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Howdy folks.  Things are starting to clear up around here with regards to family health.

My wife is on the mend, and the rest of my family show no symptoms.  Truly the best of a bad situation.

I myself, am a liiiiiiitle under the weather, but I have no fever or trouble breathing.  This could legit just being under the weather.  We're all still quarantining all the same for at least the next week.

Onto patreon business!

-I'm finishing up work on dialogue for Perpetual Change.  The end feels tantalizingly close.

-I hope to have two new Diaper Dimension stories up and ready within the next 7 days.  

One is another chapter in Unfair.  

The other is a commissioned sequel to "Fair is Fair".  Possibly part of a larger series.

That will likely close out my February.

For March: It's occurred to me that I've been wrapped up with commissions, but I still want to give every Gold-Tier subscriber a free 5k short story.

If you see this and you're a gold tier subscriber, message me so I can start a que of sorts.

I'm also available for Cushypen commissions, so if any of you are also subscribers to that site and would like an entry there guaranteed to appear sometime between the 1st and the 10th of March, contact me.



Fair is fair , where did you post this story ! Please can you send a link since I am big fan of your stories


Excited for all upcoming work but most importantly that your wife is feeling better. Hope the rest of quarantining goes well


Glad to hear you're all on the mend. I'll definitely cash in that Gold Reward. That short story idea I asked about a little while ago would probably be 5k worthy so count me in


Hey this is Kai, super glad to hear that your wife is doing better! Hoping your family stays healthy and happy. Of course I hope your little symptoms stay small, glad to hear this news overall!