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Chapter 35: The World Outside the Clock.

There is life outside your apartment

I know it's hard to conceive,

but there's life outside your apartment,

and you're only gonna see it if you leave.

There is cool shit to do,

but it can't come to you.

And who knows, dude,

you might even score!

There is life outside your apartment,

but you've got to open the door!

“How the hell did you do that?” Tommy asked the now twenty-something woman as she carried him out his own front door.  He was part disgusted, part afraid, and part in complete and total awe.  Never mind how worried he was for his mother.

“I can be very persuasive to people who have an open mind,” Nanny replied, her mismatched eyes sparkling.  ‘Persuasive’ was a misnomer, a gross exaggeration bordering on lie.  It was closer to hypnosis or mesmerism.

“Hi,” Nanny said. “I’m from Scrumpton Community College and I’m in the Developmentally Delayed Pediatric Pre-med Program. The S.C.C.D.D.P.P.P.  According to hospital records made in legal accordance with releases with HIPPA laws, your son has an uncommon condition that has dramatically delayed his growth and cognitive processes.  Eighteen but small for his age?  Mindset of a toddler?  Maybe having difficulty potty training?  Is that accurate?”

Mommy stammered, her voice uncertain.  “Why, yes.  Yes it is.  Yes he doe-”

 “I’m taking part in and conducting a research study on developmental disorders.” The young woman with the mismatched eyes had barreled right over Tommy’s mother.  “Basically I’d just take him out, babysit him a little, take some qualitative and quantitative data.  Then bring him back.”  The words had flowed out of the not-woman’s mouth at a speed that was somewhere between a legal disclaimer at the end of a thirty second commercial and an auctioneer on meth.

Even though he’d been babysat less than a week ago, the glaze on Mommy’s eyes and the sudden frizz in her hair made it suddenly seem as if she were perpetually worn down.  This was not normal.“Did you say, ‘babysit’?”  

“I did.  Childcare is part of the study and will also satisfy a requirement for my Exceptional Student Education Certification.”  A beat.  “I’m a double major.”

Mary Dean seemed like a snake hypnotized by the charmer’s flute. “How much?”

She had a younger body and voice than before, but the Nanny still had same mismatched eyes, the same brunette hair and the same satchel diaper bag.  Tommy hadn’t seen his old backpack since the last time he’d come back out of the clock.  After a half second of digging, she produced a clipboard.  “It’s free.  Just sign this release form and childcare is on the College’s dime.”

Mommy couldn’t sign fast enough. Shades of the old Mary Dean, the one always looking for a quick buck at the Bingo Hall were rearing their ugly heads.  Yet more than a sliver of that maternal instinct, artificial or otherwise remained.  “How come I haven’t heard of this before?  Is it a new program?”

“Not exactly,  but HIPPA laws are very strict about who we can and can’t contact and under what circumstances.  We had to wait till…” Nanny pretended to peek at the clipboard, “Thomas...was eighteen years of age before we could contact you.  You signed a release with the hospital over his last several checkups.  I’m sure you just didn’t notice it all piled in with the rest of the Medicaid, disability, and insurance forms.”

Mommy had nodded.  “Yes.  Yes, that makes sense…”  Mommy was Cindy Lou Who, and Nanny was the Grinch telling her that a light was broken on one side of the Christmas Tree.  But if all of that was true, why wasn’t Tommy afraid?  Why wasn’t he screaming or throwing a fit.  Surely, if he yelled and kicked and screamed- like a toddler- his mother’s maternal instinct would kick into overdrive and she’d refuse this dubious service.  

But Tommy was staying silent.

“There’s phone numbers for both the college and the hospital if you’d like to call and verify anything.”  Or maybe not so dubious.  If it was a bluff, it was a good one…

“Yes,” Mommy said.  “Thank you.”  She didn’t make the call though.  Not right away.  “Can I come along?”  Tommy genuinely felt conflicted about that question.  Did he want to be rescued, or did he want to see how far this particular rabbit hole went?

“Actually,” the Nanny said, “for the purpose of research, I’d prefer to watch him without you.  Research has shown that children, no matter how old, tend to behave differently when they know their parents are watching them.”

“Oh of course.  That makes sense.”

It did not, in fact, make sense.

The Nanny winked at Tommy and added, “There’s also some surveys on the back if you’d like to fill out.  Give us a good idea of how Tommy is at home with you.  Your input is still very useful and very much appreciated.”

Five minutes later, Mommy had dressed him jean shorts and a chibi Spider-Man T-shirt, and sent him with the elvish looking woman.  Draped over her shoulder, Tommy looked like a  big for his age three year old with his Pull-Ups poking out the back.

He wouldn’t be wearing those Pull-Ups for long, however.

Nanny opened the hatch back of a gaudy golden van that Tommy was positive couldn’t have existed until just before the doorbell had been rung.  Tommy was now officially small enough to be laid down in the back with only his legs slightly dangling out.  

All the easier for Tommy to get his light up shoes slipped off and his shorts yanked off his ankles. “Hey!” he yelped “What gives.”

“Just changing you,”  the elven woman smirked.  His shorts hadn’t even hit the pavement when the sides of his Pull-Up were desecrated and torn asunder.  Poor Chase.  He’d never even had a chance…

“I don’t want a…” Tommy stuttered.  “I mean, I don’t NEED-”

Nanny leaned forward and shushed him with a finger to his lips.  “I’m not going to argue with you.  If you didn’t want or need this, I wouldn’t be here.”  

“But we’re in public!” Tommy’s voice went hoarse and dry.  “People can see us.”  He was pretty sure he heard a dog barking and tennis shoes jogging on by.  

Nanny kept right on diapering him.  “So?”  She dusted the powder on his bottom.  Then his front. Tommy didn’t come up with a rebuttal until after the front of the diaper was pulled up and forcing his legs even further apart.  “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll put you back in your big boy Pull-Ups just before I take you back home.  I’ll even tell your Mommy that you stayed dry the whoooooole trip.”

“What if someone sees me?”  

She finished taping the impossibly thick undergarment on.  The tapes were so wide that she had to use her whole fist guide them across the landing zone.   “They’ll see you for what you are.”  She paused before her voice took on a syrupy sing-song.  “An adorable child wearing a diaper. And that’s okay.”


“You’re used to being noticed and that being a bad thing.”  Nanny was slipping Tommy’s shoes back on his feet.  HIs shorts remained on the driveway concrete. “That was before you found Malacus.”  She picked Tommy back up.  “Before you found me.”

“Malacus is evil,” Tommy said.  “I heard Nox all but say as much.”  Nanny ignored him, closed the hatchback, and opened the side door.  A forward facing car seat that Tommy knew he’d fit perfectly in. Tommy was placed in it and got a good look at the front of his new diaper right before the elvish lady strapped him in and buckled the harness between his legs. Mickey Mouse seemed to be having a grand old time down there.

“Huggies?” Tommy said.  “Why not Pampers?  Every other time you put me in Pampers?”  Absurdly wondered if there was some kind of ranking system for diapers.  Were Huggies somehow more grown-up than Pampers? Or were they even less mature?  How far was he being regressed?

Nanny gave a wry, knowing smile.  “I borrowed some from your sister’s room while she was out and your Mommy was dressing you.  It seemed appropriate.”

“Katy?” Tommy asked.  Why would Katie have Huggies in her bedroom?  The incident at the Bullseye Shopping Center replayed in Tommy’s mind.  So too when he’d noticed his own fascination with disposable undies.   “What did Nox-?”

“Equestrinox,” Nanny interrupted, “is a special friend who is meant to help with playtime to little children.  Like a teddy bear, or an action figure.  Sometimes he’s the hero, sometimes he’s the sidekick, and sometimes he’s the villain.  It’s all in the imagination of the child.”  She reached into her diaper bag and shoved something into Tommy’s arms.  “See?”

Tommy stared in disbelief at the plushie in his lap.  Four hooves, two arms.  What might have been a scorpion’s tail from the way it arched, or a monkey’s based on how soft it was.  It didn’t look like Mr. Jordan, what with the bead eyes, the stitched on mouth and yarn hair; but it could have been with just the slightest suspension of disbelief.  

“A doll?”

Nanny had walked around to the front and buckled up in the driver’s seat.  “Here, he is.”  She turned on the ignition.  Tommy tossed the teddy-centaur to the floor.  A green eye and a blue eye caught sight of the act in the rearview mirror.  “Just as well.”   Those eyes smiled back as the engine started; though Tommy saw no key turned.

“Where are we going?” Tommy asked.

“To a park,” Nanny said.

Tommy thought he knew.  “The one where he met?”

“Silly baby,” Nanny giggled. “That was a playground.  An empty one.  This is a park.  People will be there.”

People?!  Tommy’s heartrate ticked up.  He stared down at his diaper.  In public?  No pants?  No shortalls?  Nothing?  Tommy wasn’t sure if he could handle that.  Yet he wasn’t crying…

“Here we are!” Nanny practically sang, her younger twenty something voice somehow even more melodic than her ‘Mom voice’.  Tommy blinked in confusion.  Was it that quick?  Had Tommy zoned out and lost time?  Or was this vehicle part of the magic.

Perhaps-Tommy hoped- he’d been taken to a place in Malacus.  It might be nice to fly again; or be surrounded by strange fairy creatures.  

Scrumpton Veterans Memorial Park.


Outside the windows, as the van parked, people passed by, wandering aimlessly.  Elderly folks walked hand in hand, enjoying the fresh hair.  Just on the horizon, a bunch of college aged kids played an intense game of ultimate frisbee, their bodies drenched in sweat. Elsewhere, families cooked barbecues next to public pavilions decorated with balloons; a birthday party.

The Scrumpton Veterans Memorial Park.  THE Park in a small town like Scrumpton.  A small town where Tommy Dean traipsing around in a Huggies would definitely trickle down. Trickle down.  Bad choice.

“Let’s go,” Nanny said, unbuckling him and setting him on the hot concrete shoes first.

Tommy pressed himself against the shadow of the golden van.  “Stroller?” He could sink down into a stroller.  Hide his face while Nanny pushed him around the grass.

“No stroller,” Nanny said casually.

“Carry me?”  He could bury his face in her shoulder, snuggle up to her breasts.  There’d be more than one benefit to that.

Nanny reached out.  “No, but I’ll hold your hand.”

“You mean I have to walk?”

“You could crawl, I guess, but I think it’d hurt your knees on this parking lot.”

Her hand wrapped around his wrist.  She walked.  Tommy dug his heels in.  She might as well have been a speed boat and he on water skis.  He could drag his feet, he could wriggle and weeble and wobble.  But he couldn’t stop himself from being pulled out into the open.

Tommy saved himself the shoulder pain by picking up his pace and walking side by side with the magic woman.  Sort of.  Walking didn’t quite fit the description.  More like he toddled in exaggerated penguin marches while the diaper crinkled every step of the way; crisp like Autumn leaves.

A pair of women jogging, their sports bras neon green passed by them as they crossed a trail  “Hiiii!” Nanny waved at them.  “Wave hi, Tommy!”  The two women giggled and reciprocated, before jogging away.

Everyone was looking at him.  Laughing at him!

“No they’re not,” Nanny whispered.  “They think you’re cute.  Just like any baby.”  The fact that Tommy hadn’t said that out loud didn’t occur to him.  He was too busy worrying that one of the Frisbee jocks might get word down to the highschool; nevermind that no one at the highschool remembered him anymore.

The brunette elf stopped at a park bench with a healthy amount of grass not yet dried out from the Georgia heat (proper Fall really only lasting about two weeks in the state).  “This looks like a nice spot to lay and play for a while.”  From her diaper bag came a large blanket that she spread out on the grass.  She wasn’t done though.  Next came the arcing poles that attached and criss crossed at the center and the dangling mobile animals.  A scaled up baby’s playmat.

Such a strange thing, that bag; never could tell what was in it until it was open and sometimes things rearranged themselves between openings.  Not unlike a certain clock. Perhaps the bag and the clock were similar in nature. Different sized portals to the same strange nonsense world.

The satchel was closed for less than a second.  Out came large baby bottle full of amber colored liquid.  “Be a good boy and drink it all up.”  Tommy took the bottle and swished it around.  “What’s this?”

“It’s apple juice, silly.  Now drink it up for me.”

Tommy’s free hand drifted to cover up Mickey Mouse, as if that would obfuscate the diaper at all.  “Then what?”

She gestured to the playmat. “Then you play.”

The eighteen year old looked over his shoulder.  There was a foghat gray playground within waddling distance.  Several school aged children seemed to be using it.  “I was thinking we could play over there…”

“Oh don’t be silly.” Nanny said.  “Those boys and girls are much too big for you to play with. Besides,” her grin was full on Cheshire Cat, “you’ll want to be lying down the first time.”


She tilted the bottle up to his lips.  “Drink.  Lay down.  Drink.”

Tommy pulled on the nipple.  Tasted the apple juice.  Not bad.  Not great either.  But not bad.  He shrugged and laid down, crawling underneath the mobile.  He lazily batted at the tiny plushie men dangling from the mobile- dwarves and elves he concluded- with one hand.

The fresh air blew by him.  He didn’t feel too hot either since he wasn’t wearing any pants.  More people passed by:  More dog walkers.  A stroller with a real baby in it.  A frisbee soared over him and a muscular college freshman dashed not three feet away from him to retrieve the overthrow.  

They all saw him.  Looked at him, laying there in nothing but a T-shirt and Huggies. Smaller than many, but still physically developed and proportioned to obviously be far too old to be allowed this level of immodesty.   They looked at him, and then kept going about their business.

They didn’t so much as shrug.  A shrug might have indicated doubt or confusion.  Judgement.  The only judgement here was the recognition that he existed and was taking up space.  He was there.  He was...normal?

 A dopey smile creeped up on Tommy’s face.  Maybe there was something besides apple juice in the bottle.  

As if in answer, his heart rate picked up and his knees stiffened up.  His skin started radiating heat, yet he did not sweat.  Nanny looked down at her phone. “Right. On. Time.”

Tommy started spasming inside and out; including his bladder. The front of his diaper blossomed in an exploding wet patch as every bit of the liquid he’d been drinking rocketed through him like water through a firehose.  The diaper held.  It held it all.  

Nanny kneeled down beside him.  “Shhhh,” she whispered, tenderly stroking his hair.  “Don’t fight it, baby.  Just let it happen.  Keep drinking.  You’ll like it.” She took the bottle and held it for him.

Truth was, Tommy DID like it.  His penis started going erect the moment his bladder finished emptying itself.  The light squeeze that Nanny gave to the front of his Huggies; the warm wet and wonderful squish; sealed the deal.

Still chugging, his heart raced and his knees lifted up to his stomach.  A slight rumble in his tummy, and Tommy was filling his padded seat up before he even realized he was pushing.  Bye bye potty training.

“Good baby,” she whispered.  “Almost done.”

The mushy muck, on his bottom turned him on even more.  He was disgusting.  He felt cute. The entire world might be gawking him shitting his not-pants.  He didn’t care.  His light up shoes blinked as he planted his feet and thrusted his hips into her hand after only one thrust.

Wickedly, Nanny withdrew her hand.  “Gotta do it all by yourself.”  Not a problem for Tommy.  His every cell was stimulated.  The mere grazing as his dick slid in it’s went and pulpy palace was enough to excite him.  The feeling of his backside mushing when his butt hit the soft blanket was its own reward.

“Awwwwww,” a couple of seniors wearing Scrumpton High shirts cooed.  They stopped walking wherever they were going and took the time to admire Tommy as he thrust his hips against phantom pocket pussy.  “Is he having fun?”

“Yes he is,” Nanny cooed, giving Tommy’s cheeks a pinch.  “He most definitely is.”

Tommy gulped the last bit of apple juice as he continued to grind.  With one hand he squeezed his front and thrust into himself. With the other he reached up and squeezed a plush dwarf dangling a foot away from his face.  The girls were still looking.  Giggling.  “What’s he doing?”  No disgust.  Just idle curiosity.

“Just playing a silly little baby game,” Nanny told them.  “Only he knows the rules.”

“AWWWWWW!”  Tommy felt another surge of lust at hearing the strangers cooing.  “I think my little sister used to do that when she was his age.”

Nanny dropped the hammer. “Your little sister has never been his age.  He’s eighteen.”  

“AWWWWWW!”  Not the expected reaction; but the best one.  “An eighteen year old baby!” one of them said, “How cuuuuute!  Does that mean he’ll never grow up?”

“I hope not,” the other one commented.  “It would be such a waste if he did.  I wanna have an adult baby!  All that widdle cuteness and none of the bratty growing up.  I could just eat him up!   Breast feeding and diapers; all those cute baby things would be a great investment.  Not just a temporary thing that only lasted a couple years.”

“Yeah,” the first agreed, even as Tommy worked on himself right in front of them. “I’d love that.  My breasts would get big, but never have to get saggy.”  She cupped her chest for emphasis, seeming to imagine it.  “Babies are great.  I just don’t like them because I hate kids, and that’s what they all turn into. Will he ever grow up?”

Nanny favored him with a kiss on the cheek, and a quick rub to the front of his Huggies; right on Mickey’s smiling face.  “That’s up to him, really.”

Tommy climaxed, spurted right there in his diaper.  Cock throbbing in time with his heart.  He stopped pumping.  He started sucking his thumb and moaning in ecstasy as his orgasm felt like it was stuck on repeat.

“Does he need a sitter?  I’d love to take care of him.”

“Sorry girls,” Nanny said while Tommy huffed and puffed and caught his breath.  “He’s spoken for.  He’s got a Mommy.  And a Nanny.”

“What’s his name?” one of them asked.  Tommy couldn’t see which one.  He was wriggling around and fighting off a fit of giggles while his whole body continued to tingle in the most pleasant of ways.

“Can you tell them your name, sweetie?” Nanny asked him.  Based on her tone, she didn’t expect an answer.

Tommy kept his thumb in his mouth and shook his head.  Feeling like a cat after a good stretch.  “Nuh-uh.”

“Sorry,” Nanny said up to the adoring teens.  “He’s a little shy, today.”   A little shy.  He’d just wet, messed, and jizzed all over himself and he was a little shy.

“It’s okay,” they replied, before leaving Nanny and Tommy in relative peace.  It was magic.  Had to be. Just like when he was in Malacus, Tommy wondered: Why question magic when you could just enjoy it?

“See what I mean?” Nanny asked.  Wearily, stupidly, deliriously, Tommy nodded.  “Let’s get you changed.”  She went into the diaper bag...and frowned.  “Oh pooh.”

“Wha?” Tommy gurgled around his thumb.  

“I thought I packed more diapers than this.  Shame.  Must’ve fallen out.”  

Tommy frowned and took his thumb out of his mouth.  Great.  He was going to have to go back to Pull-Ups.  That or else spend the rest of the day in wet and filthy pants.  Much as like how his hand felt less soft after masturbating, his thoroughly used diaper felt a lot less comfortable now that he’d gotten his rocks off in it.   He closed his eyes and huffed.

“Excuse me!” Nanny called out.  “Ma’am?”

A set of footsteps on the grass stopped  “Yes?”   She sounded older. Not OLD, but definitely back half.

“I made a terrible mistake and didn’t pack enough diapers.  Could you happen to spare one?”  

Tommy’s eyes popped open. Despite her voice, she seemed round about Mommy’s age.  Maybe she smoked.  The baby in her arms seemed to be only a little bit smaller than Tommy.  “Of course,” she said.  Reaching into a diaper bag of her own, she took out a purple Luvs and passed it off to Nanny.

Watching the diaper subtly enlarge itself in Nanny’s grip was hardly the strangest thing that Tommy had seen happen today.  He didn’t so much as blink.

“Thank you,” Nanny said, beginning to unfold it. “Do you have any wipes?”

“My baby could use a change as well, the woman said. “Mind if we join you?  We can split the wipes.”

“Not at all,” Nanny said.  Effortlessly, she moved Tommy to one side of the large baby playmat.  The real kid was slid down next to him.

Tommy cringed.  Great.  A real baby. The teenagers were one thing, but this was getting ridiculous and not in a good way.  His ex-peers fawning over him and wanting to cuddle and coddle him, even as he not-so-dry-humped the air?  Awesome.  Getting his diaper changed alongside an actual baby? Buzz officially killed. This couldn’t get much more awkward, could it?  

Tommy lulled his head to the side, trying to appear dispassionate or bored instead of freaked the fuck out.

Mission failure.

The look of recognition in the baby’s eyes was instant.  Like Tommy, he was hairless from the eyebrows down.  Like Tommy, his proportions were of an adult man who’d already completed puberty long ago.  Shoulders more developed, legs longer.  Like Tommy, he had the same guilty spark of awareness and recognition of his station and surroundings.  He knew he was technically too old to be getting open air ass wipings in the park.

Like Tommy, this wasn’t an actual baby.

“Oh Hell,” Charlie Watson muttered.


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