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Howdy Folks,

So for those of you not in the know, I've raised some hackles and said some mean things on twitter about a publisher not paying their writers, and now some folks aren't too happy with me.

I did say some mean things.  The meanest thing I said was that it  reminded me of a scam that happened to me back in Elementary school.  Ask for submissions. Don't pay the kids who give you the good stuff. Sell the books to their parents. Pure profit.

That is the one part that I have learned where I spoke in haste.  Turns out this publishing company doesn't make a profit and doesn't sell many anthology copies, and doesn't want to pay it's contributors.

So for that implication- that they were making money and acting in bad faith- I apologize.  No shade. No disrespect. Nothin'.  I was wrong about that part.

I still stand by my final analysis:  I don't think it's a good system. I don't think it benefits the people creating the content in any way.  And if "no one is buying it" is a defense for the call not to pay people for their work, it's not benefiting the community either.

So I would advise any writer to find a different method for sharing their work.  It's not a good use of their time or money, in my opinion.

Same way I'll advise anyone who only likes my Twitter stories and not my Deviantart stuff to not subscribe to my Patreon.  My twitter stories and every other type of fiction that I write are VERY different.  If you only like one, the other wouldn't be a good use of your time and money.

Same way I've advised people who only like my writing not to subscribe to Cushypen if you're JUST looking for more of my stories.  There's a lot of talented artists on Cushypen, but if you're just looking for two extra stories from me a month, it's not a good use of your time and money.

If you're one of those folks who are pissed at me, you are free to speak to me if you'd like and I'll explain my reasoning and my feelings should you want to.  You also don't have to do that and you can unsubscribe, and unfollow me. No questions asked.

But I'd suggest that if you're going to leave me, that you throw your money behind this anthology, buy lots of copies and tell your friends so they buy it and that the people who DO write it DO get paid and compensated for their time and that the community DOES benefit.

For everybody else, I'm working to have some more content for y'all later this week.



Call me dumb but I didn't even realize you "twitter stories" were actually hosted on Twitter. Those are what got me into your work in general and hoped to see more, guess I was looking in the wrong place


Hahahah! I'm so sorry. Yeah. I copied and pasted a couple on a lark on deviant art aaaand...okay then. I guess I didn't appreciate the reach they had.


Same thing I said on Devientart, but the heck were they gonna pay you in, Exposure? If they were coming to you, you don't need exposure. If they were asking for submissions, then they get the freaking publishing rights. Pay your gosh danged artists. ...I say in a comment yo a patreon I'm subscribed to


I've been completely ignorant of this whole polemic. So, just keep your great work, I guess? ^^'

Willow B Tatus

Vanity publishing is gross. I got approached by vanity publishers throughout the 90's. Always they want your poem/story/whatever for this big coffee table book they were publishing, but never an offer to pay you, and you had to buy a copy of the book if you wanted to see yourself in it. And it was usually 60 bucks a copy. And of course they wanted you to get all your friends and family to buy a copy.