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[TLDR: Sorry for not getting polls up, need suggestions for future polls, new weekly series upcoming, 7$ tier will be open all month during December]

Alright up front, apologies for not getting polls up last month. I just couldn't really get it together. I just felt like focusing on comics which is good but unfortunately, I didn't get around to the side illustrations. Anyway with December here I'm not even gonna try and get polls up until I get some more ideas. I get a decent amount of engagement from them but would really like some feedback as to what to put up there. I could just use ideas from previous polls but why just recycle the loser ideas. Anyhow suggestions in the comments will influence future polls. Other news is that I'm going to try and create a series based around a character created by patreon, twitter and reddit followers and the events of the series will be influenced by public feedback. It's gonna be a kind of adventure story where I'll make an illustration once per week and then ask the community how the character should proceed. I'll see how it goes but I wanna keep making new things on top of my comics. I'll try and start making that sometime this month and most likely start it in January. Finally I'll be opening up my 7$ tier for the duration of December for anyone interested. I post pre-text for pages almost a month ahead of release on there and that gap keeps growing as I draw more and more content. My goal by the end of January is to have the entirety of a months content ready for release ahead of time. 

As usual Thank you guys so much for the support! I can't thank you enough as the holiday months set in, stress is high and your support make the dark months more than bearable.

December Release Schedule:

12/6: 6 pages of "My Senpai WAS a Huge Pain"

12 /13: 5 Pages of "The bigger the Boss: The Final Chapter"

12:20: 5 Pages of "The bigger the Boss: The Final Chapter"

12/27:  Interspecies commission Piece, 2 Dakimura Commissioned Pieces, The Bigger the Boss Final Chapter Cover Page



Rachnerea the spidergirl from monstermusume shrinked the other monstergirl to use them as sextoys, like miia as a dildo.


This! This is amazing! Yeah I might just end up doing this one for fun!