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“My what!?” Jaune yelled as she backed up. “My child I do not apricate that kind of tone,” Salem said with a stern expression across her face. “Well then you shouldn’t refer to yourself as my mother! I already have a mother and father and you are neither of them!”

“Ah yes your so called original family, it’s best to forget about them for now. I am your mother and I won’t have you arguing with me.” “I don’t have to listen to this,” said Jaune as she started to walk away.

“That’s fine, I guess that Cinder was right about you then.” Jaune stopped dead in her tracks. “What did you just say?” she asked as she turned around to face the woman. “I said that Cinder was right about you. She did say that you would try and run away from the truth.”

“What truth and how do you know Cinder!?” “I can explain everything to you as long as you come with me,” said the woman as she extended her hand out. “Fine, but this is only because I want answers and it would seem that you know you way around this place.”

“Well this castle is my home,” she said as Jaune took her hand and she started to led her down the hall. “You really live in this placed filled with all of these Grimm?” “Of course this place has been my home for a long time and the Grimm are no threat at all, in fact they are here to protect us.”

“Grimm only destroy and kill, they wouldn’t protect people like us.” “Normally yes you would be right, but I have a power that helps me to keep them in line so that they won’t hurt me.” “Is it your semblance?” “It is more powerful than any semblance in fact I would say that it is more like magic.”

“Magic is real?” “Yes it is, but not many know of its existence.” “Then why bother telling me, why are you so nice to me?” “It’s because it is just as I said before, you are my daughter.” “But I have a family that loves and cares for me.” “Yes they did love and care for you as best as they could, but I know that deep down you knew that you were different. You were the only boy among your siblings, and you knew that your parents were always hiding something from you.”

“The truth is that I am your mother, your real mother, but I had to give you up and disguise you as a male until the time was right to retrieve you.” “That’s a lie!” Jaune yelled as she tried to break free from the woman in black, but this time she didn’t give her to chance to break free.

“Now, now my child, I know that this is all a great deal to take in, but that doesn’t mean that you can act in such a rude manner.” “Let go of me!” “You know I never believed Cinder when she said that the girl with silver eyes had a friend like you, I thought that she was lying to gain favor with me. However that didn’t stop me from sending Tyrian after you, and it was the will of destiny when it turned out to be you. I was overjoyed when Tyrian brought you here, but I was also shy. I haven’t seen you in almost sixteen years so I didn’t know how to treat you, but I realize that this way is the right approach.”

“I have to be calm and patient for you to understand that what I am doing here is for your own good.” “My own good! You kidnapped me and turned me into a girl!” “No, that is where you misunderstand, I never kidnapped you, this is just me taking the initiative to meet you. Also as I said before, you were born a girl and Tyrian’s poison helped you to turn back.”

“No, no, no, this can’t be real, I don’t even know who you are, there is know way that you can be my mother,” Jaune said as she fell to the floor and started to cry. “There, there, my child. It is a lot to take in and that’s why I wanted to wait a little longer to tell you this. For now please stand up, we need to go inti this room for now,” she said as she slowly helped Jaune up while she was still crying.

“Let, uh, me go. I don’t want this, I don’t want any of this!” she yelled while struggling to break free with no avail.” “It would seem that your emotions are out of flux after changing back to your true form, I will have to get Watts to give you a checkup when we are done here,” she said as she opened the door that was closest to them. 

The room that they entered looked like that of a meeting room. The three other walls were covered by gigantic mirrors that covered almost the entire walls and the floor was a solid black marble. The room was lit up by candles but the red light from outside made it more than easy enough for Jaune t see the rest of the room.

In the center of the room was a table made out of dark purple crystals and surrounding it were six chairs made out of bones and then a seventh made out of the same purple crystal at the head of the table. The woman in black led Jaune over to one of the chairs and sat her down, and then knelt down next to her after laying Jaune’s sword on the ground next to the chair. 

“It’s okay, you’ll be fine, you’re safe here with me. I promise that this is where you belong.” “My friends will come for me,” she Jaune as she wiped away her remaining tears. “If they come they will have to come as my guests or else they will be killed on sight.”

“They’ll be killed regardless,” said a voice as Jaune heard someone enter the room. She looked over at who it was and couldn’t believe her eyes, it was her, it was Cinder. She looked a bit different since she last saw her, but she could tell that it was her.

 “Cinder that is no way to talk to your sister,” said the woman in black as she stood up. “YOU!” yelled Jaune as she stood up and grabbed her sword and then charged at Cinder. “I’LL MAKE YOU PAY!” she yelled as she swung her sword at Cinder, but it would seem that she had expected that and stopped Jaune’s attack and the with in few seconds she had Jaune flat on her ass. 

“It would seem that you are as dense as ever, you still can’t tell that you’re no match for me.” “Shut up! I will make you pay for taking her away from us, I will make you pay!” “Yeah, good luck with that,” she said as she pinned Jaune down with her heel. 

“Do we really need this weakling?” she asked as she looked at the woman in black. “Cinder that is no way to treat your sister, let you go.” “What so she can just attack me again?” “Cinder do not make me repeat myself,” she said in a much darker tone.

“Your lucky that mother likes you, if not you’d already be dead,” she said as she took her foot off of Jaune. Jaune took this as her chance to attack Cinder as she jumped up and then tackled her. “You insolent…” 

“ENOUGH!” said the lady in black in a voice that made Jaune stop just as she had told her to. “Both of you sit down so that we can have a proper conversation. “Fine,” said Cinder as she shoved Jaune out of the way and then sat across from where the woman in black was. Jaune then followed and then sat down next to the woman in black.

For whatever reason Cinder obeyed this woman and as long as Jaune held her favor for whatever reason that may be she would use it to her advantage. 

“Good, now that the two of you have calmed down, we can discuss why I brought you here,” the woman in black said as she took her seat in the dark purple crystal chair. “Cinder may I introduce to you once again, your sister Joan, our soon to be Summer Maiden.


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