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New Job

“Let’s get you changed,” Teacher says as they pull your pants down for you on the changing table, revealing the thoroughly soiled diaper you're wearin

You start to apologize profusely, hiding your face behind your hands while the words tumble out like a babbling brook.  Your shirt is up past your belly button and your pants are all the way off, and the AC is blasting, but it feels hotter here than it did outside.

The used diaper you’re wearing is swollen and sagging between your thighs.  Inside the smell really hits you and you can’t pretend it’s something else or pray for a stray gust of wind.

You can’t believe you pooped your pants! Even worse, you can’t believe you kept playing afterwards until a teacher checked you.  You were already wet, and felt like you’d dodged a bullet before going outside.  

After you pushed and grunted in the sandbox, you just did your best to ignore it and go down the slide.  You’d be caught sooner or later.  Might as well enjoy the playground while it lasted. One of the other kids probably told on you.  You thought you saw them going to talk to the grown-ups just a minute before you were caught.

“Why are you sorry?” Teacher asks, putting on a pair of gloves. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I pooped my pants!” Your voice cracks as you say it. You might as well be confessing to murder. You slam your hands down by your side in defeat. Such a dumb baby now! How did it get to this?

Teacher just shakes their head. “No you didn’t. Only big kids and grown-ups poop their pants. We only call it pants pooping when you’re supposed to go to the potty instead. All you did was poop. That’s it.  You were just doing your job.”

“Job?” you ask. You used to have a job.  It wasn’t here though. It was a Grown-Up job.  “My job is pooping?”

Teacher giggles. “No! Your job is to be the best baby you can possibly be, silly! And you’re doing a very good job, too! You were just so busy doing such interesting things that you didn’t have time to pee and poop in the potty.  So you went potty in your diaper!”


“Good job!” A gloved hand squishes your diaper and lifts your legs to pat your mushy bottom.  “Good baby!”

Your cheeks flush and you hide behind your hands again. “I’m not…”

“It makes a lot of sense,” Teacher powers over your rebuttal.  “You’re wearing a diaper.  So it’s only logical to go pee-pee in it.  Wouldn’t want it to go to waste.”

You peek out between your fingers.  “Well…yeah…”

“But it doesn’t make a lot of sense to go pee-pee in a diaper, and not poop in it.”  You have no response to that. “Most of the other kids aren’t there yet. They get too distracted. But not you. You’re VERY good at your job.  You’re ADVANCED!”

You can’t remember the last time someone praised you for being good at your job.  It feels wonderful.  “Yeah…?”

“Mmmhmm,” they nod.  “Such a good baby!  And because you’re doing your job so well, I can do my job.”

Your face is fully uncovered again.  “Your job?”

“My job is to take care of you and make sure you’re a happy little baby! How can I do that if you’re not being a baby?  I wouldn’t get to change your diaper if you didn’t use it.  And I love my job!  So thank you, little one.”

Oh wow.  You never thought of it that way. By being yourself-by being the best baby you can possibly be- you’re helping people. You’re helping Teacher.

Just before the tapes of your diaper are ripped open you say one last thing.  “You’re Welc



Nice story! Way to use positives to out way the negative of being in a diaper


Being praised for being your littlest self is one of the best feelingd. To know someone genuinely loves and accepts the smollest, most needful part of you and loves their role alongside you…. Pure bliss.