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Chapter 38: The Right Way and the Wrong Way to Play House

Let's go out tonight

I have to go out tonight

You're sweet, wanna hit the streets?

Wanna wail at the moon like a cat in heat?

Just take me out tonight

The matinee was dark and nearly empty.  As expected.  Scary movies weren’t nearly as popular during the middle of the afternoon.  Ones about shapeshifting hockey clowns that haunted the nightmares of sexy teenagers in the woods every Halloween even less so.  Being able to look at the fire exit and see the beams of sunlight just under the door under the door made everything a little less scary.  Same with being able to look at your phone and see that it wasn’t quite Four P.M.

Something was just lost in translation. Probably why horror movies tended to have such a short shelf life.  It wasn’t the film as much as the environment that stoked up the spookiness.

In spite of that, a handful of kids that looked like they  just barely made the PG-13 cut, sat in the front row craning their necks and laughing in shock and delight as a “teenager” with the body of a twenty-eight year old got decapitated by a chainsaw; her neck becoming a viscous fountain of CG’d blood that splattered the camera’s fourth wall.

Katy and Jefferson didn’t notice.  They were too busy kissing and nibbling on each other’s necks and ears to give a shit about the movie.  In it’s own way it was a good thing that it was a horror movie.  Made it easier for Katy to look away and nuzzle into Jefferson’s neck.  Had it been a cartoon she would have been distracted.

There was a strange mist on the floor, too; likely some extra bit of camp that the theater had purchased to make the movie more immersive or something.  Some dumb employee had probably just shit the bed and left a fog machine on.  Kinda silly putting it in the back though….

She wouldn’t have noticed the mist if she hadn’t been so busy looking down.  Down at her lap, where just beneath her skirt, an oddly well fitting Huggies squished and squelched beneath her.  Everytime something trickled out between her legs, she’d steal a look, waiting for the nasty tickling down her legs and the inevitable puddle that would form in her seat.  She was a big girl...diapers shouldn’t be able to hold so much of her...everything.

Six times so far. Or maybe it was three. Kind of hard to tell.  Katy still knew how to count, of course, she just wasn’t entirely settled on what she was counting.   She’d selfishly downed her brother’s apple juice before Jefferson had parked, and was in the middle of having the most wonderfully intense sexual experience of her young life.

“Oooooh,” she moaned softly into his ears.

Everything buzzed magnificently.  Her skin felt like it was glowing.  Never before had everything felt so sensitive in the best ways.

Another kiss to her neck caused Katy to shudder.

Three times.  Three times she’d orgasmed so hard that she shook and had to grip the neck of Jefferson’s shirt with stark white knuckles. The count had just upped itself to four.  Each orgasm was either immediately preceded or proceeded by her bladder releasing into her diaper.  Also four times now.  

She’d peed herself.  She was also wet.  Four times?  Eight times?  How would she count?  What counted?  Who cared?  Would she be even able to tell that she’d used the diaper in such a fashion.

The diaper had been used, however.  That much was plain to see.  No longer looking down, Katy could all feel the Huggies swelling and sliding and sagging away from her, peeking out from the hem of her skirt.  Four orgasms and four accidents was enough for Katy to forget her modesty.  

Four plus four was eight; a sideways infinity symbol.  Appropriate, considering Katy was wishing this would never end.  (Not that she wanted to stop at eight…)

Breathlessly, she mouthed the word “Daddy”, and lightly bit the tip of her thumb, longing to suck it.  

“Oh yeah….”  Jefferson whispered back.  “Call me Daddy.”  Okay, maybe Katy wasn’t just mouthing the words.  “I can give you something to suck on.”   Katy immediately imagined a pacifier or another bottle, this one filled with milk, instead what most any other girl her age might imagine sucking from her boyfriend.

She didn’t comment.  She just leaned deeper into him, nuzzling his neck and purring while he began to gently caress and squeeze her breasts.  Damn the arm dividers!




Katies screams of ecstasy blended perfectly with the poor “teens” on screen running for their lives.

She was going to leak.  Any minute now the pulpy dam and leakguards would fail and so much more than just her seat would wet.

Jefferson’s hand went lower, sliding past her breasts and over her belly button.  Still lower.  Between her legs and under her skirt.  Katy just bit her lip.  Daddy was gonna check her diaper.


Jackson’s hand squeezed and snapped back like it had been bitten. “Are you on your period or something?”

Katy’s eyes opened, seeing the disgust on her boyfriend’s face.  “Huh?” she said.  Stupidly, she lifted the hem of her dress.  “No. I’m not.  See?  Just Huggies.”  Actually, using the diaper as a form of period panties wasn’t something that Katy had considered…

Her boyfriend seemed extra squeamish all of a sudden.  He practically jumped up and looked down at her.  Just before he started shouting, Katy could have sworn she saw a little puff of mist wriggle it’s way into his throat. “YOU’RE WEARING A FUCKIN’ dia-?”  

He stopped for a second. Froze actually. His joints locked and his spine arced like he was in pain. His eyes clouded over like a blind man’s.  It was a full three seconds before he started breathing again. Jefferson gasped and sat down, panting.  “What was I saying again, baby girl?”

Katy had recoiled in horror like she’d expected to be hit.  “I showed you my diaper…” she whispered.  Oh criminy why was she telling him this? He’d just get mad again!

Then, Jefferson did the unexpected.  “Can I...can I change you?”  It was hard to tell in the dark, but from the heat she felt, Katy was positive he was blushing.  He’d gone from outraged to bashful; hopeful even.

“You want to change me?” Katy couldn’t believe the words she was saying.  Her own breath was becoming shallow.  No one had ever wanted to change her diaper before.  She’d always had to close her eyes and pretend they were someone else’s hands fastening the tapes around her.

Jefferson nodded.  “Yeah.  If that’s okay, I mean.”

“Please...” then a little louder, she added “Daddy.”

The two young lovers grabbed hands and walked down the stairs and out the theater.  Each squelching sopping step of hers sent her heart into full pitter patter.  They didn’t talk out in the hallway.  She just let Jefferson lead her by the hand towards the family restrooms, not caring what passerby might be looking at them, or how she no longer needed to bend down to give people a peek at her padding.

All the stalls were big enough for two people.  The benefit of a family restroom was that all of the stalls were big enough for two people.  It was expected that little kids or other dependents might need a little extra help and supervision.  But Katy wasn’t led to the stalls.

Like a groom walking her across the threshold, Jefferson scooped her up and laid her gently on the bathroom’s changing area.  Had it been a normal wall mounted changing station,  even someone as petite as Katy might risk breaking it.

This wasn’t a normal wall mounted changing station, though.  Neither was it a matter of magical artifice.  The bathroom’s architects had just spent a little extra money and installed a baby changing shelf as part of the bathroom proper.  The alcove  had the same surface as the row of sinks next to it, just without the faucets and indentations.  A full faux marble shelf could hold most people’s weight; and so it did.

Even though she was petite, it was still a bit of a squeeze for Katy; one where for her head to fit she had to bend her knees.  No one older than a first grader could hope to lay fully spread eagle in the alcove.   Still, it was comfortable enough.  Intimate, even.

Jefferson took charge.  “Boost up for me, baby girl.”  She lifted her hips and he hiked her skirt up. Katy suspected he’d done at least this much before to other girls.  Not what came next.


Fearlessly, he ripped off and opened the giant diaper.  “Awwww,” he said, looking down at the soaked undergarment.  “Baby girl is definitely not ready for big girl panties if she’s getting THIS wet,” he teased.. “ Good thing I checked you.”  He winked down at her.  Katy allowed herself the luxury of hiding her face behind her hands and looking away; not because she was embarrassed, but because she was overwhelmed in positively the best way possible.

His inexperience started to show itself, soon after.  “Oh crud.  Uh...wipes...diaper?”

“Purse…” Katy’s whisper was well heard in the empty bathroom.

“Oh yeah.” He bent over and picked her purse up off the floor and dug through it.  Then he added.  “Diaper bag.  You mean it’s in your diaper bag.”

Katy peeked through her fingers.  Had some strange force transformed her purse?  No.  Her boyfriend was just being playful.  Nice recovery, though.  

Craning her neck, Katy watched through the slits of her fingers and watched as Jefferson wiped and dabbed at her privates..  A real baby might just lay back and let it happen, but for real children this might be an everyday occurrence.  For all Katy knew, this was a once in a lifetime thing.  She needed to record every moment with every available sense.  Posterity for her posterior.

Jefferson used too many wipes.  Way too many wipes.  She wasn’t poopy: One to two would have done the trick.  Maybe three.  But every wipe got exactly one hurried stroke across her, before being deposited into the soaking nappy.

 He was definitely a “new Daddy” as it were.  But from the way he panted, and the way his eyes took in every little detail, he was nothing if not enthusiastic!  “Up for me, baby girl.”  She boosted her hips again.  Only the briefest of pauses so he could toss the diaper; not bothering to even ball it up.  He quickly unfolded the diaper.  “One last time.  Good girl.”

It would have been nice if he’d grabbed her by the ankles, but this was still very nice.  Same for the powder- which he skipped.  He made up for it by pulling the diaper up over her hips and fastening the Velcro tapes snugly around her, giving the diaper a good fit.

Shortcomings aside, it was still infinitely better than any of her fantasies, because this was real.  

Jefferson helped her sit up, and pulled the hem of the dress back over the fresh diaper.  “Thank you, Jefferson,” she said.  “I...I really liked that.”

“Me too.”

A strange wave of relief.  “You did?”

“Of course I did.” Jefferson blushed.  “It was your carefree genuine innocence that drew me to you in the first place.  All the other girls at school are so busy trying to act grown-up that they come off as phony.”

“So you didn’t mind…?” She looked down at her lap and squeezed her thighs together, relishing in the dry crinkle.  Her feet dangling off the edge also made her feel super little.

“I was surprised,” her boyfriend admitted.  “But then I stopped and thought about it.  This is the next, most logical step isn’t it?”

Whether or not it was logical didn’t register to Katy.  It was exactly what she’d been hoping to hear, and that was enough.

“Wanna go finish the movie?” she asked.

“Sure,” Jefferson said.  “If that’s what Baby Girl wants.  Or…”


“Or we could go get ice cream.”

Katy jumped off the changing alcove and into her Daddy’s arms, squeaking.  “ICE CREAM!”


“PLEASE!” Amanda begged the stranger.  “Please change me!”  She held out the diaper like she was drowning and it was a rope she needed to be pulled in on.  “My diapee leaked, and now I need a changie!”  The stranger at the mall did what most people do when they’re generally confused and distinctly uncomfortable: Looked away and kept walking.

“Please mister! Pleeeease!”  

She needed someone to change her, she desperately needed a diaper change.  She didn’t know how to change herself.  She was just a baby.  

What Amanda Monroe didn’t know is that none of those statements were correct:  Deep within her brain she very much had the capability of changing her pants.  She was definitely not a baby.  And technically, the service she was begging for would have been only a “diaper change” if she was already wearing one.

She wasn’t.  

Instead she was wandering around the food court with urine dripping down her jeans leaving a ammonia scented trail behind her with every step she took.  It had seemed like such a simple thing.  She had to pee, so she relaxed her bladder into her pants like she was supposed to, like she did practically every day except for the few times when Mommy set her on the potty first thing in the morning; and that was more a matter of good timing than effort.

“Mommy?” A little girl Amanda could have sworn was just a little older than her asked. “What’s she doing?”  The tot’s pants were obviously bulging with a Luvs beneath.

“Mommy!” Amanda cried. “You’re a Mommy!  You HAVE to change my diaper.  That’s like your job, right.?”  Amanda wasted no time in lying down and lifting her legs so the woman could get started. She held the diaper out, expectantly.  “Ready!”

The Mommy picked up her ACTUAL child, and walked briskly away.  What was going on?  What was she doing wrong?  She’d acted just like she was supposed to.  She was certain!

“Miss,” the security guards standing over her said.  “You need to get up.  You’re disturbing everyone.”

“I’m a baby!”

“Sure you are.  You still need to get out.”  They bent over and lifted her up by her arms.  These definitely weren’t Daddies.  Where was her Daddy?  What was her Daddy’s name?  She didn’t know, and wouldn’t know until the microdose of Mother’s Milk worked its way through her system.

In the meantime, another idea came to Amanda’s milk-addled mind.  She wasn’t done using her diaper.  She wasn’t ready to be changed yet!  That’s why.  Duh!  Any idiot could see that!  Why change her when she’d need to get changed again so soon!

Stomach gurgling, Amanda slammed her feet down and squatted.  The security guards were nice enough to hold her upright so she wouldn’t lose balance.  Teeth clenched and cheeks puffing, Amanda did what came most naturally.

“Oh god.  I think she’s shitting!  Fuck this.  Call the police!”

The police?  Would they change her diaper.  From the sound of the onlookers mumbling and looking uncomfortably away, she certainly needed it now.  She’d not only leaked, but also had a full blow-out too.  She could feel the warm slutch coming out of her heiney and instead of being deposited neatly in the seat of her pants, it was sliding down the sludge.   Somebody would need a lot of wipes to clean her up.  Maybe a trip to the tubby.

“Fuckin’ gross,” a teenager said.

“Where do I know her from?  Is that Amanda?  Amanda Monroe?”  Amanda wasn’t sure.  She couldn’t quite remember her last name just then.

“Holy shit it is!  That’s the head cheerleader!  Amanda Monroe just shit herself!”

“More than that, dude!”

“Fuckin’ gross!”

Cell phones were out now.  Pictures were being taken as Amanda was being dragged out of the mall, shit and piss trailing down her pants and behind her.

If Amanda had ever been to Malacus, whether through clock or bed or closet or woodland path, this scene would have played out very differently.  People might have not noticed how bizarre Amanda was acting.  Gears would have turned  and events would have been swiftly set into motion to ensure that SOMEONE came to change her diaper and give her so much infantile care. Minds would literally be misted over and changed if necessary.  

Depending on how long she’d been in the strange world outside the world, people might even see Amanda as a kind of infant, ignoring any cognitive dissonance regarding full breasts and developed hips, or that they might remember that they voted for her for homecoming queen.

But Amanda had never been to Malacus...



I'm going to have to go back and re-read this whole thing when you're done. Enjoying each chapter here! Seems like a solid bit of justice there honestly!


I feel like I missed a chapter. XD Who is Amanda and why is that happening to her, again? ^^' Still, a very neat chapter


I’m not gonna say Amanda didn’t have this coming, but still I hope it’s not permanent. If it doesn’t wear off on its own, I hope the Nanny or some other part of Malacus at least takes pity on her and shifts her reality to match her affliction. This “worst of both worlds” scenario strikes me as a little too cruel. But hey, I’m a big ol softie.


She was Tommy's crush who was really patronizing to him at all ages. Last chapter he finally got fed up with her and ended up spraying a bottle of Malacus infused milk onto her.


"She didn’t know, and wouldn’t know until the microdose of Mother’s Milk worked its way through her system." Seem like it won't be permanent. With people having witnessed and took photo of her pissing and shitting herself in public, she will have an extremely hard time coming up socially, though.


I'm actually sad we didn't get Johnson and Katy's relationship to keep going like this. Still, amazing story!