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Chapter 40: What Dreams May Come?

“More teat?”  

Katy blinked.  “Hmmm?”

The elven girl that had Cameron’s face didn’t blink.  Her smile didn’t budge a millimeter  “More tea?” she repeated.  With delicate hands she held the steaming pot.

“Oh,” Katy started.  “Yes please.”  The girl held out her plastic insulated cup.  The top of it spiraled open like a camera shutter, and light brown sugar water poured out of the pot in a perfect arc.  Perfect.  Everything was perfect.

Because this was a dream.  Why else would the lid of the cup magically seal itself once her hostess was done pouring?  Katy took a drag from the double handled sippy cup.  The warm sweet liquid flowed perfectly as her lips tugged on the nozzle and her head tilted back.

“I have to wonder, Cameron….”

“Theodosia,” the elf corrected.  “I’m Theodosia, silly Katy.”

“Theodosia,” Katy repeated.  “Right.  I have to wonder, Theodosia.  Why the sippy cups?”

Her friend’s dream doppelganger frowned.  “Whatever do you mean, dear girl?”  This time she had a slight quasi-British lilt that Katy hadn’t remembered in the last dream.  The last dream had been weird, though.

“This is a lovely party,” Katy said remembering her manners. She gestured to the spread.  Among the finger sandwiches, crumpets, and tiny cakes were rows of magical sippy cups, all capable of opening for a pour and then resealing themselves.   “It’s just...don’t you think the sippy cups are a little...less than sophisticated?”  It was the nicest way that Katy knew how to phrase it.

Katy loved the sippy cup of course, her own dark pink one had a princess’s crown drawn on the side, and it made her feel cute just holding it.  But there was this itching at the back of her brain that she shouldn’t like it.  That she was too old...too mature for such things...or that she should be.

She wasn’t the only one drinking from a sippy cup, of course.  That helped.  Everyone she knew from school was here; or at least pointy eared versions. Like her, they wore fancy outfits.  The boys in suits and tuxedos; (with Jefferson’s Elf-Self seeming particularly handsome), and the girls in fancy and ruffled party dresses.  But the boy’s pants stopped just short of her knees, and the padded bulge around their butts and crotch more than hinted at what the girls’ outfits didn’t even bother to hide.  

A few of the ladies had onesies on in addition to their dresses, so only the ruffled leg cuffs of their diapers peeked out, but their dresses did them no favor.  The hem of every single party dress stopped well above the knee, so that the slightest bow or curtsey would flash their Luvs, Pampers, and Huggies.

Everyone at the party, including her, was wearing a diaper.  The party had been waiting for her, just after her carriage -the kind pulled by pegasi, not the kind a baby rode in- had taken her off the giant sky turtle.  The party dress had materialized around her right as she’d fallen into the giant ball pit, and had somehow parachuted her fall to a more gentle wafting descent.

The diaper had come with her from the waking world.  She’d gone to sleep with it on before the clock dream had led her here.  This was a dream, though.  Where else but in a dream would all of her classmates act like they were toddlers cosplaying Downton Abbey?  Even in dreams, she wore diapers.  What did that say about her, she wondered.

“Unsophisticated?”  Theodosia’s laughter was like music.  “What’s unsophisticated about precaution?”  Daintily, pointed to the sippy cup. “What’s unsophisticated about not wasting a drop of good tea?  Or preventing it from spilling all over your pretty dress?”

She had a point, Katy supposed.  It would have been a shame if this magnificently sugared leaf water got on this dress.  Still, something was nagging at her. She was happy, but something in her didn’t want to be happy and she wanted to be proven wrong.  “But...but...what about…?” she lifted the edge of her skirt, showing off her absolutely soaked Huggies.  It wasn’t even dry here in dreamland (or Malacus as they preferred).

“That’s simply a matter of socio-temporal economy,” Theodosia said smartly.

The quasi-scientific term went over Katy’s head, and Theodosia seemed pleased by it.  “Huh?”

The elf girl’s smirk became a touch condescending.  “It’s simple, dear Katy.  We’re dancing, and singing, and drinking and eating these delicious tiny cakes.  Every time we go to the loo....that means potty…we’re missing out.  So wearing these is simple practicality for maximum enjoyment.”  She lifted her own skirt to show off a pair of Pampers taped on.  Her padding, however, was positively pristine.

“But won’t we lose time if we go off and um...get changed?”

Theodosia dropped her dress.  Her expression soured for a moment, but only a moment.  “Would you rather miss out on the party four times going to the toilet, or one time going to the changing table?”

“Did I hear ‘change’?”  A lady in a maid’s outfit, seemed to materialize right behind Katy.  

Katy felt the back of her dress lifted up and two fingers yank open the back of her diaper.  “Huh? What are you-?”

“Don’ worry, m’little lady.”  The woman’s  accent was cockney by way of Dick Van Dyke.  “No need to check your diaper.  I’ll do it for you.  It’s me job, after all.”  She paused.  “No poopies but…”  Katy’s eyes bulged a bit and she let out a gasp when those same hands reached around and squeezed her front.  She wanted to slap the intruder.  No. Not true. She didn’t want to.  

“Ooooh, somebody’s a soggy thing, isn’t she?” the newcomer blushed.  Katy felt her hand be held by a much stronger one.  “Come along, Lady Katy, let’s get you sorted out, yeah?”  Katy’s feet whirled around, only to be led away from the party by the stranger.

“Okay,” she mumbled. To be talked to as such.  To be given honorifics such as ‘Lady’ but to be walked around outside of her own power.  To be wearing such pretty clothes while stewing in her own urine.  To be at a fancy party but with childish sippy cups instead of champagne flutes or even proper saucers of tea.  To be simultaneously wretched and adored; in charge but subservient.  It made her feel...made her feel...wonderful.

The tent just outside the party’s perimeter was an eggshell white.  The changing tables were all well stacked, sturdy, and more than big enough for someone of Katy’s size.  She tried to hop on by herself, but between the height of her table and the way her legs bowed out in the wet diaper, she couldn’t quite crawl on.  Oh for a step stool..

 “No need to trouble yourself m’little lady,” the Maid said, giving her a boost.  Her diaper squished a bit as the foreign hand pushed her the rest of the way up.  “Let me take care of it.”

Katy laid down and allowed her pretty pink dress to be hiked up and her diaper to be changed.  She let out a low moan, nearly all breath as it was untaped and she was wiped clean.  She had done it many times of course, but she couldn’t remember the last time someone had done it for her.  It was refreshing.

The new diaper was slid underneath her and powder was applied.  An entire tent dedicated to changing fancy folks diapers.  The tent was big enough that Katy imagined every guest at the party could have their diapers changed at once.  No waiting.  

The daycare where she and Tommy used to go only had two, and if more than one kid needed a change (usually right after nap time) they had to get in line and wait their turn.  Oh those were the days; before she and her brother were so painfully different from one another.  Before he got all Mom’s attention because of his condition.

“You’re Tommy Dean’s big sister, ain’t ya?”

Katy’s eyes flickered up to meet the eye of the person diapering her.  Eyes actually.  They were mismatched.  One green and one blue.  “Excuse me?” Katy asked.  Her fresh diaper had been taped on, but the hem of her dress hadn’t been pulled back down and she hadn’t sat up.  “What did you say?”

“I said  you got a little brother, yeah?  Tommy?  Little fella?  Still in Pull-Ups when he should probably be wearin’ same as you?”  

A surge of jealousy.  Even in her dreams everybody seemed to know Tommy. Katy crossed her arms and huffed.  “What about him?”

“Oh nuffin’,” the Maid said. “He’s a cute little thing, but you’re MUCH better at this than he is.”

The words were a balm to Katy’s fragile ego.  “Yeah?” Then she knew she might regret it but she asked.  “Better at what?”  It didn’t exactly take much talent to get a diaper change; literally a baby could do it.”

“At bein’ yourself,”  the Maid replied. “At takin’ wat life throws at ya and takin’ the good with the bad but appreciatin’ the good.  Your brother?  He’s a clever one, but he’s too clever by half.  He’s always gotta be winnin’ at somefin’, an’ there’s always gotta be a catch.  Can’t appreciate nothin’ cuz he thinks he’s the hero.  Can’t lose a battle to win a war he can’t.  He’s more like to lose the war jus’ so he can say he won every fight he could.”

Kat’s brow shot down towards her nose.  That didn’t sound like the Tommy she knew. She loved her ‘little’ twin, but she wouldn’t have used any of those words.  Clever?  He still didn’t know how to count past ten.  Stubborn, maybe.  She’d long suspected that Tommy COULD use the potty, but he was too stubborn to be bothered with it.  Come to think of it, such a stubbornness might be one of the few things they still had in common.

“I think that deserves somefin’ special,” the Maid said.  She lifted Katy’s legs again and her padded bottom left the table’s surface. Was she being changed again?  If so, the strange eyed woman had forgotten an important first step, what with leaving the clean diaper on.

Something else was slid underneath Katy’s bottom, and Katy didn’t get a good look at it until it was drawn up between her thighs.  The pink cloth was soft and matched her dress. Like her sippy cup back at the party it also had a crown drawn on. It obscured her diaper completely, but still had ruffling elastic around the holes where her legs poked out.  A perfectly reasonable facsimile of panties, only they fit perfectly over her Huggies and  buttoned on the front like tapes on a diaper, disabusing the notion that they were for big girls at a glance.  

“A diaper cover?”

The Maid helped Katy up, even going so far as to care.  “All those fancy folks have nappies under their knickers.  Some even have onesies or them fancy shorts that unbutton from the legs.  But you’re gonna be the only one out there that has her own proper set of waterproof panties, yeah?”  

Oddly enough, Katy kind of liked that idea.  From preschool to highschool, so much of socializing was who had the fanciest and prettiest clothes.  Why not get a leg up?  “Yeah!”

Katy was carried back to the party and set back on her feet at the very edge of the dance floor.  The party had gone on without her, and now a single but very loud old timey phonograph was playing a song.  

Not being a musical enthusiast like Tommy (the little guy might not know his shapes but for some reason he could pick out a show tune) Katy didn’t know what this song was called.  It had no lyrics, but it was the one that went “Dah-dah-dah-dah-dah! DUM-DUM! DUM-DUM!”   

Jefferson waddled up to her, the top of his diaper juuuuust peeking out the front of his tuxedo shorts.  “May I have this dance, m’lady?”  He bowed.

“Why Jefferson,” Katy blushed.  “I thought you’d never ask.”  It didn’t feel right to call him ‘Daddy’.  Not when he was also dressed like a toddler.

“It’s Montague,” the dream boyfriend corrected her.


His hand on one hip, and her on his shoulder, they clasped hands and spun around the dance floor.  Katy had never waltzed before, but even with the thick padding throwing off their gaits, they twirled and stepped around the floor with ease.  To the outside it might look clumsy or awkward, but to Katy at least, she felt enchanted; like she was on Dancing With The Stars and was both the professional dancer and the minor celebrity.  Perhaps it was the new diaper cover that made her so graceful..  Anything was possible in a dream, and such a sweet dream this was.

The music slowed, and with it, Katy and the other party guests changed their posture.  Jefferson (or Montague...whatever) released her free hand and placed both hands on their shoulders.  Everyone else did the same, and so Katy copied them.  

The elegant ball room twirls and spins had now been replaced by a middle school slow dance.  Everyone, boy and girl alike, placed their hands on each other’s shoulders, and didn’t so much dance as they slowly swayed in place.  

At least Katy recognized the tune this time.  “You Are My Sunshine” was pretty tame, but it had an easy rhythm to sway to.  For several minutes she just kept looking into Jefferson’s eyes, forgetting for an instant at how utterly and objectively ridiculous this all was and how silly they all must have looked.  It was her dream.  She had a right to have it.

The song came to an end and everyone clapped as if swaying in place was a delightful experience and noteworthy accomplishment.  Okay, so it was at least one of those things, Katy thought.  But it was when the next song that the party really picked up.

The tempo picked up and the guests’ collective face lit up.  “Come m’lady!” the elf said.  The party guests all gathered in a circle, much like how Katy imagined lords and ladies in Camelot did back in Medieval times.  But then...

“You put your right hand in!
You put your right hand out!
You put your right hand in, and you shake it all about!
You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around!
That’s what it’s all about!”

The Hokey Pokey?   Forget middle school, the dance had devolved into Kindergarten.  And Katy couldn’t help but love it!  All smiling faces.  All shout-singing.  All giggling and laughter.  Like Victorian maidens, the girls lifted the hem of their skirts up when it came time to put their feet in, even though there was absolutely no need to.  The hems were much too short to constrict the movement of their feet to begin with.

All the motion did was give everyone a good look at the state of their diapers.  Several of the girls could have used a change, but it was far too fun to stop!  It was Katy who suggested ‘You put your butt in,’  and everyone cackled and went along with it as though she were a comedic genius.  

The roaring applause that followed the final ‘whole-self’ verse was even greater than the light swaying of “You Are My Sunshine.”  

“An’ next, m’little lords and little laddies,” the Maid with the mismatched eyes and fake cockney accent announced.  “A bit o’ competition to go with your musical recreation.”  Which was really just a fancy  way to say ‘musical chairs’.

Katy was good at this!  Very good!  She wasn’t used to being good at things anymore.  She was so excited she barely noticed how wet her diaper felt when she plopped down into the hard wooden chair during the fifth or sixth round.  When had that happened?  Not that it mattered.  This was a dream anyways and her diaper was wet in real life.

Katy didn’t win but she made a good showing.  “Good job, Katy!” the elf version of her buddy Margo said.  “I thought you were going to get me there for a minute.

Being a good little lady, Katy curtseyed to the winner.  “Thank you very much.  It was a very fun game.”

“Oooooh! Cute diaper cover!”

“Thank you very much.”  Katy blushed.  Such a weird thing to be complimented on.  None of her gal pals were at a point where they complimented each other on their panties.  No one was.  But then again, in a dream world where such things as privacy didn’t seem to exist, but not compliment something clinging to a person’s butt?  If everyone here was effectively a toddler, why bother with modesty?

The elven girl did a twirl and her skirt fluttered up enough for Katy to get a look beneath it.  “I’ve got a onesie on.  It’s not as nice as your baby panties, but it helps stop the sag when I’ve had too much to drink.”

“Oh,” Katy said. “It’s not mine. The Maid put this on me.”

A look of awe came over the familiar faced girl.  “That must mean you’re special.”  And Katy felt it.

The party continued, and Katy’s belief that this was some other wonderful dream only solidified and intensified.  In what other world would people her age play Duck Duck Goose?  Katy even managed to win that one!  She might have lost, but the boy who was chasing her stopped mid lap to squat and poop in his pants.

No one seemed bothered or disgusted by it.  No one save the Maid made comment on it, and that was to transition him over to the tent filled with changing tables.  The rest was “Good job, Katy!”  It felt nice.  Katy hoped that the dream would go on a little longer...

“Katy!”  Mommy’s voice roused her from one of the best dreams she could barely remember.  “Katy, it’s time to get up.  You don’t wanna miss your school bus, do you?”

Katy yawned.  “Yes, Mommy.”  She tossed off the sheets and got up, stripping off her soaked Goodnite like it was second nature, which by this point in her life it was.  When Mommy had first bought the twins diaper pails, she had no idea how much use the glorified garbage cans would get.  Katy still had accidents at night and Tommy was still in Pull-Ups.

Knees aching and sore as if she really had been dancing and playing Musical Chairs and Duck-Duck-Goose all night, Katy stumbled over to her big girl underwear drawer.  She opened it up and pulled out a pair of extra thick big girl training panties.  This pair, pink with Lamb Chop on the front.  Katy didn’t really need training panties since she knew how to use the potty, but sometimes she got excited or just forgot, and the panties soaked up just enough of her pee-pee so that she could make it to the toilet in time to get the rest out.  She never had poopy accidents.  Only Tommy did, and she had the feeling that those were On Purposes, more than accidents.

The girl already had one foot into her panties when she noticed the packet of wipes on top of her dresser.  “Ooops,” she giggled.  “Almost forgot.”  She took all of thirty seconds to pause and wipe herself down, likely missing a few spots in her haste but managing to get most of the places on her that last night’s pee-pee had touched.

It was still a lot easier for her to clean herself up than if she had had her big girl hair.  For some reason, it never came in.   Mommy said that she was just a ‘late bloomer’, whatever that meant.  Being a late bloomer was also why she took the bus to school, even though most girls her age drove.  Not Cameron, but that was because Cameron didn’t have a whole lotta money, not because she was a late bloomer.

Cameron and her rode different buses. Katy’s bus was a lot shorter because it didn’t carry as many kids; mostly Katy’s classmates.  Sometimes they got to school at about the same time and they went to breakfast together.  So that was nice.

“Katy!” Mommy called “Hurry!”  Mommy was always so grouchy first thing in the morning.  Probably because she was worried about Katy missing her bus, and trying to get Tommy into his booster chair at the same time.

As quickly as she could, she pulled up her big girl training panties, comforted by their thickness, and reached into the next drawer and got out a T-shirt.  She was such a big girl, Mommy would remind her, since she could dress herself and Tommy couldn’t yet.

Next, she got out a skirt to step into, shimmying it up her hips.  She loved wearing skirts; it was another something that princesses like her could wear that boys couldn’t.  It made her feel so utterly fem...femin...what was the word Mommy used sometimes?  Girly!  It made her feel like a real girly girl.  A real princess.  It didn’t matter that her top was a light  pink and her skirt was a not matching dark purple; she thought she looked pretty. No one cared about that, either.  She looked pretty no matter what.

Another advantage of being a late bloomer princess was her shoes.  Most other girls her age couldn’t fit into sneakers that lit up every time a body took a step.  Not Katy, though.  She was special.  Her feet were juuuuuust tiny enough to fit into the light up sneakers.  Every step she took was like a little twinkling firefly.  

Skipping out her room, she went to the bathroom.  “Hurry up,” Mommy warned, buckling Tommy into his booster seat.  “You don’t wanna be late.”

Most other girls her age would just roll their eyes and say something rude.  Instead, Katy chriped “Okay, Mommy” on her way to the bathroom.  She still had one other thing to do.  

Stepping up tippy does so she could see properly into the bathroom mirror, she opened up a drawer on her right.  There next to yet another pack of flushable baby wipes for Tommy was her collection of scrunchies.  With practiced routine, she took her tangle of long hair and ran it through not one, but two scrunchies.   Katy loved putting her hair in pigtails. That and It made her look like some of the cheerleaders at school.  She gave her head a waggle, just enjoying the way her pigtails flopped a bit.

A deep horn honked outside.  The bus was waiting outside.  She wasn’t going to be late.  The bus wouldn’t leave without her.

That’s just how life was when you were a princess.

Tommy watched his sister skip out the door, skirt and pigtails flapping.  Sneakers lighting up.  She looked like a slightly bigger preschooler, thicker training panties included.  And had she gotten shorter?  “What the fu-?”  Mom shoved the first plastic forkful of Eggo waffles into his open mouth.  Katy went out the door.



Somehow I think her status has changed quicker than his... Interesting that it sounds like she's now riding a special needs bus and he's not...? Still really enjoying this very innovative and messed up tale!


I can’t wait for the next chapter