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Hey folks,

Just taking a second to pop in, with my hat in my hand to thank everybody for this past month.  As of this writing 343 of y'all were curious enough or entertained enough to give me a chance to continue my work, and I am deeply grateful to you for that.

I'm going to keep trying to be worthy of that support and go from there.

I'm not perfect.  Every week I've set a goal for myself, quietly, and every week I've come up short in some way. It turns out that when you plan to write like a machine down to the minute, and then even the slightest unforeseen interruption happens (grocery shopping, kid gets the sniffles, oh yeah you already promised to do that one thing for somebody else and now you're double booked, oh that chapter of your now epic novel really feels like it NEEDS to be 13k instead of the usual 5k or 6k)  Turns out it can really throw your groove off and things just topple down from there.

If it's one thing I've learned it's that I've got to get better at juggling or make more realistic goals.  Maybe both?

And I promise I'm not blowing smoke up anybody's bums when I say there are some really neat projects that are slowly but surely coming to life thanks to you.  Like...there's one that I've been tinkering at for close to a year now...and realistically it isn't gonna be until next year that season 1 is ready for promotion. (Oh...did I just drop a hint?)  

And there's 2-3 more smaller but no less exciting endeavors that I both want to share and am afraid to jinx.  Let's just say that if things pan out y'all will get to hear my voice more often and I am so sorry.

Now things that I CAN talk about:

Perpetual Change, the abdl  visual novel/rpg that I wrote the story and the bulk of the dialogue for?  The one that PieceofSoap basically learned to code and then did the majority of everything else for?  

It's done on my end.  There might be minor re-writes or additions: Stuff like Soap goes "Pers, I just added these five props to the scene; can you add character commentary in case the player clicks on them?", that might happen.  And there might be some minor polishing here or there that's needed.  But overall? 99%?  Done.

We set out to make a heck of a game several years ago, and it's so close to completion that I'm drooling (more than usual).

And now, it's back to the drawing board because we're immediately launching into a new one.

Here's what's got me cackling:

When we first met, Soap approached me about Perpetual Change: A game where the main character day by day is being seen as younger and younger despite not physically regressing, she has to discover the cause and then figure out what to do to fix it.  I was in the midst of writing College or Cribs...a story where the main character is seen as a baby despite not physically regressing, has to discover the cause and figure out what to do to fix it.  

And the best part is Soap didn't even know that part. Somebody just played matchmaker.  Add in my wacky dialogue and my weird twist brain and random pop culture references to Soap's phenomenal skillset and creative vision and boom.  History is about to be made.

(Note to self: I gotta finish that  College or Cribs story, too.  That's probably what I'm going to lean into once Clark's story is told.  Gotta give Christopher Cole his due.)

Now, Soap and I are collaborating on a new game; a visual novel with elements of a dating  sim and a point and click mystery.  "The Hive".

And here's the pitch he gave me: A dystopian world where people who step out of line are regressed through gaslighting, subtle sci-fi tech, and drugs and it involves a cast of characters who are rebels, victims, and criminals who may or may not deserve being regressed as well as Caregivers that range from cynical and cruel to well meaning ones that totally buy into the party propaganda and genuinely think they're doing what's best for the little ones assigned to rehabilitation under their care.

Do I even need to say it, friends?

I've only written 5k words so far and already this thing has my finger prints all over it.  Soap is having to literally hold me back on this one.

I've also got an entry in a digital ABDL zine again, and I restrained myself and made a fun little one shot (that I now totally am accidentally turning into a longer premise in my head).  And within 2 months I'll also be putting out for that Zine an attempt at a CYOA story.

Fun times. I'm a busy boy.

Onto other site news:  I've got a birthday party to plan and attend this week.  Family stuff.  Dorky pointy party hats and noise makers will most likely be involved and I will have to pretend that I don't love them because it's not my birthday party.

I haven't forgotten about New Narnia. That's coming down the pipe and pretty fast.  I've got two smaller chapters (that I'll be going over with my dear commissioner) that I think might be better into combining into a longer one.  That might make up for the delay, I hope; plus it'd work well with the themes and contrasts if I can pull it off.

And there's a new Siren's Swan Song that is under review and will hopefully be posted soon (but not before the commissioner approves.)

I...think that covers it?  I always feel like I'm forgetting things when I write these at the end of the month.  Oh well.  I trust y'all to keep me honest.

For those of you who are sticking around next month, I hope to continue to entertain and satisfy.  For those of you who were just visiting, thanks for popping in. Come on back anytime.




I will continue to throw my filthy filthy money at your patreon. Your stories are fun and creative plus I'm hooked like a fish on the rod. I wanna know what happens next in all the stories.

The Slavin

I cant wait for the game to finish! I've been waiting ages for it to finish. I remember College Or Cribs a long time ago. I thought by now it was a pipe dream for it to be finished. Consistently Personalias, you're the one author I find that I'll usually enjoy your work over the years I've been reading stories. Keep up the work!


Thank you for being such an amazing author who crafts such believable characters in such imaginative situations.


I do hope Christopher Cole gets his story finished as it was very interesting. Also the rest of your stuff sounds fun! Enjoy the birthday party!


I'll keep slipping those dollar bills into your diaper band if you keep supplying those quality goods. I look forward to each new chapter. They're so well written and it's hard not to get attached to your characters. They're definitely worth the wait.