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A hero, something I never thought that I could be until I met him. I was walking home from school one day when I saw that there was a cat stuck in a tree. I wanted to help the cat, so I decided to use my quirk to get it down.

My quick isn’t flashy like most people’s, in fact I rarely use it. I have to power to posses any living thing for ten minutes as long as I touched it. I managed to barely touch the cat’s hind leg and possessed it’s body.

When I posse someone’s body my body goes limp and it is basically an empty husk. Using my power in public could led to many accidents so that is one of the reason why I don’t use it to often.

After the cat was back on the ground I went back to my body and I was about to head home when I heard his voice.

“Wow, that was amazing! You have such a great quirk!”

A wimpy looking kid ran up to me and started to ask me question about my quirk. I was confused why this kid was interested in my quirk, but I didn’t see the ham in telling him if he was this interested.

After about twenty minutes of talking I couldn’t help but wonder who this kid was and why he wanted to know about my quirk.

“Who are you?” “Oh sorry about that, the name’s Izuku Midoriya. I guess I should have introduced myself before asking you all of those questions.” “It’s fine, but to be honest I don’t think my quirk is all that special.”

“What are you talking about? You’re quirk is much more than you think it is and I bet that one day you could save a ton of people. You could be a great hero one day!”

“Me a hero? I don’t think that I have the talent to be a hero.”

“You shouldn’t put yourself down like that. Everyone has the makings of a hero inside of them. You just need the will to help others and you’re already halfway there to becoming a great hero.”

“I never had the luck to get a quirk of my own, but that won’t stop me from trying to become a hero, so you shouldn’t give up on becoming a hero just because you think that your quirk isn’t suited for it.”

“Oh dang I have to go! It was nice meeting you!” Izuku Midoriya ran away and left me alone in silence.

That was the first time meeting Izuku Midoriya and that was the day that I decided to become a hero.


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