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Arcane Enhancement and the long term risks of over usage or dependency

Many in the modern world rely heavily on spells or magic objects to function in daily life. From spells that restore lost senses to enchantments that modify personality or emotion or physical input the range of assistance they offer is astounding and truly help even the playing field for those born with unfortunate woes. However, among all the benefit these enhancements or supplements can provide there is a heavy risk that comes into play when enhancing one's self beyond regular levels of ability. Magical Dependency is a frightening term for many that employ use of these marvelous tools. Spells are not permanent and often times the more powerful the spell the shorter it's duration. This however does not mesh well with the mind of modern day sentient beings. Like powerful narcotic or drugs research has yielded a disturbing results in regards to those who use such enchantments. A psychological inclination to addictive behaviors has been seen in beings that use spells or enchantments to improve their natural born ability. Not only this but a direct correlation between the potency of the spells and an increase in addictive behavior is highly likely among the scientific community. Athletes who utilize spells to achieve greater feats in long term training have been shown to begin to mentally degrade when going without these enhancements as they begin to believe themselves sick or fatigued at all times without the miraculous increase in stamina or strength granted by spells. This is not the worst case scenario though as a study into the effects military grade enchantments on soldiers has yielded nearly universally negative results. The effects of Psychological dampeners or "Numbing Spells" are often used to help soldiers operate in high stress situations or environments. When gathering information of the forces who required the highest potency dampeners labeled NP-17[No Pain Series 17] were found to have frightening numbers of side effects after leaving services. In those interviewed nearly 2 in 5 had used or were using reported as using narcotics to reduce stimulations as the body no longer was able to properly process physicals or mental stimulus due to the heavy usage of NP-17.  9 out of 10 claimed to have minor to major forms of depression or anxiety after leaving service. Darkest of all The suicide rate for these soldiers was found to be stunningly high records indicate that 1 out of every 7 soldiers that used NP-17 for more than 3 months during services committed suicide within 5 years of leaving services. The use of NP-17 was authorized and backed by several military organizations. Those who can afford to buy and use spells tend to suffer no ill effects if given occasional arcane supplements but spells are not cheap and NP-17 level spells have a street price 600% higher than pharmaceutical grade pain killers. in conclusion the Wayfare, the chief magical authority in the world, have worked tirelessly to dissuade common use of spells deemed above level 4 as outlined in "The Mages and Practioneers handbook Edition 32." Yet quite commonly in several countries, including 17 of the 23 districts on AKO, store and private mages peddle spells that destroy the minds and bodies of those who use them. The Arch Kingdoms Council and EVC[Elco Vella Circles] have both included responsible restrictions in all governing territories but unless countires like Ako or The States are held accountable for the reckless damage done to the victims of this crisis there may be no end to the pai nand suffering caused by this dangerous use of magic.

Written and Edited by: Phillis R.E. Caridin of the Wayfare Saftey Commission 1347 AV


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