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Perpheryrus Elinion(Phery)

Height: 3'4"


Blood Type: Elven

Personality: Caring, Determined, Curious

Magic Rank: S

Background: Phery is the youngest of the Elinion sisters and is considered to be one of the best rune crafters amongst elves. During her early childhood years, she would spend lots of time with her mother and oldest sister. This closeness with Mafaya would last throughout their lives as the oldest sister was a much more sensitive soul. Despite being the youngest, she was seen as the most mature of the 3 sisters. She was a diligent student and socially adept. Many believed she would go on to high-ranking elected positions due to her charm and intelligence. Phery, however, had little interest in policy but would spend early years gaining connections. After the death of her mother, this would change Phery, and she became much more dependent on her older sister. She backed away from much of the promising potential of a political career and instead began throwing herself into her studies till she mastered Rune Crafting at a very early age. After this, she began work as an Arcanic Diplomat. This entailed working with The Wayfare and the United States of humanity on disputes in magical laws. She was only a minor player in these early stages of her life, but many were in awe of the naturally gifted talent for the diplomacy she exhibited. Phery would have gone farther down this route if not for a major weakness. Phery was promiscuous and had many relations with both colleagues and foreign diplomats. This included both elves and, to her shame, humans. This eventually led to her dismissal after a scandal between her and a high-ranking elf in her department. After this, Phery would go on to work with her oldest sister in the Elf Kingdom Casino. With her natural talents, she easily was able to gain large amounts of wealth for the casino but didn't often snare guests in the contrasts that would later make her sister Mafaya infamous. During this portion of her life, Phery was mainly seen as an extension of her oldest sister, but this suited her as she engaged in countless physical relationships. She, however, had little interest in long-term relationships, which frustrated her many callers. She would eventually find a romantic interest in a human named Abbey and would go on to engage in a long-term relationship. In these early stages of the relationship, Phery saw Abbey as little more than a short-term fling. However, as time passed, she would realise her feelings for Abbey were much deeper. This was undermined by the fact that she would go on to cheat on Abbey several times and make ill-advised magical promises that accumulated in the event of her almost losing her magic forever. She, however, with the help of Mafaya, would recover and go on to magically bind her life force with Abbey, which was a rare occurrence, but due to her family history, many were unsuprised by her choice.

Epilog: Phery would go on to live her life out with Abbey mostly happily. She would cheat several times throughout the years but eventually learned to be loyal after one day coming home to find Abbey in bed with elvish twins. Abbey suggested that if Phery wanted to sleep with other people... she wanted to watch or, better yet, participate. Phery's relationship with Abbey would be much healthier after this as she would be easily sated by the many guests Abbey found to spice up their relationship. The next stage in her life saw her return to the diplomacy game, and this time would help her older sister Cinera to abolish the Metafell Military Complex. Phery would be an invaluable piece to these talks and became very well known amongst the Metafell populace as a fair negotiator. After the success of these talks, Phery would go on to try and fix race relations between Elco Vella and the United States of Humanity. She would work with Lyllnym Teyrellis to make several notable laws to protect each race in matters of foreign affairs. The laws came to be known as the Elinion Pact and would be adapted across several other notable institutions, including the Heroes Guild. Phery would eventually go on to head the foreign affairs department and was even offered a position under the Grand Magus but turned it down due to past relationships with some of the other staff under the Magus. One of the hardest parts of her life was losing her older sister Cinera to the metafell Censor. She would work alongside Dela, Abbey, and her oldest sister Mafaya to take the monster down, but the loss of her sister affected her deeply. She would retire from her position as head of the Foriegn Affairs department and spent the ladder part of her life deep in her studies. She did this alongside her life partner Abbey. She would even go to become an Imperious of The Wayfare committee. Phery was seen as a very early progressive who overcame the rasail barriers between humans and elves. She inspired many elves to bond with humans, and among the sisters, she was seen as the most well known and liked amongst the public. They even tended to overlook her promiscuous short-comings. At the end of her life, she joined Abbey. I'm the ceremony of passing and gave her essence to the lifelines of the planet. She never had kids, but her life inspired generations of elves and humans to come.



thank you very much, I was intrigued by Phery's life after reading Abbey's


I had part of it sitting around so I just finished it up. I need to finish Cineras as well