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Well fuck...

I took care of my wife when she had covid.  Obviously I'd been exposed to it.  I just assumed I was asymptomatic or something.  So when she got better, (no more fever, no more chills, appetite and energy picked up) I breathed a sigh of relief, and life went back to normal last week.

This morning, I woke up in a sweat like a fever just broke, (never had a fever), and because I'm a gross guy, I sniffed my pits to check the damage as it were.  Nothing.  That's weird.  Then I go to the bathroom and check my deodorant.  No smell there.  I don't THINK it's unscented.  I check the baby powder (because OF COURSE I have baby powder in my bathroom).  No scent either.  

I've lost my scent of smell.  Instant red flag.  

So I go to the doctor and manage to get a quick covid tested, worried that it won't matter if I get negative result, because it'll probably be a false negative.

Turns out I didn't have to worry about false negatives.  I got a positive.

So yeah.  Now I've got Covid.  

I'm lucky enough that I still feel pretty well.  The lack of smell is disturbing, but that's it so far.  No cough, no fever, and my oxygen levels are well in the.  Maybe a liiiiittle sluggish, but that could just be because of the day I've had running around everywhere to get tested and stressing out etc. etc.

So don't worry too much about me.  I'm still gonna be working this week, including something for Cushypen and something for patreon at the very least.




Oh geez! Either way, don’t push yourself too much! Wishing you a safe recovery!


Feel better soon! I've been terrified of getting it due to how sick I've gotten from some things over the years. Hope you have a mild case!


Lucky when i got it I had a bit of a hard time breathing


Oh no no no no no no. Please keep monitoring any changes and take care of yourself. 🙁 And be sure to still eat, I know how depressing it is when food has no taste, but you'll need it.


And we will worry about you. We care about you. Plus you make good content (just making a joke, we care about you whither you make content or not)


The oxygen level thing. My buddy bought a new phone, never had Covid, but her oxygen levels were so low in her blood that they had to do a blood transfusion. Anyway, get vitamin C supplements like airborne or zicam and grab those zinc supplements. Hope you feel better in a few days.


Wishing you a smooth recovery! Get well soon!


Well, to attempt to find a positive, at least you won't have to smell your own diapers for a bit.


Ah, crap. I wish you well, Personalias. A friend of mine got it some months ago. Lost smell and got pretty sluggish but ended up fine. Hope it will be the same or better for you.


Get better soon!


Feel better!


Sorry for you, hope you get better and it doesn't affect you too much!

Willow B Tatus

Sounds about right - they've said the whole time that there's an asymptomatic incubation period of about a week or so. Hopefully all you get is the "can't smell anything" for a while. My kid went through that, and then he got racked up with some cough and crap, but he cleared it pretty quick after that.


Aghh sorry to hear man, I really hope make a strong recovery..! :(