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SOOOOOO... yeah that's the end for now. I've really liked working on this project but for now I've gotta say goodbye to it. I have a SIDE comic involving a certain girl and her teacher to work on and I've gotta start working on the design of my next comic which should begin on November 16th, Until then I'll be posting SIDE projects in place to give me a bit of a break and catch up on paper work for my main job and I'm DMing next week so I've gotta get my session together for my unfortunate players Bwa ha ha.. I've been making pages nonstop since the start of The Bigger the Boss and my brain needs a little bit to start making my next major project. I'll be streaming at least once a week in the mean time starting tomorrow at 6pm PST. hmmmmm... I guess that's it... Hope to see some people on stream tomorrow and I'll get back to work on my next thing Bye Everybody!



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