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The room was entirely too quiet for the shape it was in. Chairs layed thrown to the floor on one side of the room as a mess of papers and book lied in the center and yet anyone who looked in wouldn't see any occupants. That was because Reika was now much smaller than when she first entered. This was made all the worse by the fact that the small woman she'd been chasing hadn't changed whatsoever and so stood above her with a towering form that reminded Reika of an adult standing over a child who'd been caught doing something particularly devious. Except she didn't think chocolate had ever been involved in any of those situations yet she found chocolate hanging in front of her face. She peered at it and then stared up.

"I'm s-sorry."

Reikas voice came out timid and she stumbled through the familiar phrase. She was finding doing anything beyond staring difficult because of the nervous energy centered in her chest. The now larger woman then let the hints of a smile turn into a full grin and leaned down which caused Reika to fall back. The piece of chocolate was thrust forward jabbing Reikas chin.

"No thats alright your obviously starving..."

The malicious joy soaked her voice as she almost broke into laughter at the new possibilities of her larger size. She jumped forward and grabbed Reikas arm and pulled her into an intimate distance. The diminished girl struggled and squeaked but found her strength had been effected just as bad as was to be expected. Reika pulled against the woman's strength and now stared at the chocolate that was slowly floating towards her lips.

"Wait let's talk about-"

She managed to squeak out some effort of protest before the piece of chocolate was jammed into her mouth. She tried to spit it out but felt the woman press her hand over her mouth. She began to squirm violently until she was forced onto the ground like a worm in the dirt. She tried turning her head and spitting the candy out but couldn't fight against her oppressor.

"Now don't tell me after all you went through your not actaully hungry... were you just terrifying me because you were bored?"

Reika froze at this and stared up at a face that now held very little expression. Like vivid anger had masked the pleasure in her suffering. She began to chew. The chocolate tasted a bit different than it had before. The texture was different as well. She found certain sour spots in the piece as well as larger clumps of tougher materials. She thought this must be due to the fact that she was more than likely tasting individual ingredients at this size. She none the less swallowed the sum in her mouth and stared up at the body on top of her. The woman's face failed to stand up against her joy at bullying her shrunken giant. She broke off another piece of the chocolate.

"Alright well we have a lot of chocolate here and since your so hungry I don't want any of it going to waste... cause if you don't finish it all, I'll know your just a big monster who likes to scare little people like me."

"Wait please I-"

Her sentence was cut off again as another piece of chocolate was shoved into her mouth. She struggled to chew the large piece of sweet and sour candy and continued to stare up at the girl. Each time she swallowed the girl would shove another piece of chocolate into her mouth. After the 9th or 10th time she couldn't swallow any more. The chocolate bar sat there looking almost still whole and she felt like she'd pushed her stomache to the limit. The chocolate just felt heavy in her mouth as tears began to well up in the corners of her eye. The woman's smile didn't change but her eyes grew wider.

"Oh are you full? Cause we have a lot more here... huh guess your just a big dumb monster..."

Her tone carried a sort of matter of fact kind of vibe.The girl lifted herself off Reika and stood to her full height. Reika turned and spat the remains in her mouth with a sort of sob. She didn't waste any time in scrambling away and stumbled to rise to her feet. The girl tilted her head in some dogfish manner. She seamed to be taking in everything about Reika. Meanwhile Reika began to slowly back away and gathering her wits.

"I-I-I'm n-n-not a m-monster... I-"

She was interrupted as the girl quickly approached her once again Reika wanted to run but she felt her knees shake too badly to move. She was again under an opposite shadow and made herself even smaller in a sheepish flinch.

"Yeah and what was that whole 'if I have to look for you, you'll really have to be scared of me' bit back there."

As she quoted Reika she sunk her voice into a deep drawl. Reika shook her head violently and now felt she could move again if only a few steps backwards.

"No...I j-just..."

The girl marched forward and leaned her face towards Reikas. She jabbed a well kept finger nail into the meat of Reikas chest as she spoke in a voice of rising anger.

"Yes you did say it, what were you gonna do!? Tell me!"

She then forced her hand forward and threw Reika back to the ground and before Reika could recover she felt the girls bare foot slam into the side of her face. She fought to get it away but found all her efforts were in vain. She began to sob and like out shouts of pain as the girl began letting her weight down onto Reikas small form.

"Bet you would have loved to step on me, with your big disgusting feet. Well now let's see how you like getting squashed by me!"

More pressure made Reika cry out in pain as she kicked and failed her legs without result. After a few more moments of unbearable pain she felt the foot lift off of her. And land on her chest, pinning her to the floor. Her tear soaked vision made the girl on top of her look like a haze of dark shapes but she clearly heard her speak.

"Well what do you have to say for yourself?"

Reika could only barely understand the inquiry as she battled to remove the woman's foot. She felt hurt and tired and scared but at the same time something else began to grow. She felt... lighter. That wasn't quite right it was more like she felt some spark of intrigue or curiosity in the back of her mind. A thought occured to her that made her stop struggling. She had no idea where it might have come from. Was it there all along or had it just come to her. The thought was subtle but soon took form. She stopped crying and made the feeling tangible in her mind. The thought came out like 'what is she going to do to me?' But it wasn't quite what she was really asking. It was more accurate to ask...'what could she do to me?' Reika struggled and felt word comes out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

"I-I was gonna do really bad things to you..."

She froze. The girls head shot back a moment as she processed what she'd just heard. She then uncertainly leaned her weight into Reika chest as her voice came out a little meaker than it had been before.

"Excuse me?"

Reika grunted at the pressure of the girls sole in her chest. Her primal fear told her to say or do anything to make the pain stop but an even greater impulse made her spit out in a defiant almost impish retort.

"I was gonna use you like a little toy and when I was done I was gonna sit on your little body and crush you."

The girls face lit up in an almost vivid red as anger and a touch of something more twisted crept into her expression. She sat all her weight onto Reikas stomache and leaned over her til their faces were nearly touching. The girls hands wrapped around Reikas face and pushed in her cheeks which made Reikas face look puffy and soft, which it was. The girl, unbeknownst to Reika, was also having a thought. If Reika could see into her mind she'd see something ghastly familiar. The idea made the larger girls face curve into an expression that could be described as a smile but only a malicous joy ever touched her eyes. Her voice came out between clenched teeth as though each word was pulled out by a desire much too dark for her to acknowledge.

"Soooo, you admit it you... you..."

She slid her hands roughly from Reika face and onto Reikas relatively large chest. She gripped the soft flesh in a ridged grip and Reika covered her own mouth as a sound came from somewhere in her chest. The girls anger had now been nearly completely replaced with overflowing excitement as both woman began to understand something important. The girl finished her thought with a clear silky tone that soaked itself in her pleasure.

"You naughty little bitch..."

Reikas eyes went wide and for a few still ever last moments both stared at one another as though both were seeing each other for the first time. The moment passed and was replaced with a sudden jolt as Reika shot her hands into the floor and clenched her fingers as a feeling of pressure felt like it was pressing out from within her stomache every part of her body.The girl shot up as well and felt movement beneath her like she was being forced up. Neither knew what exactly what happened but within seconds they found out. Reika began growing back at an increasing rate. The girl fell forward onto Reika chest which now felt like 2 massive cushions that made pushing off of them difficult as her body sunk into them as they engulfed her in their quickly expanding mass. Reika felt her back press and grind against the floor as she grew until finally she leaned her head forward and peered around to see she was back to her normal size. She felt something small move between her breasts and peered down to see the small girl trapped between two large soft walls of cloth covered flesh. Her fear now returning as she realised she was now completely under Reikas power once again. Reika stared at her still trying to regain her senses and could only utter.

"I'm still new at this magic thing...oops."


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