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  • Alex Bridge's Interview with Personalias 1.2.21.m4a
  • Alex_Bridges_Interview_with_Personalias_1.2.21.m4a



I had a conversation with ABDL author Alex Bridges. You may know him from his stories Done Adulting and I’m Not A Little Girl. Alex was kind enough to interview me on my writing style and process and the projects I have coming up. You can find Alex on Patreon, DeviantArt, DailyDiapers, and ABDL Story Forum.

It was a fun conversation! Alex even hinted at his plans for Done Adulting (psss! There’ a third volume coming in 2021).

Give a listen, and remember: the more you support ABDL content creators like Alex Bridges, the more you support our growing community.

Also I am so sorry for those of you who listen. I've got a voice for silent movies.  ;)



I am definitely using that technique of "writing a scene down" so it's down, and then trying to link to it later. Or seeing if it can be fleshed out. It's kind of how some of my stuff accidentally gets made, but I'd like to try and get that more formalized