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“Hello. Thank you for calling TG Incorporated,” the man on the other line answered cheerfully. “What may we do for you today?”

“I would like a dose of the Tg serum,” I said back to him through the phone.

“Hmm, that’s odd?” the man on the other line said, pausing for a second.

“Is there a problem?” I asked. It was too soon for them to start questioning anything yet. This was only stage one I couldn’t fail here.

“I’m sorry, but most of our callers are male,” the man said, angering me by his words. Up till two weeks ago, I was still just your average guy. That was until I was kidnapped by some fatty grease ball of a man and almost turned into his personal sex slave.

His attempt to turn me failed and I managed to kill him in the process. However, thanks to him my body is stuck in this cute and seductive form. Though that was the least of my concerns since I found out that I wasn’t the only victim of becoming someone’s Tg sex slave.

It turned out that there was this entire underground company that developed a serum that could turn guys into girls. In addition to that, they created one that would permanently warp that person’s mind to fall deeply in love with them. Though the second serum didn’t work on me, instead it amplified my rage for the man that turned me. I killed him without batting an eye, and I knew that it wasn’t enough. I have this bloodthirst inside me that won’t disappear until I have my revenge.

The first stop was the people that created this cursed serum. After killing that fat piece of shit, I spent the next week using all the resources that he had to find out everything that I could about that company. Luckily for me, this man seemed to have no one else living with him and was a secluded bachelor that made most of his money through stocks. His passwords and usernames to all of his accounts were all written down in a notebook that he left in his study, making it easy for me to claim everything that was his as my own. Today was the day that I finally made my first move against them.

“I’m sorry, but I was told by an old friend, Darius Manchester, that you would serve anyone regardless of their gender. You see I’m in the mood to experiment a little and the boys no longer satisfy me. I want a nice little boy turned into an adorable girl for me to have my way with. If you cannot help me with this request I might have to look elsewhere.”

I made everything up except the man’s name. The man is the same fat ass that turned me into this in the first place. I had to add in a convincing story or they might not even consider my request.

“I am sorry ma’am,” the man on the other line said with an apologetic tone. “Darius Manchester is a premium customer that has ordered from us over three dozen times. If you know him then you must be a woman of fine taste.”

“Oh my, I didn’t realize that Darius had so many turned,” I said trying to hide my anger. “I’ve only ever known him to have one, whatever happened to the others?”

“They just couldn’t satisfy him for long,” he said back to me. “He would dispose of them using our reliable cleanup service. If you ever need help getting rid of an unsatisfying specimen, just call us and we’ll take it away free of charge.”

We’re not objects that you can get rid of whenever you damn feel like it! I wanted nothing more than to kill this man, but I had to remain calm, at least for now.

“That sounds like an excellent service,” I said, biting the base of my lips, causing them to bleed. “I would be most grateful to use it in the future as I tend to go through them fast if you understand what I am saying.”

“I most certainly do ma’am,” he said as I could hear his voice start to relax more. To him, this kind of talk must have been natural. He would pay for all the lives that he’s helped ruin.

“Thank you for your understanding, so as for my order I would like to receive a dose of the Tg serum,” I said, trying to get back to the conversation before I snapped and ruined everything. “From what Darius had told me, the first dose is half off.”

“Indeed it is,” the man said cheerfully. “Do you also want the slave serum as well? Many of our other customers buy these two as a set.”

“I’m fine, I personally like to put in the effort to make them mine,” I said, sickened by my own words.

“Alrighty then,” he said as I heard him typing down some notes for the order. “I assume that this is the best number to contact you at and before I finish the order may I ask for your name?”

“I’m sorry, but would it be alright if I remain anonymous for my first order?” After what happened I threw away my old name. Right now all I was, was a maid.

“That’s alright,” the man said. “Though that means that you’ll have to pick it up in person. Are you alright with that?”

“Yes, that is perfect,” I said, as I felt my bloodthirst rise. Soon, it would start very soon.


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