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The continent of the animal like beings known as Zoakin is probably the best known place to the world at large. This is due to several reasons. The first being that the lore of the continent stretches back to the days of Valor as it was this legendary figure that was said to have discovered it. Before the Zoakin landed on Ako they were wandering tribes of nomads that often times troubled the citizens of other races. This changed when they landed on Ako. Before the Zoakin the continent was seemingly untouched by anything but the oldest of races, the titans. Some suggested that Valor wiped the small remnants of the titans that lived there away with his well known magical abilities. This was never confirmed and Valor is famously known for having a fear of titans which subtracts countenance for the theory. Regardless the continent of Ako is percular to say the least. The ecological systems on the continent seams to have some abnormal patterns that seam to ignore conventional understanding of weather and climate systems. The summers can stretch for years and winters hardly last more than a month and are really only known for their rain. This may have something to do with the Vitheral currents as they have been named which are observed air currents that shift in odd manners around the continent and the space above it. For whatever reason this is another fact that fascinates tourists and scholars worldwide. The third is something more controversial as the local government of Ako is known as the Zoa Confedration which is a splintered group of different states that formed when the monarchy that ruled the zoakin society for several hundreds years after arriving on Ako was ended by a roaring coup. The fantastic outcome of this is that the law of the land varies and nearly anything is legal somewhere on the continent. Experimentation, drugs, sex trade, poaching and almost any other explicit activity is permitted somewhere on Ako. This leads to large conflicts with other world governments and countries, which have attempted to enforce unity on Ako through diplomacy, political attacks and declared warfare. All routes have failed and led Akos splinted governments to carry much distrust of foreign powers. This combined with Zoakins generally guarded culture has meant that they often times opt out of world affairs of united government activities such as the "Wayfare" and the "Arch Kingdom Council." Whatever the reason Ako stands as the most unique place in the world.


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