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I've been putting this off all week, because sometimes that's just what I do.  

I really like writing, Unfair. I do.  And I have many more plans for it.

But that's the problem.  I always have plans for Unfair.  No matter what curveballs life throws at me I always find time to sandwhich that crazy gem in.

But that's not fair.

I have gold tier requests, and regular commissions, and New Narnia (which is also a commission but by this point is far from "regular" in terms of scale and scope).  And I've been accidentally neglected them.

And I've got capcon and a few other hurdles coming up (nothing bad...but it's summer...I have a family...you do the math)  So I have to make a choice.

So here's the choice I'm making, out of fairness.

I am putting Unfair on a temporary hiatus (redundant,) I know.

Don't expect anymore updates for the misadventures of Clark Gibson/Grange for the rest of July at the very least.  Don't worry about Clark.  Let's let him be happy now that he's got some happy feelings going on.

There will STILL be content.  I pride myself on making and updating content every week.

And I have not been idle.  


I will not be updating my epic novel until I give other points of view their much needed time in the digital sun and they have the love and attention that they deserve.

New Narnia isn't done yet, but we are approaching a finale very soon.  I'm going to give it at least a few chapters to grow and swell. Possibly bring it to its thrilling finale.

One chapter left in Siren's Swan Song.

And there are at least two people waiting for me to get to them on their gold tier requests.

Meanwhile I've been busting my hump on this crazy CYOA for Molly's Zine. (If you don't know what that is I'll go into detail in the comments if you ask)  Naturally I'll post my contribution here eventually. Don't worry about having to pay extra.

So yeah. Over the next couple of weeks and into august. Expect a greater variety in your inbox with regularity.

I need a catchphrase,




While it stinks that unfair is on a hiatus, at the same time I’m sure you’ll be writing some other awesome stories. I hope you enjoy CAPcon!! Also what’s Molly’s Zine?


No worries man. I want to see the different conclusions that are upcoming. As for a catch phrase what about: For my homies!!!! (Video game catchphrase)


A break is necessary sometimes! I know I can't wait to see more of Clark and Janet but I'm still always excited whenever I see anything new from ya Pers! I'm excited to see all your other new stuff too!


"Bingo Dingo McZinger, that's spicy(tm)" - Personalias's new catchphrase.


I agree, it's a good place to hold the story for a bit. Take some time for other projects.


Not going to lie…I hate Unfair is taking a break. However, I do understand the need and that it is coming back. 101 chapters is a good chunk of a story as well. I look forward to some of your other projects to get underway and excitedly look forward to the return of Unfair


Honestly it’s a great pausing point. Looking forward to you getting back.


I totally get that you have other writing and life obligations. While I hate that it’s going to stop for a bit I’m sure I’ll enjoy the content you do put out


Nooo, we're still left hanging on Tracy's situation :'(. I want moar


This might give me a chance to get caught up