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So I have been thinking all night of a project to do that makes my discord worth it and I think I might have something interesting.

I think I've earned the name of meeting a dead line and devoting years(Dela took 6 months) to a project. I think I want to make an episode of size based anime. I wanna start with a music video. I'm not sure how long it will take but I think I wanna start by making animated gifs. Learning the skill. The difference between my comics is that I wanna use my discord to get your ideas into quick gof ideas. Ultimately my discord will make an episode of high quality of animation. This won't reduce the comic anymore than I have.

So I wanna separate my patreons from general users of my discord and this will be the perk. Making an animation is much harder than still images but I can do it. But I need the fuel to make hundreds of gifs to prep me for making this project. Upcoming I'll post a schedule for the channel to allow you to make a personal gif. Hopefully by 7/7 of next year everyone of my patreon should have a personal Gif.


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