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Chapter 58: After Dinner Plans

Mommy dipped the spoon in the warm but not steaming bowl of mashed potatoes mixed up with peas.  “Okay, Tommy,” she said. “What is it this time?”

“Horsey!” Tommy commanded.

“Horsey it is!” She started making clip-clop clicking noises with her tongue that would have shamed Monty Python for needing coconuts, and bounced the spoon through the air in rigid short gallops.  “Neeeeeeeigh!”

Tommy opened his mouth and felt tingly all over when the payload of spuds and green globules came onto his tongue.  It was a quick chew and swallow.  He licked his lips and waited for Mommy to load up the next spoonful.  

“Rocket ship!”

Mommy covered her mouth with her hand to give her voice a muted reverb.  “Three…two…one…we have lift off!”   She made wet gurgling sounds with the back of her throat that sounded like a the roaring of jet engines in the distance.  Tommy practically unhinged his jaw.  “Uh oh! We’re going into a black hole!”

He closed his lips over the spoon and took the yummy food. “Mmmmm!” he said. That one had bits of chicken nuggets in it!   Mommy took a second to reach over to her plate and pop a nugget in her mouth.  Tommy’s food was all mixed together, just the way he liked it he decided.  Mommy and Katy’s were sectioned off.

“Ah! Ah!” Tommy opened the hatch and pointed inside his mouth.  

“What is it this time?” Mommy asked.  


Mommy smirked but remained firm. “Use your words, baby.”

Tommy allowed himself a giggle. Fiiiiiine.  “Birdie!”

The spoon started fluttering and whistling chirps came from betwixt Mommy’s mouth.  Tommy shook his head, though. “Nooooo! The spoon is not the birdie. You’re the birdie! Be a Momma birdie!”

Mommy balked and then suppressed laughter. “Little boy,” she said, “I am not throwing up in your mouth.”

“EWWWWWWWWWW!” the cry came from both twins simultaneously. Katy had been eating from her plastic sectioned off tray, watching the whole exchange like a jealous hawk. Even she was affected by the childish gross-out humor.

“No-o-o-o-o!” Tommy laughed. “Just pretend! Make the noises!”

He already knew he was going to get his way when she rolled her eyes. Tommy always got his way.  Tommy craned his neck and opened his mouth wide like he was a baby chicklet expecting food from on high, when Mommy dumped the spoon straight down his gullet.  “BLUUUUUURGH!”

Katy started laughing so hard that bits of peas and taters blasted forth from her mouth. Tommy had enough self control to swallow so as to avoid choking.  This was the life!

Young Master Dean hadn’t forgotten what Charlie had told him: About the Daycare’s sign in sheet or the color of the ink looking EXACTLY like the color of the algae that had magically shielded the pair from Malacus’s mental regression effect. Far from it. He just wasn’t sure how to use that particular bit of information yet.  

So why worry? It was hard to worry in paradise.

“Mommy! Mommy!” Katy called from her booster seat. “Look! I’m doing it!”  With shaky hands, Tommy’s twin scooped and shoveled bits of mashed potato, peas, and chicken onto her fork and then shoveled the humongous mouthful in her lips.  

It was more than a mouthful.  Had Katy not still been at her full size, she could have wolfed the bite down, but as she was- stunted if not completely shrunken- bits of potato oozed out of her mouth within the first few chews. She made no attempt to wipe her mouth and instead let the paste drip onto her shirt.

Tommy looked down at the Paw Patrol bib tied around his neck. Chase and company were as clean as a whistle. Any dabbing at his lips from Mommy was purely ceremonial or habit.  More like a programmed behavior, but ‘habit’ sounded better in Tommy’s brain.

“Wonderful! Dear! Wonderful!”  Mommy clapped lightly, feigning excitement the way parents do when children do unremarkable tasks.  “You’re getting so big!”  She turned her attention back to Tommy, but Tommy did not take his eyes off of his ‘big’ sister.

Katy looked disappointed in the reaction.  “I don’t need a bib,” she said.  Her shirt said otherwise.

“That’s right,” Mommy said. She started to prep another toddler sized spoonful for Tommy. “You’re a big girl.”

“Or a highchair…”

Tommy saw her wriggling in the booster seat.  Even in her mentally regressed and diaper addicted state, Tommy knew his sister well enough to see the gears turning and wires sparking in her brain. She was trying to figure a way to convincingly fall out.

“Exactly,” Mommy said.  “Very big! Here comes the fat man down the waterslide!”  Tommy got himself another spoonful of meat and starches, but his eyes never left his sister.

“Or a crib.”

“Uh-huh. You’ve got a big girl bed.”

Oh no. She was doing this on purpose. She was too clever and neurotic to say what she wanted, so she was hoping to get corrected. The food dripping out of her mouth.

“Or a pashifiyuh,” Katy pressed on with her thumb in her mouth.

“Mmmhmmm…” Mommy said. “Just gotta help ya with that thumb sucking habit now.

Tommy’s twin looked like she was ready to scream.  She didn’t want to be praised or corrected, she wanted to be stuffed back down into a crib with her ‘baby’ brother.  Even if she somehow excelled and improved, Tommy knew, the magic holding both her and his mother, would only let expectations go so high.

The redness of anger turned into the blush of embarrassment and a sly smile of a guilty pleasure.  Tommy couldn’t hear his sister peeing her training pants, but he knew she was doing it.  Semi-purposefully by the look of things.  Maybe it was a twin thing…

Tommy saw the flash of inspiration in Katy’s eyes.  “I don’t need diapers, either!” she said.  Wood moaned against the kitchen floor as Katy pushed back her chair and stood up. “See! I’ve still got my big girl designs!”  She hooked her thumbs into the elastic waistband of her shorts, about yank them down and show her dirty deed off.

Mommy whirled around and yanked her daughter’s hands out of her pants. “No-no-no-no-no-no!” she tutted. “Katy. Sweetie. Remember that pamphlet the guidance counselor gave you?”

“Big girls don’t pull their pants down except in the bathroom.” It sounded like a child reciting scripture that they neither understood or gripped.

“That’s right.  It’s not polite to show people your underwear,” Mommy said.

“But Tommy…”  Katy pointed at her brother in his highchair. His diaper was on full display, just barely obscured by the tray and lap bar.

“Diapers aren’t underwear,” Mommy explained for what might have been the millionth time from either’s altered point of view.  It had the cadence of a recurring argument.

“Can I w…?” Katy stopped, with the question turning to ash in her mouth before she asked it. She was smart enough to know the answer.  “Never mind.”

Dinner was done about two minutes later.  Tommy was freed from his highchair and Katy ran the dishes to the sink, scraping for extra praise and attention. Babying was the drug she was craving, but praise was her methadone.  

“Hmmm,” Mommy said, inspecting the blue wetness indicator on the front of Tommy’s diaper. It didn’t even run down to his taint. “Not too wet.” She leaned over him and pulled the back of his diaper open.  “Not poopy, either.”  She stood up but not before patting him on the butt.  “Go play in the living room.”  

Tommy didn’t need further invitation.  

“What about you, Katy?”  Tommy paused and looked back.  Katy seemed confused and unsure. Was she supposed to pull down her pants now or something?  “Do you need to go pee-pee?” Mommy asked her.

“Okay,” Mommy said. “Go potty just in case, and change your Pull-Up in your bedroom.”

Katy was flabbergasted. “What? But how?” she demanded. “You didn’t look at my big kid designs!”

“Pull-Ups still swell when you go pee-pee, honey.  Your pants look poofy and droopy. Go change.”

Katy wilted and shuffled off after Tommy.  “Yes, Mommy.”  In that moment Tommy wanted to reach out to his sister and give her a hug.  If he’d made one major misplay in this game he’d gotten himself into, it was his twin getting pulled into Malacus.

“No,” he whispered to himself. He didn’t lure her in.  He’d been in the middle of getting roped into his own intoxicating bit of play when she’d wandered in.  If anything, seeing her in a giant walker peeing (and doing other things) in her diaper had momentarily snapped him into sobriety.

Soaked to the point that her shorts were sagging, Katy started to run out of the kitchen, but stopped at the threshold into the living room.  “Mommy,” she asked, “Can I take my pants off after I change?”

“Pants stay on,” Mommy said.  

“But I thought I could keep them off at home.” Katy’s bottom lip started to pout. Tommy couldn’t quite remember that rule, but his entire past had been rewritten. If he was thought of as a kind of baby and Katy was developmentally a three to six year old, such a rule made sense.

Mommy started walking out of the kitchen, ushering the pair out.  “Not when we have company.”

“Company?” both twins said in unison.

“Mommy’s going out tonight. You’ve got a sitter.”

Tommy realized that Mommy was still dressed very nicely from earlier today. “Amanda?” Tommy asked.  Katy giggled and Tommy realized that had been a stupid guess.

“No, Tommy,” Mommy said patiently.  “It’s not Amanda and her mom. It’s your usual babysitter.”  

“Charlie’s mom?”  Tommy hadn’t been paying attention to the adults when Charlie was giving him the lowdown on the daycare’s signout sheet.  Maybe they’d arranged something else.  More laughter from his twin told him he’d gotten it wrong.

“No…not Charlie’s mother.”  Mommy said. “This isn’t a playdate, your favorite sitter is coming over.”




The doorbell sounded almost exactly like the toning of the absent grandfather clock.

Tommy’s mouth went dry while another part of him below the waist struggled to maintain composure.  “Annie?!”

“That’s riiiiiight!” Mommy sang.

Tommy tried to protest but the words wouldn’t come out of his throat. Not before Mommy opened the door.  Standing just on the other side, looking radiant, youthful, and the age to where she could have been Tommy’s peer from his old life was the green and blue eyed mad goddess of Malacus.  

“ANNIIIIIIIIIE!”  Katy squealed.  She was burying her head in the magical being’s bellybutton and hugging her the second she’d crossed over and shut the door behind her.  It was as if she was Katy’s long lost friend…or a drug dealer with a promised fix.

“I had a dream about you,” Katy said

She got a warm pat on her head and Tommy felt equal parts worry and jealousy. He knew how addictive the age-shifter’s touch could be.  “I’m sure you did Kit-Kat.  Was it a good dream?”

“Uh-huh!” Katy nodded. Her eyes became far off like she was reliving it right then and there. Or maybe she was peeing her pants some more.

“Thanks so much for being available on such short notice,” Mommy said, giving the mis-matched girl a quick hug and ushering her deeper into their house. “I hope it’s not too much of an inconvenience.”

Annie unshouldered her diaper bag and laid it on the bare spot of carpet where the clock had only just been. Fitting, in a way. Though it occurred to Tommy that a caregiver, even a professional one, toting around a diaper bag was something of an oddity. Why would a babysitter need one?  Daycares were stacked and stocked with diapers. So too were the homes where babies lived.  Tommy had his own diaper bag from Mommy. The extra one was simply redundant.

The only thing it did was demonstrate the mismatched goddess’s twisted outlook on life.  Everyone was potentially a baby to her, so she carried around her own bag of supplies until they’d been stocked up on their own.

Mommy gave both of them a quick hug. “I think they’re okay as far as bath’s tonight,” she said. “I just fed them dinner.  So it’s just staying up with them and putting them to bed.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Annie chirped. “Not a problem at all. I’ll take good care of them,” she turned, and winked at Katy of all people.

“Oh I know you will,” Mommy said. “You always do. Bye Tommy, bye-bye Katy.”

“Bye Mommy!” the duo said. Tommy sounded hesitant. Katy sounded positively thrilled.  

“You two be good.”

“They always are,” the age-shifting entity said. “Ever since I’ve known them.”

Mommy took that as her cue to walk out the door and close it behind her, leaving Tommy trapped with his bratty regressed sister and the eldritch thing that looked like a highschooler.  

“What are we gonna play first?” Katy asked.  

Annie gazed down at her appraisingly.  “First,” she said, “I think we need to get you out of those wet and squishy pants.”  

Katy bowed her head. “Yeah…Mommy said I gotta go change.”

“Yeah, you need it,” Annie agreed.  She motioned towards the diaper bag on the floor.  “So go lay down.”


“I do diapers,” the entity said smugly. “Not potty training.  Your potty training is suspended until your Mommy gets back.”  Her emerald and azure eyes sparked briefly, and Tommy had the feeling that that was more than a bit of rule bending.

Barefoot and only in a green baby tee and diaper himself, Tommy did his best to seem impressive or assertive and failed. “That’s against the rules!”

“That’s the fun part about being a babysitter,” Annie said glibly, “I get to make the rules as long as Mommy isn’t home.”

Tommy could only watch as his sister gleefully pulled her pants down off her ankles and laid down like a dog waiting to get her belly rubbed.  

Tommy inserted himself between his sister and what was fundamentally a regression demon. “Annie? Miss Annie?” he added trying to seem sweeter than he felt. “Can I talk to you, please?”

“Of course, baby boy!” Annie chirped. “Right after I finish changing Katy’s diaper.”

“Yay!” Katy squirmed on the floor.  This was possibly the happiest he’d seen her.

“It’s really important,” Tommy insisted. “Super duper important.”

“Tommeeeeeee-” Katy whined. “I need a new diapeeeee!”

Tommy dashed to the couch and picked up an iPad.  “Here,” he said. “Play with this.”

Katy’s eyes lit up and she reached up to take it from him. The sounds of electronic beeping filled the air and her eyes glazed over.  The state of her pants and her upcoming diaper shoved back.  As far as Tommy knew, his sister was just that distractible lately.

Annie rolled her eyes in a somewhat good naturedly way.  “That’s not going to stop me, you know. I don’t need her to look at me to change her.”

He did not like how Annie said ‘change’. Tommy gulped and asked  “We had a deal.”

“We did,” Annie agreed.  “Katy isn’t going to get any littler than she already is.  I’m just going to put a diaper on her for the night. That’s it.”

That had to be a lie.  “What are you even doing here?”  Tommy felt trapped and embarrassed; maybe even guilty.  It was like he was talking to his secret girlfriend; his mistress.

“I’m just checking up on you.” Annie patted him on the top of his head and he felt an electric rush leaving him stunned. Even her touch could mesmerize.  “And you need a specialized babysitter,” she teased “You know what happened to the last one…”

Tommy felt guilt and anger fight for dominance. That had been his fault, from start to finish. “Yeah…I…I know.”

““If you want me to change the deal,” Annie tempted him, “I could fix your sister like I fixed Amanda.  One last time. No more wanting something she can’t have and sneaking diapers away.”

Tommy held his breath.  How much did she know? Was she playing him all along?

“Don’t act so surprised,” Annie told him. “It’s common.  If I had dragged out certain aspects of your visits you’d be a lot like her.  Wanting to make humpies in wet and smelly diapers but being too big to get away with it.”  

That was true. Not that long ago, Tommy had been so utterly fascinated and aroused that he’d masturbated on top of a changing table when no one was looking.  He’d been caught in the same trap of being too big for the world he wanted that Amanda had fallen into.  

“It’s rare that I leave a project unfinished,” Annie said. “But a deal is a deal. Unless…?”

“No.” Tommy said.  “No…no magic. No shrinking. No regression.”

Annie hunkered down on the balls of her feet so that she was near eye level to the shrunken boy.  “Excuse me?”  It was a challenge.

Tommy stood firm.  “If you want to babysit me and Katy, you gotta babysit us for real. No magic. We have a deal.”

“You didn’t mind magic when I gave you that little peck on your cheek,” Annie teased.  Her breath smelled like fresh spring.

“You said…” Just being around her, he wanted to hug her and bury his head into her breasts. “Don’t do anything more to my sister. We. Had. A. Deal.”

“We did and still do,” Annie replied.  “I just wanted to see if you felt like renegotiating.”

“I don’t.”

“Okay sweet boy,” her words made Tommy want to blush and faint.  “You can be your Mommy’s one and only forever baby.”  She stood up.  “Enough business. Let's play.” She walked over and knelt by Katy who was still giggling and playing whatever passed as preschool entertainment.  

“Hey!” Tommy yelped. “You said-”

“Sometimes a diaper change is just a diaper change, sweetie.”  

And that made the matter feel settled.

Tommy watched the change happen like a hawk. As a sort of ‘big brother’ with all of his faculties still intact, he kept a close eye on Katy making sure that getting wiped and powdered and having even thicker puffier padding slid beneath her wasn’t doing anything other than give her a taste of her cravings.  As a sort of ‘little brother’ he bristled and felt jealous. This was supposed to be his thing, but like all twins he’d learned to deal with sharing.

A mechanical, buzzing, grinding sound made its way to Tommy’s ears. Where was that coming from? He eyed the diaper bag suspiciously.  The last tab on Katy’s diaper was fastened on.  Annie lifted her head and cocked her head.  “What…is…that…sound?”

Katy giggled mischievously, and Annie snatched the tablet from her.  “What…the…?” Annie mused.  A flash of recognition crossed over her mismatched eyes. “The printer!”  She leapt to her feet and ran towards Mommy’s room, leaving the tablet behind.

“What did you do?” Tommy asked his sister.  

Katy was still laying on the floor, luxuriating in the fact that she was now wearing a proper diaper.  “I dunno. I’m just a baaaaaaby!”

Tommy picked up the tablet and examined the screen.  Tommy didn’t fully understand what he was looking at, but it looked like some kind of massive spreadsheet.  With an order to print ninety-nine copies out.  “We have a printer?”

“Mommy does.” Katy said. She looked at her thumb.  Before she started sucking it she added, “it’s for business.”

“How did you…?” Tommy shook his head in wonder. “You got past the child lock and kind of hacked into Mommy’s computer.”  Katy didn’t argue the point, but didn’t take credit for it either. Being a ‘baby’ Tommy hadn’t been given much in the way of computers to pay with.  Being in the weird limbo state that she was, Katy was closer to a stubborn kindergartener than anything. And Kindergarteners were inexplicably good with computers; Katy even moreso.

“Look,” Tommy whispered. “You gotta stop this.”

Katy looked perturbed. “Stop what?”
“Acting like a baby.  Wearing diapers. Hiding them under your bed.”  How did she not know this. “You’re gonna get caught.”

Katy sat up.  “Good. I want to get caught. Maybe Mommy will let me wear diapers if I get caught.”

“She won’t,” Tommy said. “You’re too big.”

Katy looked like she’d been slapped. “I’m the same age as you! Why do I have to be the big girl?”

Tommy felt ashamed. He couldn’t…he just couldn’t.  He had to pivot. “That’s not gonna get you what you want.  When Mommy finds all those used diapers under your bed she’ll just start watching you extra hard and make it so you never get to wear a diaper again.”

A terrible smile from Katy. “Not if I blame it on you. You sneaked into my room, ’member?”

Ugh. Both true and so not the point.  “Then what happens when you keep doing it and Mommy is keeping a closer eye on me?”

“Oh…yeah…” Katy said. “I hadn’t thought of that.”  Obviously.  “But I’ll think of somethin’...”

Thirty seconds later, a very annoyed Annie came back.  “Okay,” she said. “Fixed it. Just had to unplug it and replug it back in.”

“Unplug what?” Katy asked.

“Everything,” Annie said. “Just. Everything.”  She sighed dramatically and picked up the tablet that had caused the snafu.  “I think that’s enough  for one night.” She opened up the diaper bag and slipped Katy’s favorite toy in.  From where he was standing, the bag didn’t look like it had a bottom to it, just one big empty pocket of inky blackness.  It might have been the angle he was standing at. It probably wasn’t, but it might have been.

“So,” Annie asked. “Why don’t we play some games so that we get nice and tuckered out before beddy bye time? Just the three of us.  And no one else will have to know.”

“Okay.” Katy said.  “Let’s do it!”

Tommy’s mouth went dry. “Can I just go to bed?”

“Not time for that yet,” Annie countered. “You’re not that little, Tommy, and your Mommy doesn’t want you waking up in the middle of the night because you went to bed too soon.  Do you wanna be a littler baby that needs an earlier beddy bye time?”

“No!” Tommy yelped. He was perfectly happy here in toddler territory, and the mismatched babysitter was deliberately trying to twist his words.

“Then let’s play. Just the three of us.”

“Yeah!” Katy agreed. “I wanna plaaaaaaay! Let’s play, let’s play. Let’s play!”

Tommy had a bad feeling about this.  “So…a board game or something?”

“I think board games are a little too mature for silly babies like you two.”  Katy was melting at the comment.  Tommy’s blood was running cold.  They’d had a deal, right?”

“What can we play?” Tommy regretted asking.

In response, Annie walked back over to the diaper bag.  It was starting to shake and shudder like a jumping bean. It looked bloated like a pimple ready to burst. “Let’s find out, shall we?”

“We had a deal!” Tommy said. “No magic!”

“I’m pretty sure the deal was I leave certain people just the way they are,” Annie coyly replied. “I never said anything about no magic.”  She opened the bag, and from it, bright blue electric blinding light and wispy white dreamlike mist poured out.

This was going to be weird.

From out of the diaper bag, bright blue electric light sprung out making Tommy have to reflexively shield his eyes.  

“Wow!” Katy shrieked. “Cooooooool!”

White smokey mist poured out and covered the floor, blanketing the carpet. Beneath his bare feet Tommy felt fresh grass spring up. He wiggled his toes and green summer blades found purchase beneath the milky whisps.

Up from the boundless depths of the smoke, three forms emerged, their silhouettes outlined in the bluer than blue light.  Even with his eyes straining, Tommy could make them out. A mighty centaur, a sturdy dwarf, and a slender elf.

“NO!” Tommy howled. “No no no! Not again!”  He avoided stomping his feet, for fear that he would look even more childish…or that he might bring them down on something more unpleasant than just grass.

The light faded and the mist sank deep into the carpet.  What was left was an unexpected yet not unwelcome mixture of the fantastical mundane.  The same mundane and semi-familiar walls surrounded them, but earthy sod had taken purchase over the carpets and floor boards.  Above them was a bright and beautiful sky, despite being on the first floor and seeing the stairway leading up above the clouds. The walls, while still intact, had vines growing on them and branches sprouting from painted trees.

This was an illusion of some sort.  It was the only explanation.

Speaking of illusions…

“Mr. Jordan?” Katy asked. “Why are you a horsey man?”

Standing directly in front of the twins were three very peculiar fantasy creatures that all had the faces of people they knew from their real life.  Gihlanna the elven sorcerer queen stood regally wearing Amanda’s features; though her eyes were much more aware and thoughtful than the original model.  Trevor’s face was stretched out over the massive frame of Leadshoulder the dwarf, and Mr. Jordan’s upper body was firmly on top of Equistrinox’s horse body.

“Oh these aren’t really your friends,” Annie explained. Nox’s tail twitched in irritation. “I mean, they are your friends, but they’re not your real friends. These are imaginary friends! They look like other people because of who they are.”

That seemed to make a twisted sense to Katy.  “Oooh,” she said. “I get it. That’s why this pretty elf  lady has Amanda’s face! Amanda’s just a baby!”

The pointy eared seductress walked over Katy and caressed the regressed girl’s cheeks. “That’s right, sweetie.  All little boys and girls base their imaginary friends on people they know. They don’t know enough to make up original faces, do they?”

The shudder from Tommy’s twin was absolutely sensual and not something a child would likely do. From the sound of it part of her was being tickled, but it wasn’t under her armpits. “No,” Katy whispered. “No we don’t…”

“Annie…”  Tommy growled.  He was finding his courage. There was a bit of Tom the Titan left, yet.

“Oh don’t be such a stick in the mud baby boy,” Annie retorted. “It’s just imagination. You do it all the time! Like when you’re out on the playground and pretend that the teddy bears can move.”

“Yeah, Tommy. Don’t be a…a…poopy butt!”

“Verily, friend Tommy,” Leadshoulder said. “It is all but fun and games!  Pretend! Dream-stuff! No harm shall come to thee while we yet linger.”  He tried to put his meaty hand on Tommy but the boy shrugged it off.  The dwarf seemed mildly offended.

“You’re not my friend,” Tommy said. “You’re not even real. Just…”  He was going to say ‘blue stuff’ but thought better of it.  The child-goddess might yet have a way to undo Tommy’s protection if she knew about it.

“Mayhaps someone needs a time out, eh, m’la-...I mean oh babysitter?” Nox said, bowing differentially to Annie.

Annie smirked, her expression closer to a spoiled brat used to getting her way than any kind of benevolent deity- yet alone a goddess.  “Perhaps. But Tommy is very good at imagining things when he lets himself.”  She fluttered her eyes at him. “That’s why I like babysitting him so much.”

Tommy grit his teeth and ignored the flattery laced compliment.  “Katy. You go to special classes at school right?”

“Yeah,” Katy agreed.

“And I just go to the daycare attached to school, yeah?”


“Then how can either of us be imagining Mr. Jordan?  We’re both too little to be going to his class at the other end of the school.”

Now it was Tommy’s turn to be warned “Careful, Tommy…” Annie let the ‘or else’ go unsaid.

Katy’s eyebrows knitted together.  “Huh…well…he’s still around school, isn’t he? I’ve seen him before and must’ve ‘membered him and imagined him like this.  Just like how baby ‘Manda isn’t really a pretty pointy eared lady, and…and…this is…”

“Leadshoulder,” the dwarf answered for her.

“He looks like Trevor,” Tommy prompted.

“Yeah!” Katy. “He looks like Trevor! It’s just imaginary.  Pretend play!”

“Come on, Tommy,” Annie coaxed. “It’s just pretend. Play with us.”

“But it’s…it’s…” Tommy searched for the right word. Manipulative? Coercive? Malicious? Against the spirit of the agreement?   “Boring.” There! That was it!  “It’s boring.”

Annie’s eyes glowed with insult and anger.  “Boring? What do you mean boring? Children love playing my games with me!”  

“Yeah,” Tommy admitted.  “At first.  But the fun part of imagination is all the new stuff you can do. I’ve already played this game before.”  He looked at his sister. “Haven’t you?”

Katy looked deep in concentration…or maybe she was trying to work past her remaining potty training and mess herself…  “Yeah. I think I kind of have,” she said.  “Also tea parties.  What else can we play?”

For a second, Annie seemed at a loss for words or ideas.  She’d been playing the same basic games over and over again for hundreds, maybe over a thousand years. He’d read her book.  He knew her truth: She was someone who’d been dealt a bad hand and had escaped to childhood. But in not growing or having to maintain a connection for longer than it took to completely regress him, she’d grown complacent.

“Come on, Annie,” he said. “Let’s play something new.”

Annie seemed both hurt and hopeful.  She’d likely never been called out like this.  “Like what?”  

Katy opened her mouth first. “How about the floor is lav-?”

“NO!” Tommy shouted over his twin. “Not that!”  Illusion or not, he wasn’t willing to risk molten rock filling his brand new living room.

“Then what?” Katy demanded.  “Hide and seek? Marco Polo? Follow the Leader? Charades?”

“Yeah, Tommy?” Annie goaded now that someone was on her side. “What game can a baby think of playing?”

Tommy refused to be put on the backfoot. “What about…Truth or Dare?”

“Ooooooooooo.”  Even in Katy’s regressed state she knew that to be a ‘grown-up’ game. The imaginary flunkies made similarly curious faces. Their master didn’t have them play games that amounted to shame chicken.   “Yeah! Let’s play that!”

“Indeed!” Nox agreed.

“Verily!” Leadshoulder echoed the sentiment.

Gihlanna folded her arms but seemed keen on the concept.  

Annie seemed less pleased than her assembled homunculi, but did not object. “Alright. We can pretend to play a grown-up game,” she conceded, “but little ones like you need rules.”

Tommy was smart enough to not ask like what. “Agreed,” he said instead. “Like a dare has to be something that the person can do. I can’t ask Nox to tap dance on his hind legs for two minutes, or for Katy to flap her arms until she flies. It’s about doing it or not doing it.”

“And, you have to tell the truth,” Annie said. “No lying. You either lose or tell the truth.”

“That goes for all of us,” Tommy said, hearing the loophole, “Everyone either loses or tells the truth or does the dare. Rules apply to everyone.”

Annie wrinkled her nose a bit, annoyed that she’d been caught.  “Agreed.”

“And it has to stay here in the house!” Katy quickly threw in. “Like…no dares to call my Mommy or tell her anything.”  

Tommy looked at his sister, impressed, and Annie seemed amused. This version of Katy was craftier and more cunning than he’d given her credit for.  Was such caution a result of her re-conditioning or something inside her all along that Tommy had taken for granted?  He didn’t know.  

“Deal,” Annie agreed.  The others all nodded their consent. “This is still imagination. So none of this happened by the time your Mommy gets home.”

“Is that it?” Tommy asked.

He immediately regretted it.  “Since we’re pretending to be big boys and girls, why don’t we make it interesting.”  She reached into a side pocket of the diaper bag and pulled out a packet of graham crackers.  “The winner gets to feed one of the losers this…” she held up a packet of Graham crackers. “Or this…” She produced a bottle of apple juice.  “Nothing too permanent.” She cast a wink at Tommy.  “Or deal breaking.”  

Clearly, Annie was here to remind him that she was in charge.  He wouldn’t take the bait, tho-

“Bet!” Katy said.

Tommy wanted to yank her hair out. “Katy!”

“What?” Katy giggled. “I either get to feed someone a baby, or be bed like a baby! I win no matter what!”

“That’s not…” Tommy tensed and stopped himself. How did one explain that food was magical to a girl who saw a full-blown centaur and accepted it as just part of pretend?  “Okay. Fine.”  It just meant Tommy would have to win.  No big deal. He’d won before.

“Who goes first?” Katy asked.

“I’ll go first,” Annie said, before Tommy could raise his hand.  “I’m the oldest and need to set the tone,” she chuckled.  Her eyes gazed over the other players; Tommy, Katy, her three minions.  “Katy,” she said. “Truth or Dare?”

Katy licked her lips, seeming unsteady and unsure.  “Truth?  No! Dare! Dare!”

“I dare you to kiss Gihlanna,” she gestured to the elf.

“Nice,” the dwarf said, elbowing the centaur’s flank.  The centaur for his part, seemed vaguely annoyed.  

The slightest tinge of pink showed up on Katy’s cheeks. And then she leapt into action.  Without further hesitation she walked up to the elf with their regressed peer’s body, and leapt- literally leapt- into her arms, straddling her and wrapping her legs around the elf-thing’s waist.  

“Whoah…” Tommy whispered to himself.  He didn’t know whether to stare or look away and opted for finding the grass extremely interesting.  On one hand, the elf lady was hot, and Tommy had not-so-accidentally learned to associate certain ‘adult’ feelings with diapers.  On the other hand, she wore Amanda’s face, and it was his sister swapping spit with her.  Guilt and disgust won out over curiosity and lust.

“Good job,” the elf sorceress whispered.  “Now you get a turn.”

Katy was panting heavily. She’d broken out into a sweat, and from behind, Tommy could tell she’d already wet a little.  “Okay,” she said. “Okay…um…um…horse guy! Truth or Dare?”

“Dare,” Tommy’s imaginary mentor said.

“I dare you…” Katy said. “To give me…”  she paused.

Please don’t say ‘head’. Please don’t say ‘head’.

“A horsey ride!”

The centaur bristled and then calmed himself.  He was a children’s entertainer being asked to do a bit he’d long tired of. Maybe that’s why he wore the beleaguered math teacher’s face.  “Of course, dear girl. Of course.”

Tommy watched his big/little/twin sister get scooped up and placed on Nox’s horseback. He wore no saddle, but the thick padding between her legs more than did the trick as far as comfort though. “Wheeeeeee!”

There was nothing else to do but watch as the horse man pranced and trotted around the bottom floor of the house, nimbly bobbing and weaving past furniture and foliage that shouldn’t be there.  That and listen to Katy’s madcap laughter.  There was something disturbing watching Nox nicker and make horse sounds with his still very human mouth.

When it was done, Katy slid off the centaur’s back and said, “Yay! Your turn!”

Nox turned his eyes towards Tommy.  “Friend Tommy.  Truth or Dare?”

“Dare,” Tommy said, almost without thinking.  There were too many truths he didn’t want unveiled, and he wouldn’t put it past Annie to compel him not to lie.  

“Very well,” Nox said. A terrible smug grin came over him.  “I dare you to have an orgasm. Right here. In front of everyone.”  

Tommy looked to Katy, and then each of the other so-called players in turn.  Here? Now? In front of everyone? Including Katy.  

“You can always lose,” Annie offered. “I probably won’t feed you anything.”  She slowly turned her head and regarded Katy.  

Tommy exhaled.  “Katy,” he said. “Do me a favor and close your eyes.”


Just…just do it.”

Thankfully, she did; putting her hands over her eyes and everything.  “Thank you.”  

Tommy laid down in the soft grass and closed his.  He reached between his legs and grabbed himself right over the light blue line.  He wasn’t completely soggy, but the padding was far from dry and had a nice squish to it.  

Don’t think about it, don’t think about it, don’t think about it.

“Awwwww,” Leadshoulder taunted.  “Is the widdle baby.” That sounded a lot more like something Trevor might say than the noble dwarf Tommy thought he’d befriended.

“Now now,” Annie said. “Let him try.”

Tommy huffed and and re-established his grip on himself.  It was fine. It was fine.  It was fine. He was here. In his house. His magic infected house.  With an eldritch being and three sentient constructs that looked remarkably like people from his old life…and his flesh and blood sister.

Damn it.

He closed his eyes and started talking to himself.

“Oh yeah,” he whispered. “You like that, don’t ya?”  He grunted and thrust his hips into himself like he used to. He was trying and trying and trying, running past all the dirty movies he’d played in his head over the years.  His cock was still more ropey than anything.

It was hard to feel through the bulk of the diaper, but whatever part of his brain that remembered how to dress and undress himself had gone away with his potty training.  A sudden and inexplicable burst of warmth entered his diaper and the line around his crotch turned a deeper blue and bled down further between his legs.

“Awwwww,” the elf said. “Poor widdle baby. Does he think that’s the same as making big boy messes in his diapee now?”

Whoah! That did something about that! Tommy felt a new surge of energy in him and made a tent of sorts in his Pampers.

“Gihlanna…” Annie hissed, and then said no more.

Tommy bit his lip and started groping himself and pumping, thinking about Amanda…whom he’d regressed…and Cameron…who actually had been kind of nice to Katy before…

Oh God Katy!

And just like that, Tommy had lost all of his momentum.  Why wasn’t this working (not counting the obvious reasons)?

He heard Katy’s light airy giggles and opened his eyes.  She was still oblivious, having covered her face.  “Peekaboo.”  Tommy felt a bit of lust.  Why-?

Oh. That was why.  Tommy closed his eyes and started talking to himself again.  Both hands on his crotch he began rubbing the wet padding up and down his penis, moaning to himself.  But in his mind he wasn’t thinking about sex, or about pretty girls his own age climbing on top of him.  He was fantasizing about the things he wanted to fantasize about, not just the things he thought he should be.

He was back on a changing mat, with a massive pair of hands reaching down to untape his diaper for him and wipe his bottom.  He was in a stroller, wet again, as everyone who passed by couldn’t help but notice him and wave and remark on how cute he was.  He was on the swingset, trapped by the harness but free to scream out about what a baby he was.  He was at a woman’s breast- he didn’t care who- and in his mind he just kept hearing the steady pulse of the nursemaid’s heartbeat drowning out gentle cooing and pats on his padded rear reassuring him that he was doing the right thing.

Oh gods, that was so hot!  It shouldn’t be, his mind told him, but his brain had been rewired to the point where it absolutely was the thing that got him going.  His stomach churched and right as Tommy reached climax, his legs lifted up so that his bottom pushed out a massive mess behind him.

They were watching him! Everyone was watching him!  Right as he messed himself on cummed at the same time!  His sister’s laughter rang in his ears, but it was too late to stop either act.  Humiliation, sexual gratification, and infantile lack of care all meshed together in one tantalizing orgasmic moment.

Damn.  So now that was probably going to turn him on to some extent for the rest of his life.

Tommy sat up, panting and red in both body and face.  He ignored the mess spreading out beneath him. “There…” he said, cock still throbbing. “I did it.”

“Yes you did,” Annie smiled.  “Good boy.”

That did not have the intended effect. It only made Tommy’s blood boil this time.  “Okay. My turn.”

This wasn’t really a fair game of truth or dare.  It was closer to four on two.  Five on one depending on Katy’s mood.  She didn’t fully understand the consequences of it all. This really was an imaginary game to her that she could babble to Mommy about and just get a ‘That’s nice dear” in return.


He considered it a five on one, but shouldn’t it have been more like a two on one?  Leadshoulder, Nox, and Gihlanna weren’t really people, but beings made out of dreamstuff that Annie the Nanny controlled.  

She didn’t have complete control of them though.  It’s what made them so believable. They were more like servants than robots.  Each had their own personalities and roles.  The faces were just reflections of the closest approximation to Tommy’s mind.

And there was the key…

It was a wonder what a little sexual exhibitionism could do for the mind.

“Hey elf-lady,” Tommy said. “Truth or dare?”

Gihlanna, with Amanda’s face, boldly proclaimed, “Dare.”

“I dare you to smear my poop all over your face!”

A very Amanda-like “What?!” erupted from out of the magical being.

“You heard me,” Tommy pressed. “Untape my diaper. Grab some poop, and shove it in your face….or lose.”

The elegant and haughty temptress wasn’t built for such vile things. She took a step back, closer to Annie, closer to the diaper bag.  “I…wouldn’t you rather I…do something else?”

“Nope.  Pretty sure negotiation  isn’t part of the game.” Tommy folded his arms, seeming oddly confident despite his position and the state of his pants.

Three…two…one more step and the elf woman was beside Annie’s diaper bag.


And just like that in a puff of scope, the girl-thing was gone.

“I think that gives me another turn, right?”  Reluctantly, all agreed. “Leadshoulder. Truth or Dare?”

“Dare, Tommy,” the dwarf scoffed. “Dare.”

Tommy scratched his hairless chin.  What would be too much for someone based loosely off of Trevor?  How did one mess with a bully?  “I dare you…to punch Equistrinox…right in the testicals.”

Nox glowered down at the dwarf.  “You wouldn’t dare! Try it and I’ll kick your head off.”  

“What?” Tommy goaded. “It’s just a little tap in the nuts. Then if you don’t kick him he gets a turn!”

Beads of sweat the size of water balloons started dripping down the dwarf’s face. “Uh…uh…nope. Nuh-uh.  G’bye!”


Sometimes the only cure for a bully was a bigger bully.

Tommy wasted no time, reveling in such a minor victory.  “Nox, my friend,” Tommy jeered. “Truth or Dare?”

“Truth,” Nox said.  “I hold no secrets from you.”

“Where does my sister actually remember your face from?”

The horse-teacher seemed baffled. “She said so herself,” Nox said. “She knows the face of this Mr. Jordan because she’s seen him around campus. And that’s the who-”


The deception went over Katy’s head.  But now there were there.  “Come on,” Kay whined. “Stop winning, Tommy! You’re too good at this! Let somebody else have a turn.”

“Katy,” Tommy said. “Truth or Dare?”

A look of wild anticipation filled his twin’s face. “Dare!”

“I dare you,” Tommy said, “to go up to your bedroom, dig all the gross diapers you’re hiding under your bed, and throw them away.”

“What?! No!”

Tommy finally stood up, ignoring how his Pampers stuck to his behind.  “Then you lose, sis.”

Katy stamped her foot. “I don’t wanna!”

“Then you lose.,” he repeated. Katy did not disappear into a cloud of mist but she sat down with an exasperated huff and pouted.  Only one more to go.  “Annie,” Tommy challenged.  “Truth or Dare.”


Tommy knew exactly what he was going to ask if she’d said truth.  “You’ve had me call you Nanny and Annie, and probably a couple other things too.  What’s your real name.”

A look of pause came over the mismatched god-thing.  Names had power, after all, and it was perhaps the one thing that strange book in the daycare hadn’t told him about her.  But despite her adult appearance, Annie was still very much a poor little girl content to play with dolls and a competitive streak.

“Anika,” she said. “I was baptized and christened Anika Beckett. Later Sister Mary Anne.”  The name sounded foreign on her lips, but not like a lie.  “But I’ve always been Anika Beckett.”  It didn’t sound like she’d said the name in a long time, and the sound of it pained her.  

With only two players left.  “Truth or Dare?”

“Truth,” Tommy didn’t think he had it in him for another dare.

Predatorily, the mismatched goddess looked to and from each of the twins.  “Okay. Truth.  What is your father’s name and where is he?”

The corners of Tommy’s mouth dropped dead to the grassy floor.  “I…” He couldn’t tell that. What would that do to Katy?  The revelation had shook him to his core.  Could he risk her not believing it?  “I d…” the words couldn’t even come out of his mouth.  He couldn’t lie so much as saying that he didn’t know.  Because he did know.

“Truth or lose, Tommy dear,” Annie said. “Truth or admit defeat.”

Tommy fell to his knees and bowed his head.  Maybe magically enforced impotence wouldn’t be so bad…  “Okay, Annie,” he sighed. “You win.”

Annie clapped her hands, and as fast as the grassy outdoor picture had come to life and invaded Tommy’s new living room, it dissipated.  “Good game! Good game!” Annie chortled. “Well played!”  She immediately picked up Tommy and cradled him, but regarded his twin. “Katy,” Annie instructed, “go clean your room. Get those icky diapers out from under your bed.”

“What?” Katy whined. “Why?!”

“They’re gross and smelly and you can do better,” Annie said. “Be a good girl and clean them up.”

The grass had turned back to plain carpet, and Katie had managed to wet her diaper some more, but she hadn’t gotten up yet.  “The game’s over though.”

“That’s right,” the babysitter said. “This isn’t a game anymore. I’m telling you to go clean your room.”

“No fair!” Katy stood up and tromped to the stairs. “No! Fair! No! Fair! No! Fair!”

Annie gave a knowing wink with her sapphire eye to Tommy and then tried a different tact.  “How about this? If you are a good girl and clean out under your bed and throw all those yucky diapers away, I’ll talk to your Mommy about letting you be diapered after dinner.”

“Every day?!” Katy shrieked in delight.  “Really?”

“Mhm” Annie promised. “Every day. But only after dinner and only if you’re good.”

Katy needed no further incentive.  She hurried up the stairs faster than what Tommy thought was humanly possible for a girl of her reduced size.  Somebody forgot to tell Katy that.

“That still doesn’t break our agreement,” Annie said quickly.  “That and it stops her from stealing and hiding from you, my sweet little boy.”  She bent over and dug back through the diaper bag still on the floor. “Ready for your penalty?”

Tommy let himself go limp.  “I guess…” he said just within the range of hearing.

He closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and bit down on the first thing that came between his lips.  Instead of the dry crunch of a graham cracker, Tommy felt the wet, rubbery give of a nipple and the squirt of delicious apple juice.

He opened his eyes and stared up at a very pleased Annie holding a bottle of amber liquid. Tommy swallowed lest he choke, only to make room for more of the stuff.

Tommy came.

And Came again

And wet.

And came again.

And again.

And again.

And peed again.

Every mouthful was an instant orgasm.  Every other swallow was a bladder spasp.  And every part of his consciousness reeled from the experience.  Inside his diaper his penis was a screaming, rock hard, joyous mass. A veritable fountain, spewing forth its contents into his waiting diaper, and the wet sticky warmth seemed to engulf him at all angles.

“Did you really think I’d punish you for playing such a creative game?” Annie cooed down at him.

Tommy could only drink…and come…and wet himself into unconsciousness, loving every minute of it.  Good game.  Very good game.  One he’d been very okay with losing after all.


“Hey,” Tommy was woken up from his slumber that night.  He hadn’t remembered being put down to bed or changed into jammies, but there he was. He’d gotten a new diaper too.  One that wasn’t nearly as heaving and sagging as the last had been.  He’d actually slept through a change, and that gave him all sorts of complicated, infantile feelings.

 On the other side of the crib bars was the unmistakable silhouette of his sister. “Hey Tommy. Wake up.”

Tommy rolled over to his side and rubbed his eyes.  Absentmindedly he rubbed something else too and winced.  His dick felt like it had rug burn.  Was it possible to pull a muscle while ejaculating?  If not, Tommy’s had found a way.

“What do you want?” he groaned.  Did Katy want to climb into his crib, now? Had her jealousy reached that

In a quiet, and serious whisper, Katy asked. “Why does Annie have two names? What did the horsey teacher not want to say?  And who was that dwarf?  I don’t know his face at all.  He’s not a teacher like Mr. Jordan, or a baby like Amanda.  Why would I know his face?”

“It’s hard to explain,” Tommy whispered.

“Tell me,” Katy said. She grabbed the rails and pressed her face against them.  “Tell me everything little brother. Truth or Dare, but no Dare. Just tell me the truth.”

So Tommy did…



I seriously need to go and read this from the beginning lol. I’ve been reading bits and pieces and it’s been great


I finally read this and got caught all the way up. It’s fantastic and I love it