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Chapter 43:  Negotiations

Here is a new arrival
That is an ounce

Hats, dats, bats

Got any crack?
That’s my coat!
Got any X?
We give discounts

To call the entity standing in front of Tommy a “little girl” was something of a misnomer.  She was, in fact, “little”; being  the same height as Tommy.  But she wasn’t a girl.  Her voice was a bit higher than had been before, and her features a bit softer- more like an eighteen or nineteen year old instead of the mid-twenties college post graduate from the other day- someone closer to Tommy’s chronological age.  Less a girl, and more of a young woman.

Granted, her state of dress made her look much younger; more immature; more girly than she had been.  The brunette hair had been hoisted up into twin pigtails.  The orange and yellow sundress showed a bit of cleavage but otherwise hid the curves lurking beneath.  It did not conceal, however, the diaper between her legs, stopping just short enough to fail to hide the very bottom.  Frilly socks and sunshine yellow glittered sneakers capped the look.  The shapes and proportions of a young woman about Tommy’s age, but the height and clothing of a two-and-a-half year old; “little girl” didn’t quite cut it.  That and the fact that Tommy was certain this being wasn’t quite human made the label of “little girl” infinitely more complicated.

“Let’s talk, shall we.” the girl who was not, said.

“What are you doing here?” Tommy hissed.

A coy smile.  “Oh I think you know the answer to that.”

A dumb question, Tommy. From Nox’s monologue that blew the roof off of Malacus, her own confessions, and what Charlie had pieced together, this place, this daycare, was the entity’s place of power.  You didn’t go to Mordor and not expect to see Sauron.  You didn’t go to Olympus and be shocked when you see Zeus.  And if he understood things correctly, and this place was a backdoor to Malacus, then you didn’t come here and not suspect to see this being.

Tommy rattled his brains a bit.  “But why are you...?” He gestured to her state.  Every other time he’d seen her, she’d been older than him.  Bigger than him, too.  The one to change diapers; not wear them.  “Like-?”

The girl held up one finger.  “You might want to hold that thought.”

Two fingers plunged into the back of his pants and pulled back his pull-up. “Not poopy,” the teacher said.  She knelt and pulled down the front of his pants, glancing at the fade when wet designs on the front.  “Still dry, too.  Good job, Tommy.  Let me know if you need to go potty, okay?”


The woman pivoted and lifted up her dress.  “Let’s check you, Annie.”  She gave the front of the strange girl’s diaper a pat.  “Still dry.”  The not-quite-girl turned around so that her backside could be checked as well.  “You don’t need changing either.  Keep it up, and you’ll be ready for big girl panties in no time.”

“Thank you, teacher,” the girl replied.

A shriek from without, and both Tommy and the teacher turned to face a set of dutch doors.  It sounded like several people, not children, bawling all at once.  

“Tiff?!” the voice called.  “A little help?  We’ve got a situation in here.”

The teacher sighed.  “Coming!”  She looked down at the two adult pre-schoolers in the room.  “You two be good, okay?”  Without waiting for them to respond, she ran through the dutch door, only pausing long enough to keep the top half of the dutch doors open.  “I’ll be listening,” she warned, before disappearing.
“We’ve got some privacy,” the not-so-little girl with the mismatched eyes said.  “Let’s talk.”

Tommy just shook his head in disbelief.  “Annie?” he said.  “Really?  Annie?”

She shrugged.  “It seemed better for me given current events. I don’t think Nanny would have worked.  Do you?”  She paused.  “Maybe Nan, but that’s so old fashioned sounding in this day and age.  Who would name a toddler Nan?”

Tommy ignored the comment and gestured to the dutch door.  “And where did the teacher go?  What kind of adult leaves a couple of children unsupervised like that?”

“An adult that is part of Malacus.”  Annie said simply.  “She might not have broad dwarven features, or pointy ears or hooves, but she’s just as much one of mine as any of your past playmates”  Her lip protruded in thought.  “A little more grounded in this reality, and a little less self aware, maybe.  The fantasy creatures are closer to what you’d think of as artificial intelligence.  More self-aware.  The daycare teachers are closer to babysitting programs.  Incredible simulations, but not quite all there.”  She thumbed behind her to the dutch doorway.  “I just entered a cheat code so we can have some alone time.”

That still didn’t explain enough for Tommy’s liking.  “But why?”

A smug smirk spread on Annie’s lips.  “You’re going to have to be more specific.”

“Why are you like…” he gestured to the toddler outfit, “this?”

“Trying something new.  That and your mother would recognize me if she saw me.  I can adjust my apparent age, size, and clothing, but I’m not a true shapeshifter.  And,” she batted her eyelashes, “I thought you might like it.  A cute diaper girl to play with your own age.”  She giggled.  “Well, you know what I mean.”

Tommy grit his teeth and resisted certain urges welling up inside him with the flirting.  “Why are we the only ones here?  In this room?”

The being called Annie tilted her head to the side, her pigtails flopping with it.  “Honestly?  Most boys and girls don’t last this long in the pull-ups stage.  You should be back in diapers by now playing in the baby room.”  She lifted up her dress.  “I even dialed back my potty training to just before pull-ups so I could be a good example for you.”  

A low hissing filled the room and the slightest discoloration took hold of the diaper; from white to off-white.  If the room hadn’t been as quiet as it was the sound of the air conditioning would have been enough to drown out the sound.  If Tommy hadn’t been looking, he might not notice the difference between wet and dry, even as the pulp was starting to expand and swell.  The room was quiet, though.  And Tommy was looking.  

He had a sudden urge to just let go...

“Being a big kid is hard,” she teased.  “And overrated.  Growing up is just a trick you play on yourself because you feel guilty for not suffering.  Let me untrick you.”

The young man fought against the words, even as parts inside his pull-ups ached.

“Why me?!” he asked.  “Why did you choose me?”

Annie seemed genuinely confused by that.  “I didn’t choose you.  You chose me.  You came to Malacus.  You couldn’t handle your looming adulthood, so its doors opened to you.  To allow you to throw it out.”  She started lightly chewing on her pinky.  “Or do you think big boys and girls are drawn into fantasy lands full of adventures and fancy parties?  Any person too far gone into adulthood wouldn’t be able to find it, and if they did they’d probably freak out.”

It’s not quite what the young man wanted to hear. “But why me?  High school is horrible, yeah, but it kinda sucks for everybody, right?”

“I don’t know what to tell you, Tommy.  You’re a baby.  It’s why Malacus found you.  It’s why you’re here and that Amanda you keep fawning over has been civilly committed for observation.  Maybe it runs in your family, I don’t know.”

That part bothered Tommy more.  He felt a surge of guilt.  Amanda hadn’t been great to him, but she didn’t deserve being held in a hospital because he managed to squirt some magic milk into her mouth.

The mention of family made more things pop into his head.  “Bullshit,” he spat.  The cursing genuinely seemed to surprise Annie. She assumed a posture as if to try and scold him but then looked down at herself, remembering that she wasn’t in the roll of an adult at the moment.  She cocked an eyebrow instead and let Tommy finish.   “You’ve been going after my sister, too.  That’s why she’s in remedial classes.  It’s why she’s acting more and more babyish!”

“She’s acting like you should be acting and is enjoying herself.”  She crossed her arms.  “It’s not my fault she wandered in.  The call went out.  She just answered it.  Everybody else is just doing what comes naturally.  Everybody but you,” she added.

He narrowed his eyes.  “I’m not buying it,” he said.  “You’ve turned yourself into an adult baby.  Put yourself in your own nursery.  Baited and set up Katy to fail.  You’re going out of your way to get me.  Why?”

Annie’s eyes shimmered with renewed intensity.  “Because I always win in the end,” she said.  “Always. I even got Charlie to come back one last time.  He was a tough nut to crack.  Almost as tough as...”  Then, her eyes focused in on Tommy.  “Come to think of it, you’re a lot like Charlie.”  He felt her, undressing him with her eyes.  “Charlie wasn’t as stubborn as you, but he’s never fully given up the grown-up either.”

She didn’t know!  She didn’t know about the wall!  She didn’t know about the algae and the names!  Why though?  What did that mean?

Tommy didn’t have time to think about what that meant.  A very pretty girl with mismatched eyes was getting closer and draping her arms over his shoulders.  “Charlie never got over masturbating,” she said.  “When the teachers think I’m one of them, they tell me that sometimes he sneaks off and hides in the corner,” she whispered seductively.  “Sometimes to make poopies, but other times he starts playing with himself.  He never gets in trouble doing it, but they stop him.  Is that it Tommy?  Are you afraid that if you go all the way, you’ll stop wanting to make cummies in your pants?”

Despite himself, making cummies in his pants was exactly what Tommy wanted to do just then.

She pushed gently back around the room, away from the activity tables and towards the nap mats.  “If that’s what you’re worried about, I can make you a deal.  I can change the teachers,” Annie said.  “They’ll just think you’re being cute and squirmy.”  Tommy felt his knees gently buckle beneath him.  He went down to the mat.  

The diapered woman knelt down.  “When I come in looking like a grown-up,” she started pulling his shorts down to his ankles.  “I can still give you special diaper changes.  Could even do it right before nap time.”  Her hand reached down and gripped him through the padding of the Pull-Up.  “Or,” she added.  “I can look like this.  And we can take special naps.  Together.”

“I…”  Tommy started.  A finger to his lips hushed him.  

She tilted her head downward and looked directly at his pelvis. “How about a free sample? All you have to do is get rid of those big boy designs.”

It was difficult peeing his pants with a raging erection.  Difficult but not impossible.  The stream came up slowly, splashing on his pubic area before cascading down into the padding.  More than any other time, Tommy felt like he was peeing on himself.  He had to push himself up into a slight sitting position, just so that the urine wouldn’t leak straight down and rush out the non-absorbent sides of the pull-up.  

Eventually however, the disposable did its job and the rigid crisp clean sensation around his waist was replaced with something much wetter and squishier.

Annie chose that time to mount, her padded self pressing against his.  Instantly, Tommy regained the hardness, feeling the full weight of the girl press down on him.  “Let’s do it while you’re still warm,” she said.

The two bits of not-underwear scraped against each other as the pair grinded on one another, gradually finding a rhythm.  Words did not follow.  Pillow talk and teasing did not happen.  Just the quiet groans and moans of two people lost in their own senses; reliant on each other for physical pleasure but otherwise lost inside themselves.

It was that sense of pure selfishness that propelled Tommy forward.  He shouldn’t be doing this.  He should be pushing the... the...he should be pushing Annie off of him, rejecting her soundly and swearing his everlasting enmity unto his dying breath.  

His breaths were shallower with each thrust.  His moans almost inaudible as she rode him like a pony.  This was better than his first time in Malacus.  So much better than with the fantasy Amanda.  Even though, by her own admission, this school room was just another branch of Malacus, being here with Annie in wet diapers and pull-ups felt more real than when he’d had super strength and golden armor.  

That had been a lie.  This was the truth; or at least it had an element of truth to it.  And with the absence of scale, with it just being him and this form of Malacus’s goddess there was nothing to remind him, nothing to be embarrassed about.  He wanted this.  Tommy really wanted this.   He wanted it so bad that he shut out all other thoughts or guilt or hesitancy in the moment.

He grabbed her hips and rolled her over.  Mounting her, him on all fours; her with her legs wrapped around his waist.  Both of them thrusting into each other.  He got up on his knees and grabbed her thighs for balance and picked up the pace.  Slamming and slapping into her, squelching and squishing in unison.

Through her dress she started rubbing her tits.  He leaned forward and began groping her, planing kisses along her neckline with every other thrust.  She grabbed his shoulders and rolled him back over, retaking control.

Tommy gasped as she redoubled her efforts.  But Tommy wouldn’t still his hands.  He reached forward and started cupping her breasts, gently groping, probing and squeezing more and more until she began to moan, lightly.  

A naughty thought.  Tommy reached up and grabbed onto her pigtails.  Tugging on them and drawing her closer into open mouth kisses, then reaching around and grabbing her wet diapered bottom and squeezing.

“Come on baby,” Annie hissed.  “Let’s finish this.  Quit stalling.  I know you want it.”   She ran her hands down his chest and then leaned back hard. Then as the pace picked up, racing towards climax, their moans became audible and their lungs became as in sync as their privates.  

“Oooh oh, ooooooooh!” he howled.   

Annie’s came out in quiet little, but satisfied gasps.  She rolled off and tumbled in beside him.

“So,” she panted.  “What do you think?  Do we have a deal?  One more visit to Malacus, and this can be all yours.”  She grinned, stupidly.  “And more, if you want.”  She hovered over him, seductively.  “And you know you want it.  They all do.

It was true.  Tommy did want this. However, the orgasm had been a bit of shattering clarity for Tommy.  Emotional exclamation with a sudden sharp clarity.  He did want this.  Just not for Katy.  “Give my sister her brains back.”

Annie propped herself up on one elbow.  “I can’t do that.”

Tommy held firm.  “Then no deal.”

“Not as in not allowed,” the impish little thing said.  “As in I can’t.  It’s like vomiting up your cheerios after you’ve already pooped them out.  What Malacus has taken can’t be given back.  It’s a wash. Sorry.”

Tommy sat up, pants squelching from more than one source.  “Then don’t take any more,” he said.  “Shut her out. Close the gates to her.”  He stood up and pulled his shorts back up.  “And whatever magic you’re using to improve our house and lives.  Up it.”

“Up it?”  Annie joined him and smoothed out her dress.

“My mom’s stressed out from having both me as a teen baby and Katy needing so much extra help.”  Tommy explained.  “It’s why I’m here now.  Get us a housekeeper, or a tutor, or something.  Another adult to help take care of Mom.”  He pointed to his own toddler-like outfit.  “Help her out without turning her into this.”

“You’ll still come here, though.”

“I know.  I don’t care.”

The infantilizing force behind Malacus nodded and smiled.  “I can do that.  Deal.”

“I’m not done yet.”  Tommy said, feeling more forceful and in control than he had in a long while.

The not-so-little girl stood up and smoothed her dress out.  “Someone’s getting a little big for their britches which are about to be changed.”

Tommy did a little bit of metaphysical calculus.  “This room doesn’t normally exist, right?  You had to make it because of me.  It’s normally just one big nursery.”

“Yeah?” Annie asked.  “So?”

“So do you want to stretch your resources thinner?” he replied.  “Going to find other people to baby juuuust enough without going into the nursery?  My Mommy was awfully concerned that there weren’t enough playmates here like me.  Or maybe you make fake preschool classmates?  Seems like a lot of trouble.”

“Okay...what do you want.”

“I want to still walk.” He poked at the thick padding between his legs and waddled a few paces.  “Or at least not to get any worse at it.  Just don’t make me have to crawl everywhere.”

Annie growled a bit.  A child who didn’t like being beaten at her own game.  “Fine.”

“And I want to be understood,” Tommy added.

Annie quipped, “I’m not a psychologist.”

“By adults. I’ve seen how Charlie gets cooed at, but his own mother doesn’t understand a word out of his mouth.  I don’t want that.”

The strange being scoffed.  “Why would you care about that?”

“Take the guesswork out of parenting for my mother? Let her know what I want when I want it?”

Annie rolled her eyes.  “That’s not going to help your position, you know.  The other adults will still know what’s best for you.”
“But they’ll know what I want,” Tommy countered.  “If I want waffles they’ll know it instead of thinking I’m just babbling waf-waf or whatever.”

“Fine…I’ll leave that alone.”

“I also don’t want to age.”

The adult toddler with mismatched eyes frowned.  “Excuse me?”

Tommy was feeling cocky all of a sudden, and for good reason.  “I don’t want to get older.  I don’t want to be a seventy five year old in diapers.”

“Sorry little boy,” she replied.  “Immortality is not on the menu.  Not something I can do.  And even if it was, it wouldn’t be worth it.”

Time to play the ace.  “I’ll tell you how me and Charlie managed to keep our adult minds.”

A spark of hunger.  A licking of lips.  “Still no immortality,” she said.  “But I can compress morbidity.”

Tommy blinked.  “Compress...morbidity?”

“This is what I get for negotiating with someone who isn’t even in college yet.” Annie said to herself.  “I can’t give you more time, but I can slow the physical signs of aging. No gray hairs, wrinkles, bad back, aching knees.”

“So I’ll just look like this and then drop dead?”

She shrugged. “Kinda.  But you’ll get to be a cute little baby the rest of your life.”

It was better than a sharp stick in the eye.  “Okay. Deal.”

Annie leaned in.  “So.  How do you do it?  Why are you still a big boy up here,” she tapped Tommy on the forehead, “and down here?” she prodded between his legs.  

Tommy gently pushed her away.  “I’ll tell you after everything is sealed.  You haven’t exactly been upfront.”

“Hmmm…” Annie put her finger to her lips.  “How about a free preview then?”



Looking forward to the preview! Of course his sister is still pretty far gone...


I can't wait to see him finally give in and become the baby he knows he wants to be. I am also excited that we might see the nanny move in to his home to help his mother out.


Love every bit of this story and happy to see an update!