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Hope you guys like more silly silver age stuff with your mechanical nursery hijinks!



Marvel meets Tom and Jerry/Looney Tunes baby machine zaniness? A pairing that on paper shouldn’t work, but somehow does in practice. Let’s see where this goes.


Very interesting story


I'm really enjoying this one! Seeing a villain get knocked down a peg (and kinda hoping she gets at least a lil' bit of revenge) is always fun!


The dialogue and demeanor of Circe is so well written. The banter and ways she can turn the situation on a dime is great, it really does have comic villain air to it. I will however say that I want to slap Glitch with an EMP-charged glove. Probably twice.


I'm enjoying. I'm getting to combine two things I love. Comic book tropes and cartoon tropes. Oh yeah, and the thing that people come here to read about.


Yeah. This wouldn't have been as much fun if the hero/villain roles were reversed, imo.


Awww Why? One of the fun things writing this imagining a rivalry and vast history of foils and comeuppance that the audience doesn't get to see.


Definitely fun to see a "mean" hero taking so much pleasure in humiliating someone (who deserves it). I like Circe, she's witty and quirky, I'm rooting for her! Lol


Glitch has this... smugness and aura of invincibility. And she said or done a couple of things in this chapter that put her on my "iffy list" immediately. The EMP is only because she probably wouldn't care for anything less.