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Chapter 53:Last Meal

Tommy sat in his toddler bed, clutching the vase filled with strange electric blue goo like it was a teddy bear to keep him safe from the Bogeyman.  His diaper was wet but didn’t need changing yet.  It was slightly damp, but not even close to soggy. It could and would last through the night unless he woke up crying loud enough for Mommy to come in and change him.

He wasn’t going to wake up and cry about it, because he wasn’t going to go to sleep.  He’d sat up as soon as Mommy had kissed him on the forehead and closed the door to his bedroom.  He’d stayed awake talking to himself and going over the plan in his head, tensing up every time a shadow peered under his door from his Mommy or Katy quietly walking by.  Being the baby of the family meant he had the earliest bedtime.

When the hours ticked by and the hallway light clicked off, Tommy counted to a hundred; then two hundred just to be sure.  As quietly as he could he toddled out of his room, to the little table in the hallway and grabbed the vase filled with blue sparkling algae from the caves. Mommy still hadn’t noticed its contents or sought to replace the missing flowers he’d dumped out; almost as if she couldn’t see it…

There was absolutely no chance that he was going to sleep that night. Anxiety and anticipation are very different feelings- like the difference between staying up for Santa Claus and awaiting one’s own execution- but they often produce the same result.  

Similarly, one way or another, by sunrise tomorrow, Tommy knew that all traces of ‘big boy’ would be gone from the room by sunrise.  This wouldn’t be a toddler or a preschooler’s room, but a proper nursery.  He looked around the room, things still not quite dark thanks to the Paw Patrol night light and idly passed the time wondering what would change when he got back.

There would likely be a big comfy rocking chair, one that would get a lot of use in the coming days and weeks and years.  A place to cuddle with Mommy and get stories read to him.  A place to snuggle up to her and feed from her as she hummed quietly and stroked the back of his head first thing in the morning.  He felt his mouth salivate just thinking about it.

More than likely his dresser with the changing mat would be completely gone, and replaced with a top of the line changing table fully stacked with diapers, wipes, powder, and rash cream.  No more packs of diapers with the top ripped open or hidden away in drawers. Those were for when kids had the slightest possibility of transitioning to big kid undies. With babies it was easiest to keep everything out in the open; it’s not like they understood privacy.

Tommy shuddered- if he didn’t pull this off right there was the very distinct possibility of him not understanding privacy either.  Nanny knew there was a loophole he and Charlie had hopped through and him keeping his sense of self depended on whether or not she could close it, making it better if she was just looking in the completely wrong direction to begin with.

Obviously, there would be bars around his bed.  Whether or not he’d have the leg strength to hop over the railing like a two year old or be completely contained depended on how tonight went.

Tommy rubbed the vase as though it were a magic lamp; even if no genie was forthcoming. There had to be some connection to this strange algae substance and the rest of Malacus but the young man turned little boy didn’t know what it was.


Involuntarily, Tommy rolled his eyes.  It was a better reaction than the shudder creeping up his spine. At this point it would have been hard to tell whether or not wetting himself would have been a fear reaction or not. “I’m coming! I’m coming!”

The former highschool senior put the vase down by the toddler bed, on the side farthest away from the door where Mommy couldn’t see it.  The goo was a key, but Tommy hadn’t figured out what door it went to.  The vase’s contents were a later problem and later problems had to make way for now problems.


Speaking of now problems:  “I’m coming!” Tommy yelled.  He probably didn’t need to yell, he thought.  Whatever force coming from the clock in the living room could probably sense his alertness and approach, but yelling.  He wasn’t worried about waking up Mommy or Katy.  As long as the mismatched eyed goddess kept her end of the bargain, Tommy had very little doubt that he’d wake Katy or his mother.  Either something was keeping the rest of his family asleep or something was making it so that only Tommy could hear the low tolling.  Half dozen of one, six of the other.

That didn’t stop Tommy from peeking into Katy’s room “Goodbye, sis.”  Just in case this backfired.


Scurrying downstairs, he took in the big grandfather clock where this had all begun.  It looked nothing like it had when Mary Dean had had him push it into their old apartment. It was almost out of the box mint condition, no more cracked glass or rusted gears or frayed shredded wood paneling.  It was damn near pristine with just a few worn edges around the base, the most minor of scuffs from a well loved antique instead of a trashed relic; almost like the clock itself had gained a bit of power every time someone had stepped through it.

“Probably has…” Tommy finished the thought.  

The front panel opened up for him, revealing nothing but the darkness of the abyss.  At this point he was neither intimidated nor mystified by the sight.  “Hope this works.”  He stepped in and ventured into the deep of the interdimensional caves; the spaces between the spaces.

“Into the thick of it…” he half-sang half-spoke.  “Into the thick of it…into the woods.”  It wasn’t quite a show-tune, but it just felt right in the moment.  

The trip this time seemed shorter than the others. It likely wasn’t any shorter, with the same dark and dank caverns and the same number of steps, but Tommy was no longer at a point where the details of his surroundings mattered more than the murmurs and echoes inside of his head.  He’d gone through this enough times that things were starting to blur and blend together; kind of like the daily commute home from work.  

Far from the humdrum to and fro, Tommy was practically walking the Green Mile.  Every other time through here had been something of a practice run.  This, though, this was the run that counted.  “No going back after this,” Tommy reminded himself.

Feet wet and squishing in the cold water rising up to his ankles, Tommy sloshed his way to the cave entrance and looked upon his handiwork.  

‘Thomas Dean’ and ‘Charles Watson’  were inscribed, forever imprinted on the azure muck along the cave walls.  Like sticking a piece of himself up against the wall, it’s what had saved him.  He wished he’d been smart enough to drag Katy this far and have her do the same, but it was too late for that.  She was just one and a half steps away from ending up like Amanda.


He took his pinky and reached out, right beneath his name and wrote, “Do Not Trust Nanny”.  It was a stupid, petty impulse, but maybe it was one that would save future people who wandered into Malacus this way.  

The boy stepped into the final passageway of the cave, no longer having to so much as duck because of how shrunken he’d become.  He counted the steps before the inevitable fall.  One…two…


Tommy didn’t fall.  Falling requires space and gravity. Whatever he stepped into had none of that, just a plane white void that had neither floor nor sky nor horizon.  He might have thought he was falling save for the fact that he didn’t feel the pull of gravity.  He might have thought he was floating save for that there was something solid beneath his feet.

“You’re late,” a semi-familiar voice called out.  It was only semi-familiar in the way that one might recognize a familiar cartoon voice actor speaking in their natural voice instead of putting on a show.  The root base was there and traceable.

“Sorry,” Tommy said.  “Wanted to check on my sister. Making sure you were keeping up with your end of the deal.”

The girl came out of nowhere, literally.  Had this been a film, Tommy would have assumed an old and very cheaply made green screen effect created by the actor stepping out from behind a panel and onto the set proper.  Such as it was, though the woman stepped out of what seemed reality itself.

She was either older or much less cared for than any of the incarnations that Tommy had seen before.  She could have been in her late twenties or early forties; it was hard to tell.  Old enough to be considered ‘grown’ and young enough not to be quite ‘old’ but she was far from attractive. Too much time in the sun, not enough exercise, not enough nutrition, and far from enough soap just by the lingering smell.

The girl seemed both stout and emaciated at the same time, like a malnourished dwarf; the little person not the fantasy species.  Only her voice and the blue and green eyes gave any hint that she was the same entity who had diapered, dry humped, and breastfed Tommy on different occasions.

“Unlike some people,” her voice was cold and emotionless; bitter even. “I keep my word. A promise is a promise.”

When she made it…

How many people had been lured here to lose their minds and end up in that daycare?

Tommy bit his tongue and pushed out through his nostrils.  One thing at a time, he’d decided. One thing at a time.  “Fair enough,” he made himself say.  “So?  Where do we go from here?”

The thing that for the sake of his sanity Tommy thought of as ‘Annie’ did not blink. Did not tilt her head or give any indication that she was more than just an uncanny valley level projection of what a human being should be.  “You have something to tell me,” she said, her voice lacking even the slightest hint of intonation or expression.  “You tell me how you’ve managed to avoid becoming like the others in my care, and I in return I let you have more autonomy than is normally allowed.”

“And you leave Katy alone.”

“And I leave Katy alone.” Note for note, the mismatched god thing’s reply was practically an echo of Tommy’s demand.  “So. Why are you able to still keep your sense of self?  Did you see the vast lightning blue ocean of ethereal possibility- of dreams and desire- too?

Tommy’s blood turned frigid but his face twisted into uncomprehending stupor.  “What?”  Did she know? How?

By some twist of luck, she took his blanching reaction as a sign of ignorance instead of surprise.  “Never mind. You don’t need to know,” Annie said.  Tommy had heard screen readers on Youtube be more expressive.  “So…how?”

Tommy didn’t sigh. He didn’t close his  eyes.  He’d practiced this with Charlie at least a hundred times before the other man-baby was picked up and carted off to his home for a highchair feeding and breast milk dessert.  If he’d shown any signs of stressor or memorization or rehearsal at all, the jig would have been up. At this stage of the game it wasn’t enough that the god-thing that had ruined their lives believe the lie, but also to believe that Tommy believed.  This was both an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time.

The lie they’d concocted might not hold up under scrutiny but it might be enough to hold allay her fears.  Even if Annie knew how her world worked better than Tommy and Charlie, the pair had each managed to slide through the cracks. She was threatened by the idea of more sliding through her grasp; so maybe, just maybe she could be satisfied with the idea that Tommy didn’t know either…

“I get it from my father,” Tommy said boldly.  “It’s genetic.”

Annie’s face might have been a porcelain mask.  “Genetic? Genetic how?”

“My dad came to Malacus, didn’t he?” Tommy said.  “You turned him into Charlie and he’s still pooping his pants and sucking on a pacifier.”

A single blink signaled that Annie had absorbed what was said.  “Yes.”

“That’s why I’m resistant to it too,” Tommy said.  “Whatever fluke that made it so that he kept his big boy brain and a baby body passed on to me.”  This was the first part of their collective gamble.  When she didn’t answer with anything he pressed on.  “He’s the only other baby like me in Scrumpton and there’s definitely a familial resemblance.” Tommy said. “You think we wouldn’t talk while you and my Mee-Maw were chatting at the playground.”

It was absolutely important that the god-girl not know that Tommy only found out about his parentage that afternoon.  

She blinked again.  “That makes sense.” Tommy’s heart sped up to the point of thundering.  Proof that as powerful as she was, she wasn’t all-knowing.  “I found it odd when you wandered in.  Quite the fluke considering.”  And that was proof that she didn’t have complete control as to who found and entered the clock!  “But why are you so special when your sister is much more compliant with the process?”

Tommy feigned a shrug. He knew why, or at least he felt he did.  “We’re fraternal, not identical.”

“So? Twins are twins, right?”  That gave Tommy an inordinate amount of hope.

“It means we didn’t come from the same egg. Two different eggs. Two different sperm.” It felt weird having to explain middle school level biology to a being that could alter physical and mental reality, but it also gave Tommy a leg up.  All powerful and all knowing were far from the same thing. “We were born on the same day, but genetically we’re as similar and different as any other brother and sister.  Whatever gene or whatever trait that makes Charlie resistant to your voodoo got passed down to me and not to Katy.”

Angie didn’t move.  She was an avatar, a Sim for something much greater than Tommy could comprehend; the personification perhaps, of something Tommy couldn’t hope to empathize with.  “That’s it?”

Tommy shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant.  He wouldn’t cry, he wouldn’t double down, he wouldn’t appear to second guess. Had to bluff. Had to not show what or how much he was hiding.  “Yeah.”

The puppet that was Annie slacked on a string.  “Oh wow,”  she said, sounding relieved.  “That makes so much sense.”

“Heh,” Tommy said. “If you had a nickel for every time this had happened, you’d only have two nickels.”

Annie finished the cartoon quote, “Which isn’t a lot, but it’s still weird that it happened twice, right?”  She seemed much more comfortable.  

Skin burbled and cleared, with dirt smudges vanishing like magic. Healthy fat deposits were added and cheeks filled out with the tiniest bit of tummy.  Bones expanded, hardened and grew.  Wearied crow’s feet around her eyes smoothed and vanished her voice became almost imperceptibly higher.  The voice actress was modifying herself just enough to sound younger; a teenager instead of a woman nearing middle age.

“So…are we good?” Tommy asked.

Annie, now in her quasi-toddler form, grinned back.  It was like a switch had been flipped.  “Very good!  Enjoy your trip!”

“Tri-?”  Tommy was cut off as gravity and space kicked in. The void, reality itself, dropped out from under his feat and he felt the same plunge he had every other time he’d come to Malacus. Semi-instinctively he reached out and tried to fly as before, only for a ‘tut-tut-tut’ noise to ring out in his brain stopped him.  He’d made a promise not to fly, and was being held to it.

The plunge into the waiting ball pit, more like a belly flop, knocked some of the wind out of him, while the world around him turned rainbow colored and orb shaped.  “OOOOOOOF!”  He inhaled and gasped for breath.

Two giant, adult hands plunged down and plucked him as easily as if he’d been at a Chuck-E-Cheese instead of on the back of a flying sky turtle.

“Hello baby boy.” Nanny was there, or perhaps ‘babysitter’ would have been a better moniker considering she looked closer to twenty-one. “Ready for your big party?”

“M-m-m-my” Tommy stuttered out of pure confusion.  “My big party?”

“Of course, sweet boy,” Nanny cooed. “Everyone who goes through the process here gets a special party to say bye bye to their big boy life!”

Had he done it?! Did that mean he won?  Damn! He should have asked Charlie for details on what his final trip pre-daycare had been like, but they’d been so busy rehearsing the lie and covering up what they knew about the algae that they hadn’t had time to go over details that were close to twenty years old.  Tommy drew comfort in the thought that Nanny wasn’t clever enough to gaslight him at this level and dress up an execution as a going away party.

Tommy felt her stick two fingers into the leg bands of his night diaper. “Damp,” she said.  “But not soggy. This can wait.”

Without warning, Tommy felt himself drawn to Nanny’s chest, now engorged with milk and dripping from the nipple.  One way or another, doomed or saved, Tommy’s part in this plan was done for the time being.  He might as well enjoy it.  He opened his mouth and latched on to Nanny’s lactating nipple and started suckling, savoring the sweet milk even more so than if it was coming from his own mother.

“That’s right,” Nanny said. “Such a good baby. Even with all your big boy thoughts, you’re proof that this is what you needed all along.”  He first winced, then shuddered in delight as Nanny stroked the back of his head with one hand and patted his padded rear with the other.  “It doesn’t matter how old you are, this is really what you wanted, what you’ve needed the entire time.”

“Mmmmmm…” Tommy hummed while working his lips on the milky teat.  As if in reply his bladder filled up just enough to let loose another stream into his waiting padding.  He felt it swell between his legs as the squishy pulpy wetness absorbed what it could and passed down what it couldn’t to his taint.  So good.  So very good.  

More than just his diaper started to swell at the sweet coos and gentle flowing of milk accompanied the light massaging of his back and buttocks.  

“Poor baby boy,” Nanny whispered to him.  “One and a million shot that this would happen to you; make that two and a million,  Poor boy can’t fully regress, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a baby on the inside. Does it?” Her voice chirped a bit higher.  “Does it?!”

The teat went dry and Tommy inhaled through his mouth just in time to be rotated and switched over.  The warmth filled both him and his diaper, with both body and infantile undergarment swelling with every gulp.

“That’s okay,” Nanny cooed. “I’ve been at this for a long time, showing people the truth of themselves.  It’s what I do.  I’m just glad to know that this is a happy little accident.”  At the mention of ‘accident’ Tommy started giggling and grinding against the giant body of the goddess, working and thrusting as vigorously as he would were he inside her.

The Nanny let out an almost amused hum.  Almost knowing.  ‘Like father like son,’ Tommy expected to hear.  Mercifully, nothing more was said on that front, beyond some cooing.  Tommy lost himself and didn’t know whether the playful sighs and coos were coming out of his mouth or Nanny’s while he worked and thrusted his hips against her magnificent, perfect body.

The world went vertical again and Tommy was draped over Nanny’s shoulder. “Isn’t this so much better than what you thought you wanted?”  She cupped her hand between his legs and started rubbing him through the suddenly sopping wet diaper while she burped him.

The slow and not-so-subtle rubbing between his legs went with the patting and rubbing rhythms along his back like the bass to the main tempo and Tommy continued to grind along.  “Y-ye-yeeeees…” Tommy wheezed out. “Yesssssss…”  Each tiny belch made him swell more and grind harder.

After a few belches, Tommy went down to her knees and kept grinding while she gently bounced him. “Do you want to be a big boy?”

“N-n-nnnnooooo…” It was true too.  He was addicted.  He wanted this even as much as he knew he shouldn’t.  Even if his whole plan fell to pieces, he knew as he started plowing into Nanny’s legs, outright humping it and picking up speed like a tiny purse dog, he’d be happy with it.  He needed the love and security; he needed the sensory input and the lack of responsibility.  



To be.


The realization exploded in his mind. Like a drug addict, his sober mind railed against the idea even as his intoxicated brain discarded the screaming for the absolute pleasure of cumming in his pants with his face pressed against a positively enormous breast.  

Quiet fireworks sounded off in Tommy’s brain as he came there in Nanny’s grasp.  Panting and quietly grunting as cum spirted into his already wet padding, and he laid his head happily sobbing into her chest.  

“That’s right, baby,” she cooed to him. “Get it alllll out. All out.”

The strange, almost foreign sound of applause and cheering greeted the boy’s ringing ears.

“Tommy! Tommy! Tommy! Tommy!”

The boy whipped his head around.  Still in Nanny’s lap he was no longer by the ball pool.  Had he ever been by the pool?  He wasn’t even on the forested back of the sky turtle as near as he could tell.  More than likely, Malacus was something closer to a hologram that obeyed its mistress’s whims than the hard setting of actual geography. Either that or he had zoned out in the absolute ecstasy of giving in.

All around Tommy were the faces of his friends. Not his friends, actually, but his classmates, the people he’d grown up with.  They weren’t the people from Scrumpton, he knew, but more of a reasonable facsimile; models that were reskinned time and again over various templates. Some had pointy elfen ears, while others had goatlike fawn legs or stouter, sturdier features.  They were no longer dressed in their fantasy garb, however, with each one seeming more like a toddler or infant in their clothing choice.  

Leadshoulder wore baggy overalls with a slight bulge between the legs indicating that he was indeed almost as heavily diapered as Tommy was.  The elven bodyguard and assassin based on Cameron now wore something of a t-shirt that just barely counted as a dress that only covered the top of her Huggies.  Other classmates had shorts on that only covered the bottom. He even thought he saw a few of Katy’s friends dispersed among the gathering.

He’d be damned if he didn’t nearly cry from happiness all the same  “Happy babyhood Tommy!”

His bare feet touched the lush grass and Tommy instinctively curled his toes.  “Would you like to play tag, friend Tommy?” Leadshoulder asked.  “You can have a head start,” he said, “that is if you’d like to be the one running.  I’ll happily forfeit if you’d like to be the first er…tagger?”  He scratched his head. “I’m still not quite sure what the positions in the game of tag is.”

Tommy looked down between his legs.  Almost comically so, his diaper was drooping and swelling to cartoonish proportions with the bottom touching his knees.  

He looked back over his shoulder at Nanny who was sitting on a kind of throne.  “What am I supposed to do?” he asked.

“Whatever you want,” she replied. “Tonight is your night. Today is your day. Do whatever you want.”
Tommy looked over to his imaginary friend and tapped him on the shoulder. “Tag! You’re it!”  Immediately with merry shrieking ringing out the crowd dispersed from the beardless toddler dwarf. Like flies after swatting at a rotten piece of meat every little one scattered in opposing directions.

Tommy dashed away as quickly as the diaper turned air bag would let him.  Either because of the magic of the place or the fact that everyone was literally, he stayed just out of Little.

“I’m…gonna…get ya!”  the dwarf panted.  

In real life, Tommy would never have been able to escape Leadshoulder’s counterpart. Longer legs, bigger muscles, better stamina. But now, either by magic or by the handicap of their clothing, young master Dean was able to stay just barely out of reach of his pursuer even as he laughed triumphantly.

It barely crossed Tommy’s mind that the construct might be letting him win.  A bit of dirt, a slightly rolling molehill, and Tommy went down, skidding harmlessly through the grass.  It didn’t hurt, not at all, but the overshoot left him sliding low like an otter on a slide just as Leadshoulder leaped out to catch him and overshot Tommy a good several feet.

“Nooooooooo!” He laughed hitting the comfortable, blanket soft grass.

Tommy giggled too let out more of himself into his diaper and pushed himself up to all fours.  “What the?” He gazed between his legs.  Were it not for the placement, he would have thought his diaper was a tail, dragging along and sagging in the grass behind him.  “Why…why is it so big?”  

A tender, yet oddly familiar hand rubbed his backside?  “Because it’s an adult diaper,” Amanda’s voice said.  Amanda’s voice. Amanda’s face. But not ears. Not her words, either.  He never thought.  “It’s soaking up all of your big boy energy until there’s nothing left.  

The elf queen had returned and Tommy felt his jaw go slack.  Clad in only her own pair of oversized Pampers (but were they really oversized or was everyone just shrunken down to scale now?) she gazed at Tommy lustily.

A slight “Ahem” caused Tommy to look up.

Annie had taken her equally gorgeous (and now equally naked) teen form and taken position in front of Tommy.

Flirtily the elf with Amanda’s face rolled her eyes. “Okay, not all of you big boy thoughts and such, but most of them.”  She grabbed Tommy by the hips and rolled him over.  “Come here,” she said. “I know you’ve gotten off once, but once isn’t enough.  Why settle for a taste,” she said.  

Tommy laid there, grinning like an idiot while the diapered girl straddled him. “I..I…I…”

“Awwww….” she cooed at him, stepping over his legs and sitting directly on him.  Only the dense layer of pulp between them.  Just from looking at the wetness line between her thighs he knew she was wet too, even if her diaper wasn’t as big as his.

In sexual reproduction, there is a refractory period between orgasms.  It serves as a cool down period before the body is properly revved up and ready to go at it again. As people get older, the period gets longer and longer.  At not even nineteen, Tommy’s refractory period wasn’t terribly long to begin with. But with Amanda’s voice cooing at him as if he were an adorable baby boy, while diapered herself, all the while mounting him like and guiding his hands up to her naked breasts, it was all too much for him in the best way possible.

Tommy couldn’t be sure, but he was certain that he orgasmed a second time right then and there, and then got hard all over again.  The boy was out of words, and his eyes rolling back in his head while his diaper expanded and the simulacrum of his highschool crush started grinded on him.

“I think he likes it,” Annie giggled.  “I wonder if he’ll like this…”

Never before in his wildest fantasies back on his dumpy couch had he thought to have a beautiful woman sit on his face, but that is exactly what happened. The extra padding of the diaper only made it more comfortable; sensual.  

“MMMMMPH!”  Tommy moaned into the padding that was gently rocking back and forth on his face. He clenched and at the other woman’s nipples as Amanda’s body grinded into him. Even through all the wetness and bulk he could feel his rock hard penis making contact and protruding up and out.

Annie leaned back on him, and Tommy felt intimate warmth to his face.  She maintained this balanced by putting dainty hands on his chest.  “It’s…been…a…while…hasn’t it?” She huffed, sounding almost as aroused as Tommy felt.  

“Yeah,” Amand’s voice.answered over the soft moaning and groaning of their victim celebrant. “By this point…most are…ooooh…most are ready to just play peekaboo…maybe get…oh yeah…swaddled up.”

“Yes,” Annie agreed. “This…this is a nice change of pace.”

“I know, mistress,” Amanda’s doppelganger giggle.d “I know.  You were like this once, too.”

Tommy’s tummy gurgled, but that didn’t stop him.  Too far gone, it was nothing, absolutely nothing, for him to lift his legs and push more out of his backside into the diaper, making it expand more and more.  No shame existed in this place.

It wasn’t just poopy and pee pee that he was pushing out, but every inhibition, every regret, every hangup and frustration about emerging into an adult world that would have nothing but hostile to him was leaving and exiting him, splashing or smooshing against him and then dripping down into the impossibly saturated and ever expanding diaper.  Tommy wouldn’t be able to walk after this without dragging the mass behind him like a plow

Speaking of plowing. “Uh oh,” the two  women on top said in unison.  “Just a little…more…”

He felt Annie squim and quiver on his face first.  There was no splash and the moisture added to her diaper was all but undetectable, but the screams of joy and the pressure of thighs squeezing his head.   “Yes…yes…YES!”

Tommy nuzzled and shook his head, motorboating between Annie’s legs as his body wracked in wonderful agony, his legs kicking freely now that the diaper had ballooned out enough to lift his hips completely off of the ground.

The other girl added to the noise, calling out Tommy’s name as if chanting for him at a sporting event. She started howling in orgasmic pleasure rocking and bouncing on his padded crotch as though it were a trampoline.

Cheers from all around.  “That’s right, Tommy boy! You can do it! Good boy! Good baby! Get it all out!”


Tommy lay exhausted and spent on the ground, surrounded by friendly faces smiling down, and cuddling a mass of bodies coming past the point of climax, tangled themselves all around them.

“I..needed…that…” Tommy gasped

Then, unexpectedly, he heard Annie say, “Me too…”

Save for the faint breeze whistling through the grass, Tommy heard nothing save for his own thundering heartbeat slowing in his chest and his panting while he caught his breath?

“Okay…” The young woman’s voice said above him.  Tommy opened his eyes, not even realizing he’d closed them; how strangely the bright blue sky had faded into the soft blackness of his eyelids.  “Let’s get changed.”

The crinkle came next to his ears, but it was from the soft rustling of grass instead of any disposable undergarments.  “Time to get changed,” Annie said, a relatively giant diaper bag slung over her shoulder.

“Mistress,” one of the elves said, “don’t you wish to um…grow?”

“No,” Annie shook her head.  “Not this time.  I’m curious to see things from this perspective.”


“A little privacy please.”

Tommy didn’t so much as blink before the gathered ‘friends’ were dissipated from reality.  It was strange and sudden; less like annihilation and more like what happens to imaginary friends when you stop actively thinking about them.

Still in the Elysian paradise, Tommy and the goddess with the mismatched eyes were alone.

“Thanks,” Tommy whispered, feeling suddenly overwhelmed.  

“Of course.”  Annie bent over and undid the tapes on Tommy’s swollen padding.  He’d already lost count of how many diaper changes he’d gone through but this was the first time where the person changing him was not only the same relative size as him, but also wearing a diaper.  “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Her touch was gentle and tender as ever when she wiped him down, caressing his member and making it stiffen despite the chill of the baby wipes.  “Sorry…” Tommy blushed.

“It’s okay,” Annie said. “Natural reaction.  It feels good, doesn’t it?”  She looked down at herself as though she were looking at a drawing or an idea instead of her actual body.  “Looks good too.”

The rush faded, Tommy was feeling fatigued, and weary.  “I’m not sure that I’m ready to er…um…go again.”

Annie placed her arm under Tommy’s legs and nudged them up. Without being asked Tommy lifted them all the way up so that the same-sized girl could wipe the residue from his bare buttocks.  “Oh, I know,” she said.  “I’m just changing your diaper.”

If it were a video game a giant question mark would have popped up over his prone head.  “Then why are you…I mean…why do you look like…?”  Having never known another cosmic powered shapeshifter, Tommy wasn’t sure the best to ask why she wasn’t in her Nanny form.  It certainly would have made the procedure easier.

Still, Annie seemed to know where he was going.  She rolled up the now massively used diaper almost like it was a sleeping bag.  “I wanted it to be fair.”

“Fair?”  He kept his legs up long enough for her to slip the new diaper underneath him and dust some new baby powder on.

“Yeah,” she said.  “I didn’t think it would be fair for me to change you and be big and then have you change me and us be the same size.”  She finished pulling the diaper up over him, yanking it up and then tucking the front sides making sure they were extra snugs when she tugged the tapes up front the back over the landing zone.

Tommy gulped and looked back up over himself.  The formerly yellow wetness indicator had turned blue between her thighs the same as his.  She needed it too. “Ch-ch-change you?”

She seemed oblivious to his nervousness. “That and I’m not entirely sure where the wet diaper would go if I got bigger…I don’t get to use this form very often.”

The boy sat up.  “Why not?”

There was a tired yet practiced nonchalance to her answer.  “By this point most people are either cooing or bawling or both. If they need their last fix of grown-up stuff they get it before realizing how silly they are, or they’re in complete denial even as I feed and burp and change and play peekaboo with them.”  She laid down in the grass. “This is usually the part where I work hardest.  It’s the ki…” she corrected herself. “The finishing touch.”

Now with a dry diaper it was much easier for Tommy to walk over to the diaper bag and grab a second one.  He tilted his head.  Wow.  As much as he’d been wearing them lately, he’d never really examined them.  It was so much bigger comparatively than his old underwear.  Babies wore diapers but they didn’t really handle them.  They didn’t have to.  

“It must be tiring.” Tommy said. “Building up around people’s fantasies turning them into…I mean taking care of them.  Not having anybody to take care of you.”

She placed her hands behind her head and sighed.  “It’s not physically exhausting.  It’s just lonely.” Tommy’s shaking hands ripping away the velcro didn’t stop her talking.  “It’s all the same with people:  I want power, I want adventure, I want sex, I want friends, I want playtime, I want milk, I want a new diaper.”    

Tommy did his best not to stare, feeling oddly tender, while he cleaned her up as she had cleaned him so many times before.  “You sound tired of it.”  She lifted for him and he swapped out the diapers.  Less experienced than she, he had to take a moment balling up the old one.  

“It’s tiring being the God Mother to everyone who wanders in here.” Tommy practically heard the capitalized G and the space between words: God Mother not godmother.  “Heaven isn’t Heaven for the person running it.”

Tommy felt his bottom lip pout out.  “You think this place is Heaven?”  The diaper was almost all the way up when Tommy realized that he’d been trying to put it on her backwards.  Rookie mistake.

“I think maybe it used to be.”  Annie didn’t seem phased by the mistake and lifted again so that Tommy could rotate it.  “Until people came to it.”

Tommy held his breath and bit his tongue until he got the pamper on properly.  He laid down next to her on the side where the blue eye was.  “How could people ruin Heaven?”

“Because paradise is all about balance.”  She rolled over and put her arm on Tommy’s chest.  “Imagine you’ve got the perfect cake recipe: Perfect amount of sugar and butter and flour and chocolate.  Then someone changes the recipe.  Even if it’s something good, like more sugar, or a different ingredient that’s good on its own like ground beef or raisins.  By adding it to the mix, even if it turns out good, the cake will no longer be perfect.”

“So you think this place used to be perfect,” Tommy said.  

“I know it did.”  There was no arguing with that level of certainty in her tone. “But then people come here wanting things; needing things, throwing in cherries and blueberries and hot dog slices, and ice cream in what used to be a perfectly good cake.  And it’s up to me to strain out the extra ingredients and try to keep the impurities to a minimum.”

“And what do you get out of it”

“I get the leftover ingredients.  Bananas and sliced ham are perfectly fine when they’re not in the cake.  Extra sugar is just pixie sticks.”

“It’s not their fault, though,” Tommy said.  “I didn’t know what coming here would do to me…or if I did anything to it.”

“I know,” Annie said simply.  “That’s why I give what I can.  Most people wouldn’t mind being a baby, I think, if the world didn’t have them have to grow up.”

He lulled his head to the side and gazed into the blue and green eyes.  “Then why don’t you stay like this?”

“Because someone gets to be the grown up.”  She said ‘gets to be’ but it sounded more like ‘has to be’.  “Heaven is probably a boring place anyways.  No suffering means no satisfaction.  At least my way, the hungry are fed, the tired are rested, and the unclean are bathed.”

Tommy didn’t want to say anything, didn’t want to risk incurring her wrath, but he was getting the smallest inkling that maybe Annie or Nanny or whatever her name was  wasn’t a native of Malacus either.  The way she talked and almost brooded, sounded like she was projecting something.  God-like though she may be, gods didn’t often behave quite like this.  At least from what little he remembered from half-assed Sunday School lesson and abridged Greek Mythology lessons back in middle school.   “Still,” Tommy conceded.  “Everybody needs a break sometime.”

Annie didn’t even hesitate in her agreement. “It’s true.  Great power and great responsibility just makes everything more complicated.”  Ironic considering what she was responsible for and how much power she seemed to wield.

“Why didn’t you do this with Charlie?”  Just saying his dad’s name- goddamn thinking of Charlie as his dad bothered him- caused Tommy to recoil inwardly.  As nice as this was, Annie’s vulnerability could very well just be a lantern fish’s dangly glowing lure to draw him in.

Annie unwrapped herself and sat up.  She gave the fresh diaper a poke and smirked.  “I thought Charlie was just a late budder at first; ‘someone who holds onto the lies people tell themselves up until the very last minute.   He got everything he needed.  I thought I did too.”

That ‘thought’ didn’t go unnoticed.  “So why am I different?” Tommy asked.

The strange creature in a young woman’s form cocked her head to the side.  “You mean besides inheriting his quirk?”  Good, she’d bought the lie.  “I don’t know.  Right place?  Right time? Maybe I’m at a point where I’m willing to hold back so that I can have someone else to talk to every now and then?  Hard to say.”

Tommy joined her, sitting side by side in the open meadow.  Other than the t-shirts and diapers- his blue, hers pink- this could have been anywhere.  Honestly, the garb wasn’t all that strange in the big scheme of things.

A peculiar impulse came over him. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“I think it’s messed up, what goes on here, but my life wasn’t exactly great before it.  Everybody’s got one or two people who they give a hard time to in their life.  Thing is, I was that one or two people to everyone in mine.  I escaped into stupid pretend plays because real life sucked so hard.  Up until a couple of weeks ago my entire life has been played with the kid gloves off.  It’s been nice to have everybody putting them on around me for the first time.  So for what it’s worth, I appreciate that part.”

A single tear leaked out of Annie’s green eye.  “No one’s ever thanked me like that before…”

He thought about adding in how she was at least partially responsible for that shitty life, and how he couldn’t forgive her for sapping away Katy’s brain, but one didn’t kick a crying lioness even if it looked like a cub.  If he talked too much he might let the secret of the cave wall slip.  His eyes glanced away from her eyes and down to her legs.  “Are you bleeding?”

It wasn’t much.  Just barely a scrape; the result of overly sensitive and uncalloused skin meeting the outside for the first time.  “Huh,” Annie said.  “I must have scuffed my knee earlier when I was on top of you.  I didn’t know that that could happen any more.”

Another clue that didn’t go unnoticed.

Without thinking Tommy scooted up bent over.  He gently pressed his lips to the seeping scrape.  “Mwah.  All better.”

“Babies kissing boo-boos…”  Annie smirked.  “How cute.”  A jolt of blue energy crackled and sizzled closing the wound.  She exhaled and grew.  She took another and grew some more.  Each breath caused her to grow and age and grow and age, shooting from a pint sized teenager into a fully grown, almost motherly woman.  “This was fun, Tommy,” Nanny said, when the transformation had completed. “Thank you. I needed that. But I think it’s time for bed.”

In the next instant, the dawn light seeped into Tommy’s nursery.  The whole experience was much quicker but felt less abrupt than the times before. It was less like being from a sleepwalking fit and more like waking from an entirely pleasant dream, with the mist quietly withdrawing just along the periphery of his vision.

As expected his nighttime diaper was soaked but not leaking.  The changing table was right where he thought it would be.  The only thing that leaked was the sound of Mommy’s voice from outside his room.  From the sound and patter of things, she was just starting to help Katy change out of her Goodnites.  After that she’d be in his room to change him into a fresh diaper; never having remembered that there’d been a time when he hadn’t needed them.  It was very possible that she’d never remember even trying training pants.  

He was just a baby after all, even if he was eighteen.

Experimentally, he stood up in his newly formed crib, the nighttime diaper sagging back down towards the mattress.  “Mommy!”  He called out.

“I’ll be in in just a minute!” She sang back.  

Good. That meant she could understand him.

To the side of his crib, left untouched was the flower vase filled with cave wall residue.  Something that the magic of Malacus couldn’t affect; though he didn’t fully understand why.

Nanny had kept her word. She knew nothing about how Tommy really had managed to stay himself and Tommy felt he in turn had learned a thing or two about her.  But why did that make him feel kind of sorry for her?



I just want to give Annie a hug...I mean I know logically she's made herself into this Eldritch monster that slowly siphons off a person's identity until they are basically a blank slate...which is tantamount to murder. I know she's done this to countless people before Tommy and his sister and Father and his classmate. I know that what she suffered doesnt justify any of that...but darn it she suffered so much and she's still suffering in spite of her power and she needs a hug.


Excellent update! I always look forward to seeing additions to this story.