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Self-Imposed (Part Little)

The date is going fine.

Not great.  But fine.

It’s fine.

Everything’s fine.

You’ve finally found a caregiver to date, someone who is into the same stuff that you are.

It’s just…

It’s just…

“What are you thinking about?” they ask.

You look up from your plate of macaroni and cheese. It, too, is fine.

Would be a lot better if they could spoon feed it to you.

In a highchair.

With you wearing nothing but a diaper and a bib.

That would be amazing!

But this is a public restaurant. That would be uncouth.

They already ordered for you. Off the children’s menu, no less!

Oh how that made your heart flutter!

“Nothing,” you say.  “Just enjoying my num-nums!”

Oh wow! You just got to say that! Out loud! To another person!

“If you like num-nums,” your date offers, “What if after this we got some dessert? At my place?”

That could be- ”Sorry.  Can’t tonight. I’ve got pets I need to take care of.”

That’s technically true.If stuffies count as pets.

You look into your date’s eyes. You’re staring. Trying not to drool.

You’re taking notes on every part of their face. You’re listening to them talk about themselves.

When you get home tonight you’re going to change the diaper you’ve got on, get into your cutest outfit, fill up your ba-ba, and crawl along the floor babbling to yourself and your stuffies while cartoons play in the background. 

All the while, you’ll be reimagining this in your head.  Cranking everything up to eleven.  No! Twenty!  

But you can’t right now. They’re a CG, but you didn’t see anything about diapers or *little* littles on their profile.

Big Baby littles.

Littles like you.

Ugh! You shouldn’t have worn a diaper to this date under your normal clothes!  What if they see it?  It’s not even something you’ve had time to discuss yet!

You’d love to take them back to your place and show them your playroom filled with so many neat toys and to show them all the cool bright and shiny things and listen to them talk about how cute and special you are!  But what if they don’t want to?  What if even this is pushing it for them?  Nobody could possibly love someone like that.  Not right off the bat.  This is something you have to ease someone into.

You just don’t show your crazy all at once.

It’s a rule.

Self-Imposed (Part Big)

The date is going fine.

Not great.  But fine.

It’s fine.

Everything’s fine.

You’ve finally found a little to date, someone who is into the same stuff that you are.

It’s just…

It’s just…

“What are you thinking about?” you ask.

They look up from their plate of macaroni and cheese. It looks fine.

Would be a lot better if you could spoon feed it to them.

In a highchair.

With them wearing nothing but a wet and messy diaper and a bib.

That would be so cute!

But this is a public restaurant. That would be uncouth. You suspect their wet, though..

You already ordered for them. Off the children’s menu, no less!  It was a good first move!

You’ve been wanting to do that forever!

“Nothing,” they say.  “Just enjoying my num-nums!”

Your heart is melting and you’re trying not to show it.  Num-nums! Just like a widdle baby who hadn’t figured out all the words!  Perfect!

“If you like num-nums,” you say, “What if after this we got some dessert? At my place?”

”Sorry,” they say a little too fast.  “Can’t tonight. I’ve got pets I need to take care of.”

Damn it!  You’re coming on too strong!

You’re not even listening to yourself prattle on.  You’re taking notes on every part of their face, trying to remember this date and hope it’s not a lost opportunity.

How you’d love to take them home tonight,and show them the nursery that you turned your guest room into, change their diaper for them, and then put them on the floor so that they can crawl around and babble until it’s time to put them to bed with a goodnight kiss. 

But you can’t right now. You’re a caregiver, but that doesn’t mean you’re *their* caregiver.  You want to respect them and not force anything on them without permission.  The kids menu order was risque enough for a first date.


It already took everything you had not to pull back their pants and check for poopies when you caught the waistband poking out the back of their pants.  Poor little thing needed someone to dress them!  It’s going to take you so much self control for you to not reach down and squeeze the soaked padding between their legs.

 It’s not even something you’ve had time to discuss yet!

Maybe you could follow them back to their place.  Let them feed their cats or whatever and then sweep them back out to the nursery.  They’d love it too!  You can already imagine which toys of yours they’d want to play with.  They look like a chewer, no choking parts allowed.  

Yikes, you sound like a stalker! 

They might not be comfortable with you, yet.  What if even this is pushing it for them?  What if you’re boring them?  Smothering them?  They might like diapers, but they wouldn’t want you constantly showering them with all the love you have in your heart.  Surely they would be turned off in all the ways if you dressed them up and sat them on your lap or played peek-a-boo.  

Nobody could possibly love someone like that.  Not right off the bat.  

This lifestyle is something you have to ease someone into.

You just don’t show your crazy all at once.

It’s a rule.



This is why open communication is important people. Use your words


I think we’ve all had a few dates like this lol