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Copied this from twitter in case some of you don't follow me.  Will be using @ twitter handles in case you want to follow them.  Will add a few extra sentences here and there.


(Please read entire thread before replying/commenting)  

Sooo....I did a thing.  I ran a DnD one-shot with @LilJazzieBaby (Jasmine Starshine), @fawnyABDL, (Fawny) and @DarleenLattle, (Darleen Lattle) for @DearJazzieShow (Dear Jazzie Podcast)

Both Darleen and I have been guests on Jazzie's and Fawny's show this year.

Along with @UrsaMajorBrat (Astral) and @amyfoxlet (Amy Fox), we've been tinkering for over a year now on an original ABDL/Little centric DnD campaign that we've been steadily recording and slowly editing into a finished product that we hope to share eventually.  

Remember a while ago when I hinted at a new secret project that involved dice?  It took a while, but I'm comfortable enough talking about it now and hyping it up because I don't think it's going to fall by the wayside and never get out of the dreaded Development Hell that so many projects become trapped in.

Jazzie was psyched enough, that she asked me to do a variation of our now established bit for her show, and we did a non-canonical session where instead of their usual characters, everyone played fictionalized DnD-ized versions of themselves.

I was still the DM.

The final version of THAT FIRST campaign is almost wrapped up (still need to edit) and will include original artwork by Fawny, @PinkDiapers (Pink Diapers), @AArtfus (RFSwitched), @BondageHof (HofBondage), @Pizzaba35405827 (Pizzabagels), and @JuiceBox_Art (Juicebox).  It also has lots of jokes and fun moments from the cast.

Oftentimes with me being the flustered straight man.    I'll talk about that series of misadventures more as it becomes available.    For Jazzie's wonderful show, our one-shot is strictly audio only and theater of the mind.

But I think it's very well edited, and shows everyone in a very fun light.  Hopefully, if you choose to listen to it, you'll feel like you're being entertained by four very good friends who are sharing an amusing, geeky, and personal side of themselves.

We're telling a story, but it's very much for you, dear listener, our friend sitting there at the table with us and listening patiently to us ramble and riff.   So maybe if you enjoy such things, you'll get a laugh a listen and a few ideas for your own next campaign.

This isn't a "pilot" per se, more of a polished preview of the style of humor and collaborative storytelling that our little troupe/table has been working on.   I honestly think I have steadily improved as a DM and a quasi-public speaker over the course of the last year and those early tapes will prove it.

The episodes for the one-shot are Dear Jazzie episodes 93, 94, and 95.  And I hope you give them a listen and hope you enjoy them.  We liked playing and making them for you.  


Your Storyteller and Humble DM,
Personalias  (@Personalias84)

P.S. My one personal request is that if you're not going to listen to it, please don't tell me about it in the comments.  It doesn't have to be your thing. You don't have to listen to it.  That's fair. It's also fair to say I don't need to know you're not listening to it.  

There are plenty of other fun written stories on the way!



I’m a DM and would absolutely love to run an ABDL game at some point. Or play one, either way it sounds like a lot of fun.