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Greetings, my scrumptious patrons! (I literally ran out of any creative adjective here lol) 

This is a quick post for voice-over update release of the Robin project by OpaluVA. Now the beach party is complete!

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More project incoming soon!

As always, thank you, and have a nice day!


Old Post


Greetings, my dear amazing patrons!

Welcome to the release version of my new project (commission). My apology for taking an extra week delay, yet there is a reason for it. For the project at hands has quite an amount of content to be crafted and put together, as this project is nothing but non-stop action for minutes!


This is one of the most intense project I have ever created. Robin [Fire Emblem] has the encounter of her life on the beach day, each one messier than the last. With 3  main scenes and a lot of small cut here and there. With the total length of 2:38 mins, it easily becomes one of the longest project feature a single character!

One thing that keeps dragging this project on longer was my fault, I kept adding stuff up and ended up trying to put everything into the project (can't let anything to go to waste, can we?)

Fun fact about this project, the complexity of it almost made my workstation melt down (lol). It has two independent animations for two thrusting motions, this makes every jiggle physic has their true origin from each side of the DP and while it may feel chaotic but the motion still making sense somehow.

Thus, a fair warning for people who want to download and open my Live2D work file (*.cmo3 and *.can3) they may freeze the application for a while. I time it and it took around 5 minutes to load on my working PC!

As usual, the project will be updated with voice-over soon!

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Other updates

- After this point, I will start to release each scene of the Halloween's theme mini-cut scenes, expect content!

As always, my greatly appreciation for your supports.

Have a nice day!




This one has definitely been one of my favorites. I really liked how you made her have a number of different emotions on her face, you should do this more often.


Although I love the emotions that you gave to her, but if we had some xray scenes...