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“Sir why you still here?” asked Jeremy as he walk through the door.

“Shouldn't you be at the funeral? I heard someone close to you had passed away.” Jeremy looked at me with concern.

“Yes they were, but the funeral was not meant for me to go to. We already sent him off. It would be rude of us to show up today. Those that knew both him and her will be there and I doubt that they would like to see our faces.”

“You knew him your whole life is that correct?”

“Indeed. I know that you knew him as well?”

“Yes and I understand the sacrifice that he made, but I still question why. He created this entire company and then just gave it to you. Why would he do that? Did he have no pride in what he did?”

“You’re wrong. What he had wasn’t pride it was greed. His ambition to go to the top was what helped form this company. If it wasn’t for his greed than we wouldn’t be where we are today.”

“Though oddly enough it was because of his greed that he was generous to us. Whatever we needed he would supply. We never had to worry about anything. Though that made us blind to him.”

“We couldn’t see that he was suffering, and we did nothing about it. She was the one to save him, but she was also the one that destroyed him. I hope that wherever he is now he’s at peace.”

“Though I do hope that one day I will be able to see him again.”


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