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This might be my longest work to date.  Enjoy getting back on the ride on what might have been one of my most far out concept and executions.



No retrospective comments at the end of this one?


Hmmm? I'm terribly sorry. I thought I'd added them in there. I must've loaded up the wrong copy. I'll see what I can do about finding the legit one in the morning. Thank you so much for noticing and commenting!


So for some reason, editing it and turning it back into a pdf wasn't working. So changing it into a docx worked though. I have no idea why.


I tried downloading the new file and my computer doesn't recognize it as a Word file. It acts like it's a .zip archive or something, and when you unzip it there's a bunch of XML files. Document.xml has the text of the story, but the formatting is tremendously weird.