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So, a bit of bad news.

My wife came home Thursday night feeling like crap.  We called out of work and school and she got tested Friday.  The results came in last night.  

She's tested positive for covid.  My kid and I are probably positive too and just not showing any symptoms.  

Her oxygen level is great.  Her energy and appetite are picking back up.  But all week in addition to writing, I'm being a glorious house husband and father and dealing with cooking, cleaning, child entertainment, pseudo-nursemaid etc. etc. etc.  

That and I'm sleeping on the couch and keeping a safe distance etc. etc.

If all goes well, I'll be working on a new chapter of New Narnia, as well as doing more work on Perpetual Change.  

Just keepin' y'all appraised.



God speed, take care and get well to you and your wife.


Get zinc and vitamin C supplements.


Dude keep yourself extra safe and sound. Keeping you in my thoughts


Family first man. As well your safety.


Family life comes first, don't worry about it. Just hope you all are safe! Please take care!


Ok so my good friend, her sibling and her parents all got covid over Christmas. I though her dad was done for because he has battled with cancer in recent years. As it turned out they all got though it! Dad had minimal symptoms, my good friend had a 2 week bad flu type thing and she lost her sense of smell for almost a week. Her sister and her mother had similar experiences. Now brace yourself, they thought they were in the clear and putting it behind them when her mother went to the e.r. with a heart attach. Turns out elevated heart rate is a covid thing. It made for a shitty night but 2 days later things were about back to normal. I admit this isn't a story of sunshine and rainbows but it's real and legit info and probably better then listening to what your imagination can make up. My friend and her sibling are both in there 30s with parents in there 60s. I hope this is helpful, if there's anything I can do, reach out. And yes these were 4 tested positive cases.


In case that wasn't clear, it wasn't an actual heart attach but it took a few hours to get her heart rate down to safe levels and I believe a couple days resting at home before it returned to normal


I'm not overly worried from a health perspective. I'm just the lone person in the house capable of fulfilling responsibilities right now and have two people who need me to take care of them. So I'm kind of all over the place trying to find quiet times to type and not pass out.


Your family's and your own health are the most important things right now. Take good care of everyone, and I'm sending all my positive vibes your way.


Get well soon to all of you! No worries about the stories...family is more important


Sorry to hear this. I wish her and your family a good recovery


i am sorry that you have to deal with this. if there is anything we can do to help support you, please let us know.


Truly sorry to hear that. Hope she recovers soon and the rest of you stay healthy. I had it back in December and quarantined in my room but no one else in the house got sick, so I hope this is the case for you all.


So sorry, Personalias. I hope she gets better soon and everyone else avoids the illness.


Sorry that this happened. Hopefully everything will turn out alright. Sounds pretty positive already


Sorry to hear that, hope she'll get better soon!


Thank you for the update, it sounds like your family is in good hands. Best wishes for a speedy recovery <3