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[TLDR] So I wanna keep this short. I'm gonna be releasing the "In Studio" Tier today at 15$. This tier will give access to pieces as soon as I finish them regardless of the schedule. The reasons for this take a bit explain but see below for details.

So I'll get straight to the point. I need to increase my income by a small margin. I'm currently working on a second project and a second job to make ends meet but I need to increase this Patreon's yield without just bumping up the price. This tier is like the earliest access possible. I'll also be FINALLY making a discord(in December) and offering to stream pieces (over discord) and a section to request this. I won't be doing it on a regular basis but more as a fluid "as wanted" service for those who are curious or just really want to see the piece as early as humanly possible. I'm hoping to offer more stuff within the next 6 months and maybe trying to branch into some interesting ideas. Anyhow I felt I needed to thank everyone here again and know that I'll continue to release as much content as possible because I really am grateful to get to do this and I want to keep doing it for my whole life.


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