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So I was bored one day and decided to write an ABDL version of a Nightmare on Elm Street.  It happens.  My brain is weird.

The thing is, there was a reason why I chose a nightmare on Elm Street.  Without meaning to be, the movie might just be the perfect Dark Age play movie.

Freddy is scary yes, and everybody knows the Bogey Man.  The thing is, he's not the scariest part of the movie.  (He's very scary, mind you. Robert Englund is amazing.)

The scariest part of the nightmare movies, and the part that makes me think of a darker version of little space is the parents.

I remember having nightmares as a child and running to my parents bedroom or calling out for help and being shushed or ignored.  Nightmare perfectly captures that feeling of calling out to the adults because of a danger that you just KNOW is true, and being discounted.  There is no monster on your bed or in your closet, and no matter how certain you are, they just won't listen.  

That's the scary part of Nightmare.  You're in a world where you're very very vulnerable and very very at risk, and the people who are supposed to protect you, who insist that its their job, just don't.   You see the bogey man at every turn, and your parents come up with excuses.

Nightmare On Elm Street is the same thing, only it asks the question: "What if the bogey man was real and the kid was right?"

So anyway...enjoy reading a story where instead of getting slashed to pieces, mental regression and altered reality happens to the hapless high school seniors.




I remember this story causing me to refresh a page for days hoping for the next chapter. It’s an amazing horror story with enough kink to spice it up but not over due it


Incredible story...you did a great job converting Freddy to Nanny!