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It's nearing the end of another month, and I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone again for your support, both financial and emotional.  

Coming down the pipeline are 2-3 new posts that I'm sure y'all will enjoy: New Narnia, Unfair, and a decidedly wicked afterlife take that in some ways makes Dante's Infanzia look tame.  Starting as a one-shot might branch into something more.  Who knows?

I am incredibly grateful to be producing content for y'all and that you get something out of this crazy little thing of me metaphorically vomiting my imagination all over the page, and I'm very lucky to be in the spot where I am right now.

As always my work is ongoing, and it can be slow but steady, come in rapid bursts, and very rarely gets completely backed up;  but it's coming all the same and I look forward to putting more of my scribbles up on y'alls digital refrigerators, come May.

For those of you sticking around for it, hopefully we'll have some fun together.

For those of you who were just visiting.  Thanks a lot.  Drop on by anytime.




Glad you're doing better!


Woohoo! Glad you are better rested and raring to go!