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Not an update as much as a thank you to everyone.  I have no new major projects.  Just working and plugging away at the ones on my plate.  Next week will be a one-shot request from a randomly selected gold-tier patron (The selection has already happened.)  And on a minor note, I've learned how to do hyperlinks and have given links to several friends and collaborators various pages.  If you want to take a look at the people who have helped and influenced me for this site, there's a good start.

Outside of that very minor bit of housekeeping, I just wanted to take a moment and reflect and thank all of you.  

I'm trying to be a writer.  A good one.  A "real" one.  I want to be good enough that I can have my own little slice of stability in these increasingly unstable times.  (Cue Disney "I Want" song).

Seriously though:  Over these past few months I've seen a steady uptick in people subscribing to this site and reading my stuff and I am so very grateful, warts and all, and I want to be able to do everything I can to continue to impress you and earn your support every month.  

Your comments.  Your ideas.  Your feedback.  Your insight.  All of it is welcome and helping me improve as a writer and chase my dream.  I couldn't be doing this without you.  It hasn't even been 3 months and I feel like I've already accomplished more than was possible.

So....yeah.  I was just feeling kind of sentimental and I wanted to share the sentiment with you all.

Thank you again.

Now if you excuse me, I've got some kinky novels to write.



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