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Inside the box, there were two different costumes. The one on the right was a lovely pink princess dress, with a tiara and pink heels. The one on the left was a smaller pink dress with a ballerina tutu with a giant pink diaper.

Alice was too shocked to even speak. Both options were awful. Neither one of them was one that she would wear willingly.

“For the last costume of the day, you get to choose,” Ariana said to Alice with a sadistic smile. No matter what Alice picked  Ariana would get what she wanted.

“You can either become the little princess that you are and wear that for the rest of the day, or you can be a big baby and wear the diaper and tutu. I won’t be mean and force you to wear both of them, but you do have to choose.”

“Mommy I can’t!” Alice whined. She was able to put up with everything else and thought that she was ready for this, but the truth was that she wasn’t. She couldn’t wear it.

“Well, if you don’t want to I guess I can’t force you,” said Ariana as she snapped her fingers and Mina walked up to them with Alice’s last card in her hands.

“Mina if you would, please destroy that filthy card,” Ariana said.

“As you wish,” Mina said as she held the card up and was about to tear it in half.

“Wait!” Alice yelled before Mina could do anything else. “Please don’t destroy it!”

“I’m sorry dear, but I did tell you what would happen if you didn’t obey,” said Ariana, who had to hold he composure after seeing tears start to form in Alice’s eyes. She didn’t want to see her daughter cry, but if she wasn’t stern here with her then Alice would always cry to get what she wanted. It was not the proper way to raise her new child.

“Please don’t!” Alice cried as the tears started to roll down her face. “I promise that I’ll obey mommy. Please don’t destroy my card.

Mina who was watching this unfold felt sorry for Alice, but she understood Ariana’s resolve. Giving in to a whining child only hurt their upbringing. Despite her age, Alice was practically a toddler when it came to being a girl. She had to be raised properly, even if the methods were at most of the time questionable.

“I am sorry young lady, but I am putting my foot down,” said Ariana, who was very close to giving Alice what she wanted. “Either you pick a costume to wear or that card of yours is destroyed. There is no third option.”

Alice who was practically bawling at this point knew that there was only one way to save her friend from being destroyed. She had to do what her mommy wanted her to do.

“I’ll do it,” Alice said as she wiped the tears from her eyes, and looked at the costumes, thinking about what she would pick.

“Very good,” said Ariana who was happy to see that Alice gave in. “So, which will you pick?”



Diaper and tutu feels like it would do more mental damage lol


You'll understand in a bit. I have a very good plan for the next part