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Around two months have passed since I have been reincarnated as a goblin girl. I couldn’t be accurate about the amount of time that had passed, because I slept a lot. Just moving my hands took a lot of energy out of me so I needed to make sure that I got a lot of rest or at least that’s what my body was forcing me to do.          

After realizing that I was reincarnated not only as a girl but a goblin girl my response was not gentle. I screamed at the top of my lungs practically cursing the goddess for not telling me that I would be a goblin or a girl.

Luckily for them my mother was able to calm me down so that I would stop crying. I don’t know if it was something instincts I had as a baby, or if it was that she was overall just a kind woman, but I couldn’t help but feel safe in her arms.

During these two months I tried to learn everything that I could about my new family, but since I couldn’t talk, I had no other choice but to listen as much as possible. At first, I didn’t think that I would get much information, but my mother talks to me a lot.

So, it turns out that I’m like one fourth human. It would seem that my grandmother, was actually a full-blooded human woman. My grandfather who had intentionally intended to kill her, actually saved her life and she fell madly in love with him.

It’s a really sweet story, but the rest of the village thought otherwise. It would seem that no other goblin besides my grandfather had ever married a human before. They have forcibly used woman to mate with, but he was the first one to marry a human.

My grandparents were only allowed to stay in the village because my grandmother was priestess in training so she could perform small healing spells. My grandmother saved many lives, but even still her and my grandfather were treated unfairly.

She eventually gave birth to my uncle and then my mother. My uncle holds the appearance of a common goblin, not very pretty to look at, while my mother looks almost completely human. The only differences are that she had light green skin, green hair, and small pointy ears.

I managed to luck out in the genes department and look just like my mother. I actually look like a human baby girl. Well, that is besides the green skin, green hair and pointy ears. It would seem that the goddess might have help me out in the looks department. I don’t know how I would have reacted if I turned out looking like my uncle.

My grandfather died many years ago when an adventurer attacked our village. He managed to kill the adventurer with the help of several other goblins, but unfortunately, they all died.

My grandmother had died a few years later after working herself to death. No one besides my mother or uncle mourned her death. They thought of her as nothing more than a tool that they could throw away at any point in time.

After my grandmother died there was no one left to protect my mother and uncle. That was until he came into my mother’s life. My father was known as the chief of the goblin village.

He wanted my mother solely for the fact that she was the daughter of a human. He had hoped that if she gave birth to a son than he would inherit a human’s physical strength, which is much greater than any goblin.

I’m not too sure about the laws here in this village, but it would seem that the chief can only acknowledge their child if they are male. If they are female they are usually abandoned with their mother or worse, killed.

Because my mother gave birth to me, my families situation has become much worse than it was before I was born. Just as my mother had feared the village did shun us. My uncle is able to support us by hunting, but he must do so in secret, since he is not allowed into any hunting parties and if he is found alone in the woods, they will kill him.

To be honest I judged my uncle to be a bad person the moment that I saw his face, but in truth he’s one of the kindest people that I have ever met, and he is a goblin. I guess that my grandparents really did a wonderful job raising them.

I do blame myself for this though. I never thought that the goddess would reincarnate me as the opposite gender. If she had reincarnated me as a boy, my family wouldn’t be where it is right now. I might have even had a father that cared about me.

Though since the day that I was born up to today I have never seen my own fathers face. I don’t mind though. I have my mother, and she is strong. She takes care of me, feeds me and even changes me (Unfortunately, I can’t do it myself yet. It’s really embarrassing). With her and my uncle I don’t really care if I never met my deadbeat of a father ever again.

During the times when they don’t have the time or energy to take care of me the put me in an elevated basket so that I can view the rest of the village from the window. Overall, I like it. The village itself isn’t big or fancy, and most of the houses looked very old and not well maintained, but I could see the life from the goblins that lived in it.

True while none of them were pretty to look at they looked happy. The more that I watched them the less that I thought of them as gross monsters, but instead as my people. I wonder if one day I’ll be able to be a part of their community as well. No probably not. There was no way that they would accept me if they couldn’t accept my family.

“Hi there, sweety,” my mother said before picking me up into her arms. “Are you having fun watching the big kids play?”

“Asowbgo,” my little baby mouth responded. I knew that it didn’t mean anything since it was more like a reflex for my body to respond whenever someone was talking to me.

“That’s what I like to hear,” my mother said, pretending that we were actually talking to one another. “Now you know what time it is,” she said, pulling down the top of her shirt. “It’s time milky time!”

“Abogooda,” my baby mouth responded again. While I was happy that I was being fed I still found it uncomfortable to be breastfed.

“That’s a good girl,” my mother said as I began sulking. “Drink as much as you want, or you won’t be able to grow up to be big and strong.”

As I drank her milk, I started to feel drowsy. Though as I was ready to fall asleep, I said that my mother once again looked at me with a sad expression across her face.

“It’s alright Illya, go to sleep, mommy will always be here to protect you.”

It was a few days after that my new life almost came to an end.


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