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Who is Valor?

A rather common but complex feature in the society of Zoakin, metafel, humans and Elves is the figure of Valor. Valor is a mythical figure that is believed to be a mutation of the metafel in modern historical speculation but little is known about the actual biological origin of Valor as he exhibited traits of multiple races. By all accounts Valor was described as an Elf with human features such as height that also had many features of the Metafel but of a vastly greater proportion as Valor seamed to name himself as well as advance his own form regardless of outside intervention. Consistent historical records claim that Valor, although not truly being an elf, was a prominent leader of elves and has taken the throne as the god governing the diminutive race of modern day elves. Not only this but has spawned several organized religions across nearly all races. This appeared to be intentional as Valor preformed "The 4 miracles" that defined many beliefs of modern sentient species. The miracles are defined as follows. The elves were given diminutive status and trade physical and biological traits for arcane traits. The zoakin were lead to an untamed continent which would be the modern day "Ako". The Metafel were given the unnconquered keep "Baron Lons" which has not been breached by any army even till modern day and finally Valor healed the king of an early human monarchy which bestowed greatly increased life expectancy and magic ability throughout the kings descendents making them the few humans who are able to naturally use magic. Valors actaul life outside of the scriptures and other regions text is rather vague but it was suggested that he might have even been a titan but was on record for appearing to go through the process of "ascending" which is a fundamental part of the metafel life style. His early life was enlightened by some early documents that suggest he was raised in the Cila Valley which is called Cila City in modern days and was somehow involved with another famous Metafel "Grizz". The relationship was described as a friendship but some insist that the relationship was romantic as some letters of correspondence between the 2 were found to have terms of address that was believed to be used between close family but is known that Valor and Grizz were not related biologically however it might have been a rather close alliance or non traditional informal arrangement as these two figures would go on to change and morph the socail landscape of their respective societies later in life. Regardless of this relationship it isn't clear how Valor was created as no other specimen of Metafel has shown qualities like Valor and the supposed ascending ritual ended without creating the signature stone fixture that is left behind after the process. Many theorize that Valor reincarnated and is walking among the population as a new person but if this is true he has not been found for over 2000 years. Valors life time was speculated to be somewhere between 4000 to 5000 years.
