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“I now active the field card, Doll Joint City! When my Doll Joint Hero is on the field and you have a monster with more attack points than my monsters, they gain 1000 attack points when they attack! And since my Doll Joint Hero Glittery WingGirl, only has 2100 attack points compared to your Gaia, she gains 100 attack points!”

“Though if you thought that was it then you’re dead wrong! When my Doll Joint Hero Glittery WingGirl attacks another monster and as long as her original attack is less than the monster it is attacking, you also take damage equal to your monster's original attack when it is destroyed by battle!”

“That means that you’ll be taking 3300 points of damage! Doll Joint Hero Glittery WingGirl attack his Gaia The Fierce Knight!”

“Not bad!” Adrian yelled, smiling at his daughter's clever use of her cards. If she didn’t hadn’t placed her Doll Joint City field card down, her Doll Joint Hero Glittery WingGirl’s effect would have been useless. Though it would take much more than this to take him down.

Adrian let his Gaia be destroyed and took the damage given to him, but this was what he wanted.

“I activate the trap Emergence of a Gentlemen! When a Gaia The Fierce Knight ids destroyed by battle and I possess 2000 or fewer life points I can special summon Gaia The Knight Butler Of Order to my side of the field!”

This was Adrian's ace card. Its power was so great that it was limited to only one copy per deck and that included the trap card for it. If Alice didn’t help him meet the conditions to summon it, then he would have lost this duel on Alice’s next turn.

“Nice one!” Alice yelled back to her father. She was happy that he was such a skilled opponent. Though she wasn’t foolish enough to get distracted by a card that she had never seen before. “I place two cards down and end my turn.”

“My move,” Adrian said, drawing a card. “Let’s hope that those two face downs can save you because this is my final turn!”

“If that’s so, that must be one heck of a card!” Alice was getting even more excited now. To call out a final turn now, only after the duel was only a few turns in was insane. This was going to be interesting.


Matthew Miller

I like this. I don’t know if you’ve read any of my Yugioh stories(Tg mostly) but usually I have duels in them and they take up most of the story as a whole. But I love when stories like these play off it with not so much detail. It leaves much to the imagination.

Matthew Miller

Search Theflailips101 and or Pokémon Tg in the search bar in Deviantart you’ll see some.