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C1-AR Theory of intellectual survival parameters(aka Seelar's Limit)

A widely sought field of study through the use of computer technology and magic is the generation of artificial intelligence. This might be used when creating golems, robots or other synthetic beings to give them a means of independent operation. Whenever defining a beings intelligence one must set parameters or limits to the beings IQ. For many, an IQ set to say a level of 10 is sufficient for the most practical of creation but other experimental endeavors might require a higher level than this. Seelar's limit is the max amount of intellect one can imbue in a creation and still have it feasibly function in any practical way. Artificial beings that exceed this limit will often have many problematic or unpredictable behavior. This include suicidal or homicidal ideations, catatonic states that can last indefinitely, sporadic vocal or physical outbursts and even in some cases telepathic ability in limited capacity. The limit is set at a IQ of 332 on the Wayfares standardized intelligence Scale. Surpassing this limit by even 1 point has dire consequences and is policed heavily by the Wayfare council.


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