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Heh...update 4/20.  Snerk!

Okay folks, a couple of announcements for new stuff going on that might directly affect you.

1.  In case you didn't get the memo from Peculiar changeling, the results are in from our April Fools Day experiment.  

He wrote "The Joke's On You." 

I wrote "The Joke's On Us."

For those who got it right.  What gave me away?
For those who got it...less than right, what fooled you?  

I'm curious.

2. Real talk, friends.  So yeah.  I write Novels.  Dante's Infanzia had a word count comparable to a Goosebump's book.  (Or Animorphs.  God I love Animorphs.  If you don't know what that is, google it.  I forgive you.)

And since Dante's little adventure into the afterlife, I've written stories that have gotten much longer and have reached at least novella length.  

I don't plan on changing this.  I think it's a strength of mine and I intend on playing to it.

My main three stories on this site are

Run Away- Already novella length
The New Narnia- Approaching novella length and going to be novel length by the time it's done.
Unfair- Based on my notes, it's gonna be a diapered War and Peace; I shit you not.

I'm also working on Lily which at this rate is going to at least be a novella.

The good news for my commissioners is that Novellas are deep dive stories.
The bad news is those kind of stories also create a waiting line that goes around the block.

The New Narnia is a commission.  It's guaranteed regular updates.
Run Away and Unfair are my own original creations.  I can, should I choose, I can sideline them for a week or two in favor of (small) projects.  (Though I will not give up on them.  I am all about Alice's creepy journey through the Land Beyond the Real and Clark's dodging through the Diaper Dimension)

BUT!  I also want to do more one shots and be able to have more interaction with ya'll, my wonderful patrons.

Therefore, starting in May, I'm going to be opening up a slot for patreon only.  Once a month I will be accepting a single one-shot commission (with applicable discounts).  If it works it works. If it doesn't, I'll live and learn.

Comment below if you have any questions or if there's something I need to think about that I haven't considered.



I’ll have to read it again but one of them had a diaper messing sound effect in it. I know you’re generally subtle with messy diapers even when it’s none cushypen work. So one of the stories had the “bfffh” like sound effect of someone messing their diaper and I can’t remember you ever writing sometime like that so I figured that one couldn’t be yours


Your stories being novel length is one of the reasons why I’m here paying to read your work. It takes skill to keep a reader’s interest for that long lol. In regards to your current stories, I’ve never been the biggest fan of the diaper dimension, so I kind of shy away from those stories...but The New Narnia has got me hook line and sinker. I’m constantly checking to see if a new chapter has been added. Very addicting. I love stories that have a slow methodical return to babyhood and your stories usually tell it in such a good way.


Oh none of those stories is going to stop. But I'm willing to make room if people want shorter stuff, too. But seriously, thank you for your support. I think you'll like what comes next in New Narnia. (No spoilers)


I got it right on the vote! :) What tipped me was a couple of writing tells I've seen in your other stories. Double spacing after a period, the *** line to separate scenes, and so forth. I thought you guys were devious enough to intentionally copy these traits from each other in order to double-bluff us... But I had no doubts once I saw the theme (Youtuber speaking into the camera as narrative framing), the little pop culture references and the general tone of the ending. And hurray for commissions! Short stories is always good for a quick read, a good way to grab people's attention without committing to twelve chapters. Make sure to not burn yourself out, you're already working on a lot of spinning plates all at once.


Do people really notice the double spacing after the period that much? It was something I was taught in high school and have never been able to shake it.


I love both your long stories and short stories. The long ones help us feel for the characters and the suspense of how it's all going to end. The only thing I've noticed that somewhat sets you apart is your endings. Way back in the day it felt like all diaper smut ended with the character happily in diapers. Then Long-Rifle came along and everyone was a "bad" ending, though we all loved it. Then others stories started popping up like from Bbykimmy and others on the DD forums and ending went back to being happy again. Most of your stories have a happy to maybe bittersweet ending though you do have a few darker or "bad" endings tossed in which helps keep the end of the story a mystery.


I've definitely been influenced by both of the writers you've named. I'm not sure how I'd classify my endings, tbh. The best ones tend to be complicated but speak to the the world and premise that's been set up.


I don’t want to give any of the endings away but to name one would be the struggle. That ending could have gone like a million different ways. While I did like the ending it felt like there was so much more that could be done, though that might just be me wanted to see many more stories in the universe


I love Stephen King, that's not a secret, but sometimes his endings do seem a little rushed or out of left field. I may have inherited that weakness. I won't go into excuses or particulars as to why the Struggle ended the way it did, but I'm doing my best to remedy that. Thank you for liking it, however.