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Metafell Hierarchy and class structure

The organization of metafell is outlined in 4 different systems of classification. The first being their combat ability which is ranked using a Letter systems form Rank F to SSS. The second is their social rank which is gained through titles and professional accomplishments. The 3rd is the species type which can form many informal ranks among species branches. The final is the orgin of the metafells creation and mana source.

Letter Ranks: The letter rank of a metafell is the weakest measurement of overall social standing of metafell. Some of the stronger metafell lack the intelligence or ambition to use their strengths. This system is usually used to coordinate military efforts but some branches of metafell society don't even require a metafells letter rank for employment.

Social Rank: This measurement is the most impactful and most respected method that metafell use to judge one another. This rank includes a metafells profession but may also include official titles. The following is the hierarchy of official titles starting with the lowest.

Midboss, Boss, Overboss, Master, Over Master, Lord, Overlord, Great Lord, Vassal (10-1), Tyrant, Over Tyrant, Demon King

Some ranks although much lower than others are much more respected by the society as a whole. Masters wield far more practical public displays of power than Lord's but are under heavy scrutiny by higher ranks and are often replaced. The tyrant rank is special as although it is closest to the Demon King they wield no command or responsibilities as it is a category for those in line for Vassal Ranks or, in the case of Over Tyrants, even the Demon King rank itself. Vassal ranks are very prized titles and ,although they wield very little power, are the most respected as it is given to very accomplished metafell. The rank of Great Lord is the only rank that has some direct power over the ranks above it and those who bare this title do so for life and are responsible for promoting Tyrants to the status of Demon King in situations where the Demon King is killed or deemed unable to Preform thier duties. The Demon King has a wide range of power and can assign the following titles with some exceptions, Tyrant, Over Tyrant, Vassal, Lord. The Demon King is also the only one who can declare war unless the title is currently vacant in which case Great Lord's wield this ability.

Species: This is rather simple as some species have better reputations than others. Imps for example are given very little respect without a title or extremely high letter rank. This can change through the generations and has no formal system of social standards and practices.

Orgin: This is a very obscure branch of metafell ranks. This is because there are only 3 categories and 99.9% of metafell fall onto the first and so this is usually not a factor in judging someone. The implications of the other 2 orgons will be discussed briefly after laying out the 3 orgins.

Table Born

Hydra Born(Old One's)

Corrupt Born

Nearly all living metafell have been born of the energy found within thier home continent the Ebony and Ivory tables. There is however some metafell who were born and survive to this day that are born from either Hydrafell the God of metafell or corrupted by other Titan gods. Modern day metafell fear these 2 types as they have lived for a very long time and have the evil of Hydrafell within their souls. On record there is only 6 known to still be alive.

Hydra Born: Selceasar, Atrophseil, Kaz-Karden, Mars

Corrupt Born: Censor, Seely


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