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(This story has got some parallels to feelings of depression and suicidal thoughts and is not meant to say anything larger about the subjects of depression or suicidal thoughts. Remember someone cares about you and no ones life is meaningless)


Race: Metafell(Corrupt Born)

Height: 4 inches

Personality: Sociopathic, selfish, uncaring, unloved, unwanted

Background: Censor was one of the original creatures created by the titan Hydrafell. Unfortunately, Censor was seen as a mistake as they had little to no motivation or power, apparently compared to his siblings. So Hyrdafell gave him to the titan Nomo, who gave Hydrafell an unknown favor in return. From this point, Censor would perform mundane tasks for Nomo but was too small and weak to do anything properly. At this point, Censor asked Nomo to end his existence because he didn't see any point to simply exist. Nomo, at this point, was not the evil titan she eventually would become. Instead of simply killing Censor, she used her magic to reincarnate him and attempted to repair the mistake she believes Hydrafell made during his creation. This awakened Censors power but was unable to grant him the components of love or any feelings at all. Censor eventaully learned to despise existence and became the first corrupt born metafell. During the war against hydrafell, led by Valor, Censor consumed dozens of Hydrafells strongest gaurd. This was in hopes of gaining some sense of feeling or purpose. However, this only increased his power. Censor, by the end of the war, was thanked by the rebel Metafell for his contribution and, for the most part, was seen favorably by history. Censor, however, felt no pride or purpose in this and submitted to only do Nomos bidding in hopes he would eventaully be defeated. At some point, Censor would steal the Titan Maku's emotions at the request of Nomo. Censor chose to leave sorrow behind and instead basked in anger and happiness. Censor believed having feelings would give him meaning but eventually realised that they only acted as further proof he was a mistake. So he only became Angier and Angier.

Epilog: Censor was eventaully freed from Nomo, at his own request, so that he could find ways of resurrecting Hyrdafell in hopes of finding some connection with his creator or explanation for his creation. He would eventaully find Hydrafells mind in the body of a human who reincarnated over and over again. Hydrafell explained that Censor was meant to be the mirror of Valor. Valor is the heights perfection and Censor being the pinicle of imperfection. This would send Censor over the edge and would begin a reign of terror on the metafell, which would devastate most of the Ebony and Ivory tables. He would eventaully be killed by Mafaya Elnion but only after he had killed millions of metafell and humans. Censor, in his dying breaths, thanked Mafaya and called her his "gaurdian angel" as he felt that the greatest kindness was allowing him to die.

Afterword: Although Hyrdafell told Censor he was made to be imperfect, this is untrue. Hyrdrafell tried making a Metafell to be near exactly like himself but was disgusted at what Censor revealed in himself. So he intentionally damaged Censor to try and hide his own shame. Censor however would go on to show what Hyrdafell truly was. A small angry uncaring miserable creaaure that never knew love. Censor was the result of Hyrdafell's insecurity. Censor would unfortunately never know this and so died believing himself to be the pinicle of imperfection.


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