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Some of my updates are me plugging what I'm working on.  Some of them are letting you folks know what's going on my life and how that might affect this site, and some of them are just tiny' thank you letters.

This is a little bit of all three.

First, I'm working on the latest Cushypen piece.  A bit of Mother-Daughter power switch I'm calling Roll Reversal.  I'm having an oddly fun time actually and working into a rhythm.

Speaking of Cushypen, I'm taking a second posting slot starting in April.  Every month for the forseeable future, Cushypen will see updates on my stories twice a month.  Once on the 1st/2nd and again on the 10th/11th.

What does this mean for you?  If you're also a Cushypen Subscriber, that's an increased opportunity to commission me, either for a longer piece, or possibly (at my discretion) two Cushypen commissions at once.  I've got the deadlines to meet anyways, I might as well try and accommodate folks.

 Also if I have a particularly short commission, it'll allow me to update some of my own self-generated non-commission stories.  (Such as one that rhymes with...The...Mogram?"

So I'm hoping that this will be a good thing, long term.

Don't worry, I'm still committed to this site.  I'm still doing regular updates here, and trying to give a minimum 10k worth of content (spread across the different stories) a week.

Also...look forward to an interesting post come April Fools. (Mwuahahahha!)

Lastly, the thank you.  

Thanks again guys for interacting with me here and on other forms of social media and communication services.  I love getting feedback and learning what you're digging and seeing in my stories.  I'm super grateful for the well thought out and constructive criticism that I'm getting that I can use to fine tune my choices, and I absolutely put myself over the moon when I hear that people are emotionally affected by what I type out and post.  All of that put me in a super good mood.

I need a catchphrase,



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