a shame though that he would lose such a skilled member of the Hashira because of it.

“For your crimes for betraying the Corps I have decided a punishment fitting your current attire. After hearing Shinobu’s request I do believe that this method is a most suitable punishment.”

“From today henceforth you shall be stripped of your title as a member of the Hashira and you will be under house arrest at the Butterfly Mansion, where Shinobu can keep an eye on you and raise you to be a respecting member of the Hashira once more. You should be grateful to Shinobu, she was the one that helped you avoid the death sentence.”

“Thank you for your mercy,” Tomioka said, bowing to Kagaya which in turn made him stick his diaper butt out for everyone to see. Several of the Hashira let out small laughs, while Mitsuri had to force herself back from smacking his diaper.

“Shinobu you may take him away now,” Kagaya said, ending Tomioka’s hearing.

“Come along,” Shinobu said, placing a collar around Tomioka’s neck before dragging him away.

From there Shinobu dragged him to the Butterfly Mansion where Aoi, and Kanao were waiting.

“Welcome back mistress,” Aoi said as both she and Kanao bowed.

“Prepare the daycare,” Shinobu said to Aoi.

“As you wish mistress,” Aoi said making her way back inside.

“Kanao comes with me, we must prepare him for a checkup and then a change,” Shinobu said covering her nose. He wet himself again on the way over here. As you can see his diaper is about to burst. We’ll need to prepare bigger diapers for him from now on.”

“As you wish,” Kanao said, following Shinobu back to the clinic. Tomioka was gaged with a pacifier so that even if he wanted to object he couldn’t. Shinobu didn’t want him complaining about his wet diaper on their way to the mansion. Besides, it was an added punishment from her to show that he was no longer the big strong man he used to be.

Shinobu lifted Tomioka up with ease and placed him on the examination table before taking out his pacifier.

“That… that was unnecessary,” he said to her. “I do not… require diapers,” he said as his face started turning red from how many times he has wet and messed himself in this diaper.

“Now, now, I make the rules here,” Shinobu said, putting her finger over his mouth. “Kagaya said that you will be raised by me, and I will not tolerate disobedient babies.”

“I am sure that he didn’t mean this,” Tomioka said to her.

“Oh yes he did,” Shinobu said back to him with a sadistic smile across her face. “Now sit still while I take a blood sample from you, and then prescribe you a few shots. Don’t worry this is standard procedure for those that spend their time healing here. You’ve never been here before so; we don’t have your blood on record. Heaven forbid you to get injured and we don’t know what type of blood you are.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Tomioka said, holding out her arm, but put it don’t when he saw the syringe that was meant to take his blood. Most syringes only had one needle, this one had five!

“What the heck is that thing?” Tomioka asked.

“Oh it's okay,” Shinobu said, talking to him like he was a baby. “Everyone gets a bit scared at first, but I promise that it will only hurt for a split second. As a former member of the Hashira I’m sure that this is nothing to you,” she said trying to convince him that it was nothing more than a normal needle.

“Fine, I’m ready,” Tomioka said, once again holding out his arm. Then before he could reconsider, she stuck the needles into his arm and extracted a blood sample. When she was done, Tomioka noticed that he felt oddly weaker for some reason. He had never given blood like this before so he just assumed that it was a natural reaction. After that Shinobu brought out a syringe filled with a dark pink liquid in it.

“This is a flu shot,” Shinobu said as she injected it into Shinobu’s arm. “My record shows that for the past eight years you have refused to get your biannual shots. Starting today you will be given this shot to improve your immune system. In addition, once every three days you will give blood, so that we may check on your condition. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, I will do as you say,” Tomioka said to her. He believed that the more that he complied with her demands the faster he would be at reclaiming his place among the Hashira. So as long as the request wasn’t too unreasonable he was certain that he could do this.

“Good now lay back,” Shinobu said to him. “That diaper is filthy and needs to be changed. Until you can prove that you do not require a diaper you shall remain in diapers, do I make myself clear,” she said, pushing her right hand down on Tomioka’s diaper, mushing around the contents, much to Tomioka’s displeasure.

“I… I understand,” he said reluctantly, his face turning bright red from embarrassment.

“Good now sit still,” she said, beginning to change his diaper. After around five minutes he was finally clean. “Kanao, if you would,” she said stepping aside, allowing Kanao to come forth with a giant white diaper with a pink heart in the middle, which was about twice as large as the diaper he was wearing before.

“Wait, can’t it be a normal diaper? That one is a bit… too cute.” Tomioka said, but his request was denied. Once he was rediapered, Kanao left the room.

“What a good little baby you are,” Shinobu said, mocking him. “As a reward here’s a cookie,” she said pulling out a chocolate chip cookie for him.

“I would rather have some clothes,” Tomioka said, jumping down from the table. But when he did he felt dizzy and ended up falling flat on his diaper. The room was filled with the sound of crinkling as he tried to stand up, but it was no use.

“Oh sweety, you should be careful,” Shinobu said, picking him up into her arms. “It’s common knowledge that you need to eat after giving blood, or you won’t be able to function properly.”

“Okay.. put me down,” Tomioka said, trying to make her put him down, but it was no use.

“No can do, this little baby needs his rest,” Shinobu said, carrying him into the nursery next to the daycare. This place was usually used for orphans, but per Shinobu’s request, they have both been modified for Tomioka. A baby like him needed a proper place to sleep and play.

“Now it's bedtime,” Shinobu said, placing him down in a specially designed crib that was made just for him.

“But I do want to,” Tomioka said, trying to resist the wave of drowsiness that he felt the moment that he was placed in the bed.

“Hush, now my sweet baby, I’m here, you’re safe now,” she said putting him to sleep.

It didn’t take long for Tomioka to fall asleep. Today had been a stressful day for the big baby. He could finally relax now. There was no more need for him to be a big boy any longer.

“Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho, please come here,” Shinobu said, seconds later the three girls arrived. “As you already know the former Hashira Tomioka will be staying with us. This is not a temporary arrangement.”

“He shall be with us for quite some time. It is your job to make sure that he eats his food, uses his diaper, and is properly trained. I recommend the bunny rabbit course. We must make sure that he understands that he is no longer a Hashira and will never be one ever again. If he tries to rebel it is your job to punish him according to his current state. Though you may reward him when he acts appropriately.”

“Yes ma’am,” the three of them said while looking inside the crib to see the new baby.

“Now if I may leave the rest to you I must attend to some other matters,” Shinobu said, making her way to her room. When she was sure that no one was around she pulled out the syringe that she sued to take Tomioka’s blood.

Though truth be told this wasn’t his blood, It was a good chunk of his testosterone. Mixing it with a certain chemical she created would help her turn into the mommy that she knew she was. Shinobu didn’t hesitate to inject the needle into her body. She would make sure to take her time removing every bit of manliness from Tomioka that she could, turning him into the helpless baby that they both knew that he was.

The next day Tomioka awoke to an awful smell. It didn’t take him long to realize that the smell was coming from him, specifically his diaper. He messed himself while he slept last night. Embarrassed Tomioka tried to take the diaper off himself, but to his horror, his hands were locked inside baby mittens!

“What the heck is this!” He yelled trying to take the mittens off, but it was no use.

“Girls the baby is awake,” Sumi, said as Kiyo and Naho walked over to the crib to see the distressed baby.

“You three get me out of this crib and take these things off me so I can take off this diaper,” Tomioka said to them.

“It would seem that the baby is a bit grouchy,” Naho said. “I guess he must be hungry.”

“Don’t worry, the baby’s food it already prepared,” Kiyo said. This baby food was made especially for Tomioka. The food and his milk were both laced with a heavy amount of estrogen to replace the testosterone that he lost in addition to high-grade laxatives. There was no way that he would escape his baby fate. To make it more effective they were also laced with a special poison that Shinobu made just for “him”.

“Didn’t you three hear me? Let me out!” Tomioka yelled at them, startling the three girls.

“What a naughty baby, Sumi said. “It’s a good thing that we put in an iv into your arm last night while you slept, filled with a high-grade muscle relaxant. Thanks to it, the baby shouldn’t be able to stand and won’t be a danger to himself or us,” she said talking as if he wasn’t even there.

Tomioka tried to stand up, but it would seem that they were telling the truth. He must have messed himself because of the relaxant.

The three girls then opened up the crib and sat Tomioka on the ground. He felt embarrassed knowing how good it felt to be in such a messy diaper.

“Now opened wide,” Kiyo said, holding out a spoon for Tomioka to eat out of.

“I’m not-” before Tomioka could finish his sentence Kiyo shoved the spoon into his mouth, forcing him to eat it. “Ack, ack! Oh god, that’s terrible!” Tomioka said choking on the food.

“Here you go drink this,” Naho said, putting the bottle of milk in his mouth. He drank the milk, but as he did, he felt the urge to pee, but before he could even tell them, he was already going.


“Oh my, the baby is actually wetting himself,” Sumi said, surprised to e that he was already acting like a baby even when the laxatives had yet to take effect.

“What a naughty one you are,” Kiyo said, mocking him.

“I… I didn’t mean to,” Tomioka said, embarrassed that he just wet himself in front of three girls that were far younger than him.

Due to his embarrassment, Tomioka didn’t resist the feeding any longer and eat the rest of his baby food without any resistance. Once he was done eating he asked them to change him, but their response was less to his liking.

“Sorry, but your diaper still isn’t full yet,” Naho said. Mistress Shinobu said that you are only to be changed after you completely fill that diaper, and just so you know that diaper can be worn for two days straight with being changed, so good luck.”

“You can’t do this to me!” Tomioka yelled at them, but they just brushed it off as a tantrum.

“Okay, now it’s time to play,” the three of them said, forcing him to crawl towards the daycare, which they spent yesterday preparing for him to use.

When Tomioka first entered the room his heart throbbed in excitement, but he knew that he had to remain strong. He didn’t understand why they were doing this to him, but he wouldn’t fall for the allure of baby play.

“Okay it’s time for the baby to choose what he gets to play with today,” the three of them said, leading him towards a bunch of toys. “The baby may pick whatever toy he wants, but if he picks the wrong one then he’ll be punished for it.”

Tomioka didn’t understand the reasoning behind this, but the moment he saw a toy sword he understood. They were testing his mentality. If he fell into this baby play then he would never go back to being a Hashira. He picked up the sword knowing that it was the right choice.


All of a sudden he was smacked right in his diaper with a wood rod. The impact caused the mess inside of his diaper to mush around, causing him to moan in pleasure. And unfortunately for him, the girls noticed.

“So it would seem that the baby gets off on being naughty,” Sumi said.

“It would seem that we will need to beat this naughtiness out of him,” Kiyo said, sadistically smiling down at the baby.

Tomioka tried to pick the toys that would prove that he wasn’t a baby, but every time he picked the wrong choice and he received a strong smack in his diaper. Though even with all the padding provided his ass was still becoming red.

It wasn’t until the last toy, which was a little bunny rabbit doll, did he make the right choice.

“That’s a good sissy,” Naho said, calling Tomioka what he truly was. “Now be a good little rabbit and go play.”

Tomioka did as he was told and played with the doll, finding it surprisingly fun. From there the rest of the day was spent “training” him to become a baby. This training included him being treated like a baby, learning how a baby acts, embracing his babyhood, by being forced into a stroller and pushed around the mansion so the patients could see him. The day finally ended with Tomioka receiving the same pink shot that he received yesterday, before being put to sleep.

Several days later Tomioka woke up crying. He had a nightmare where he was nothing more than a giant drooling baby messing his diaper in front of all the Hashira.

“Shh, it’s alright,” Kanao, said who was acting as a lap pillow for Tomioka.

“I wasn’t crying,” Tomioka said, wiping his tears away.

“It’s alright, big sister is here,” she said wiping away his tears.

“Big sister?” Tomioka asked confused.

“Yes,” Kanao said back to him. “I always wanted a younger sibling and someone as tiny as you defiantly need one.”

“What do you mean- what happened to my body!” Tomioka looked down and saw that his body had shrunk down to half its normal size!

“Shh, it’s just a result of the medication that we have been lacing in your food along with the increase estrogen doses and loss of testosterone,” Kanao said, telling him the truth. There was nothing that this sissy baby could do now in their current state so there was no harm in telling him the truth.

“Just look at that little thing of yours,” she said pointing to his opened diaper, revealing that his manhood was smaller than his pinky now. “In a few days, you won’t even be able to call yourself a man anymore. Look you even have a cute pair of breasts forming.”

“No! I don’t want dis!” he yelled as a lisp started to form.

“Oh good, we were wondering why it was taking so long for you to develop that adorable lisp of yours,” she said clapping her hands together.

“Chwange me back!” Tomioka yelled at her, but by now she was already, changing Tomioka into a new diaper while lifting him up and putting a pink children’s bra on him.

“No! No! No!” Tomioka screamed. Over these past several days Tomioka’s mental state was becoming more like a baby’s every day. His three nurses made sure that he was given the most rigorous training.

In order to quiet the noisy baby, Kanao stuck a pacifier in his mouth. Seconds later Tomioka stopped making a fuss. It took the girls days to make him reliant on his pacifier but it was worth it. Even though he wanted to yell and scream at her, his mind was now filled with the peace that was brought to him with each suck.

“That’s a good little sissy, now let’s get going,” she said before picking him up in her arms. “Today is dress-up day.”

Kanao then carried Tomioka to the daycare where, Aoi, Sumi, Kiyo, Naho, and Shinobu were waiting for them. While Tomioka had shrunk these past several days the exact opposite could be said for Shinobu. Her breasts had enlarged to a state that shouldn’t even be possible. Tomioka found them so enticing that he found himself reaching out to them much to Shinobu’s delight.

“Now, now, my sweet baby. That can wait until after you fully turn. Though for today, it’s time for all of us to have some fun,” she said snapping her fingers together, and a second later a rank of cute frilly little girl clothes were brought out for them.

“Now, I do believe that it is time that we have some fun.”

For the rest of the day, Tomioka was forced to wear outfit after outfit. He tried to escape at first it but soon found that he liked the attention. He wanted to be cute, he wanted to be seen, he wanted his mommy Shinobu to see how cute he was.

There was no going back for Tomioka at this point. The man that was once one of the strongest pillars was now nothing more than a sissy baby that wanted attention from his new family. Who cared about killing demons, all that mattered was messing his diapie.

Several more days passed after that and Tomioka had officially turned into a little girl. All she could do was droll and look at her mother’s breasts as her mommy Shinobu held her in her arms.

“It looks like my poison has finally left your system. Now you’re just my little baby girl. And the maturity that I extracted from you has really helped my figure~” she said to Tomioka.

To help humiliate her new daughter even more she gave her a pink form sword, but she didn’t even know what to do with it.

However, there was still one final piece of the old Tomioka left inside of her daughter and she was just about to snuff it out.

“Such a foolish baby,” Shinobu said to her daughter. “Did you really think that I wouldn’t notice that you were stealing diapers from me? Who do you think prepared those cute pairs of diapers the night of the spider extermination? That’s right I knew about your kink from the very beginning and I have been waiting for this day for a long time.”

“No it iswabt trwue,” Tomioka said trying to fight her conditioning.

“Oh, but it is,” Shinobu said mocking her daughter. “Now be a good girl and mess what little remains of that big boy self into that diaper of yours.”

“No I don-”


Tomioka messed herself, removing any trance that she had left as the water Hashira. As she began to cry for her sisters and mommy, Shinobu just bounced her in her arms.

“That’s a good girl, just let it all out, mommy is here for you.”

(I have been given permission to use this picture at the request of the commissioner who has commissioned this picture. The picture was created by ShyDad.)



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