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Dear Patrons,

I've been on a roll with Unfair as of late.  A couple months ago I ended Part 5 and people asked "Are you gonna take a break".  I said "no" and kept going.  This week has been rough.  And looking at my calendar, it's not gonna get less rough this month.  Now, I need a break.

This is both because with the end of the year and the holidays approaching, more time is going to need to be spent away from the keyboard and in the real world, and because I need some time and rest.  I don't want to raise the bar too high for expectations, but this next chapter (possibly these next few chapters) are going to be intellectually and emotionally intense for me to write and I want to be able to take the time to get into a spot where I can take careful aim and write down exactly what poor Clark is going through and thinking in no uncertain terms.

 Making updates to Unfair every week has been awesome and a real recharge, but time is a resource right now, and for the next few chapters I really want to nail it and give them time and attention that I need to create.

I'm not stopping writing altogether.  There are still stories that need to be told and built on.  Expect more Rattled,  The Rip, Gold Tier Requests, and maybe even The New Narnia depending on how much time I'm able to commit.

But for my own sake, I need to take a breather.

Unfair will return in 2022



It's totally understandable and your efforts have not gone unappreciated. Take the time you need


It's easy to burnout on creative endeavours, take a break! Now, I can catch up on the chapters I missed...


Thank you so much for taking the time both for your own sake and the sake of the story. Clark's tale is enthralling and I eagerly await the next installment. I hope the break is rejuvenating. Happy holidays and Happy New Year!


While it may have been a diffcult decision to make, and not what readers might want short-term, the benefits to the story from a fresh author will make it worth the break. This just means we have time to reread all the stories and try to find anything that might have been hinting to where Clark is going next.


Hope you enjoy the break and holidays! Just knowing how seriously you take your writing and your health makes me excited for when you come back! Investing so much in writing your characters makes them feel so real!


As a writer I understand wholeheartedly what you're going through. I hope you get time to relax while enjoying Christmas. Then again, Christmas is only enjoyable for the kids isn't it?


No problem sir! This story is so heavy (and getting heavier) that it’s not surprising you need to step away for a bit, especially silly during such a busy time of year!Focus on yourself for a bit and come back to the story when you feel ready n able to! We’re all patient folks here!


Thank you for being up front with us. Can’t wait to see the series come back strong after you’ve gotten some rest from it


It’s all good, no worries! You’ve been putting out a lot of content, it only makes sense that you can’t juggle all these stories for months on end. Come back when you’re ready.


I think that, if you need to take time off, then you should definitely take time off! (How could I feel otherwise, when two of my ongiong stories have been dangling now for like three years?)


I completely agree with the others that it is understandable you need a break. It is well deserved. As a fan of your writing and this is my current favorite story I am annoyed it is pausing only because I look forward to the weekend even more knowing I get a new chapter of Unfair! But please take that as a fan when say someone sets up a sequel for the next movie/television twist of a season finale. I fully support your break and look forward to the story returning! Take your break, enjoy the holidays and enjoy the time!


I eagerly await your return but I'm cool with being supplanted with more Rattled or other stories in the DD universe! Though any hints as to what we might expect in the coming arc? Will Clark have a daddy figure in Mark who will be changing his diaper and wiping his tiny privates? Will he finally get the spanking a naughty Little boy like him deserves? I'm excited to find out!


You definitely need a well deserved break. Thank you for everything you’ve done this far.


Glad you are taking a break, it's easy to get overwhelmed this time of year. Happy Holidays!!


Take care of yourself. Everyone needs a break to regroup and refresh. We will be here ready and waiting for more when you return. Happy Holidays.