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Greetings, my hold dear patrons.

Before anything, I am wishing you all a merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a happy new year.

My name is Skello, AKA Skello-on-sale. An animator who bid my style on Live2D CG manipulation. I have launched my little journey for 3 years now. Along the way, I have learned many new valuable experiences, for my content, how to communicate with my audience and life in general. As I have never received such overwhelming supports before in my career where I can directly work with my audience, You. And the fact that I can be someone in this area of media, I can support myself and even upgrade my working gear (gaming, gacha, and some sassy Halo cat ears helmet spending included. But I will pretend it's not the case lol.)

All of this is thanks to every single one of your supports.

I am thankful for everybody here. Even you are my first 5 supporters from my first month. Or just subscribe a minute ago. Remember... You are one of the big reasons Samus has a futa c*ck with balls shooting semen while Ridley coomming inside her. And this cycle is going to keep going years by years.

 Just think about that and let it sink into your soul. Yeah...~~~

But seriously, Thank you. These past 3 years are the best moment of my career life. As I traced my footstep back to my chaotic origin and looked at the uncertain future. I'd like to send a letter out to all my audience out there. Some are facts, some are my opinions, and some are my wishful thinking. But these are all I want to say before we are setting foot into 2022. A new journey (or just a normal day transition if you don't want to be so dramatic about it lol.)

My departing into the 2022 list!

I am about 60% done.

This might sound a bit... scary (It does sound scary isn't it lol.) As of now, I am working on the 59th project (Cynthia.) As I have mentioned yearly. My goal is to reach 100 projects then I will consider moving on. My other dream is about using this type of animation to make a hentai game. I am aware that I am an animator so the animation part will play a big part in it but I also want to try to make a legit system and gameplay too.

When will my project reach 100? If you are worried, fear not! At this rate of my speed for each project is the lightning-fast of 10 to 12 projects per year! That means You will easily have at least about 3-4 years to go. So rest easy and enjoy the ride for now. In the meantime, I will learn some stuff along the way and pray that we will have even easier game engines to use at that point.

Motto - No "business as usual" project.

This is my intention from the start. I launch this project with one very clear target in mind. "To learn" is my main objective. Along with the 2nd goal "It must look good." So every project I have created must have something new or different about it. The characters themselves might be just as important but my motto is always the same. Every project should have its own uniqueness and evolution. So who knows what will happen next year. Maybe... Just maybe. You will see something even more creative than this year. New fetishes, new techniques, new scenarios.

I am considered working as a dedicated animator.

This is one topic that I keep thinking of a lot lately. I am going to state one very obvious fact here. I am not the quickest nor the best drawing skill (I see my drawing skill as mediocre at best.)  One big advantage is I have total control of the source I work on (something like 300+ layers of PSD.) But it does take a lot of time and I work a lot faster as the animator.

This is pretty much still wishful thinking but with my reschedule to lower my commission. I might be able to go for collaboration next year. Still, I am not fond of bothering other artists or salvaging their arts too much in order to create an animation. So this is still staying on my wish list.

Annually subscription until the end of January.

As I experiment for the annual pledge that gives you guys a nice 15% off and gives me a big sum of one-time payments. I don't actually feel like the concept in practice. To be honest, it encourages me to be lazy (lol.) So if you want to take advantage of the discount and like me enough to bet I am not going to abandon or become a shitty person sometime next year then, you have the chance to support me yearly until 31 January.

Stay humble, Stay simple.

I am going to keep my simplicity in 2022 too. 

-Pay once have all. 

-No archive (Ever!) 

-If the projects can't be posted on Patreon they will be released for free.

- 60% - 75% content will be given as promo cut on public platforms.

I am going to stay this way to keep our relationship as casual as possible. I'd like to appreciate the pledge as a support rather than a purchase. This is to keep myself motivated and humble. Feel free to come back from time to time. Enjoy your stay if you like. I am not going to ask more from you.

***ps. This is just my own opinion on my project and not a reflection on others.

Captivate eyes.

One thing I have realized about my work is I am more of a body language rather than dialog-based animation. And this is what I will be heading on in 2022.

Imagine... the character taking a gag reflex from deep oral. 

Imagine... the character breathing rapidly when she reaches the climax.

Imagine... the character trying to adjust her position when she starts to lose balance.

These levels of body language detail are what I am going for in the future. This is what I am going to make up in terms of lacking dialogs in my works. I'd like to make use of multiple CGs in one project too. That will use up more free time from my rescheduling next year.

My personal life.

One major downside for my solo campaign is I am literally only one guy. That's one reason I am not so fond of the annual membership idea. The uncertainty of life is there and sometimes it hit like a truck. I feel really lucky I can do this for 3 years without taking a major hiatus. I will keep doing this as much as I can, but as I have mentioned in November.  I am going to take fewer commissions to have more time for myself. This will also prevent myself from burning out. I may also be looking for more helping hands or open up for teaming up in the future. Keep things fresh. You guys don't have to worry, though. The content still coming, just focusing on a more creative direction.

To the future.

If you are able to read my rambling up to this point. I have to salute your dedication to spending your valuable time for some random guy on the internet talking about how he is going to ruin your childhood (or even recently introduced) characters to the best of his ability in the most spectacular way possible. Still, I am glad this still keeps going and looking better than ever. 

One thing you may never know is the Samus X Ridley project I have made back in December 2018 is meant to be my last project.

Back then, I have a big change in my life that forced me to look for a sustainable way to make a living. I almost giving up on doing this on Patreon because the supports while really good is still far from realistically holding up in real-life scenarios. I keep thinking "is it worth it?" and "maybe it's time to give up my dream."  suddenly. Ridley's alien's schlong more than doubles my pledges and makes me stop thinking of quitting (yeah... let the world know that your man Skello got saved by Ridley's dong. Well Samus take great credit on that too, to be honest.)

After that point, I stop thinking about quitting ever again. Then time flies and we are already at 3 years later. Ready for messing up other characters in a very hentai way. And I am deeply appreciated every supporting fund to keep this page alive.

That also made me wonder something about you guys. The question is...

Do you remember which is the project made you subscribe to my Patreon page and why?

Feel free to share and comment below.

This is going on a bit too loo long so I am going to stop before I wasted 2022 on this post too lol.

As always, I hope you guys enjoy your New year countdown. Stay safe, stay warm, enjoy your life. I am going to be in your care in 2022 too.

Have a nice day.

Skello - the man whose career is saved by Ridley's dong.



The Kojima animation did it for me, it's still one of my favourites to this day

Mr. cool guy

I think it was the girl on the train that made me join


That was a really fun project to work on. I literally make an entire working railway scene for that lol.


Calliope Mori's animation got me. Been worth it to stay ever since.


Samus x Ridley is the first thing of yours I saw and it instantly made me look you up. Still so good, arguably still your best work ever.


I subscribed after I saw the Samsung Sam & Ahri projects. Still my faves maybe although Kronii is a close #3 As an artist, how many times have you sat down in front of a blank canvas, pictured what you wanted to draw, and the end result isn't anything like you imagined? In my experience (and I guess yours too lol) careers work kind of the same way. Never what you planned but things work out. Your art & animations are the bomb and I hope to support as much as I can. Thanks for 2021


Fun fact. I kinda intentionally avoid going back to make more of her content because I like her songs and start to have too much respect to be horny.


After I saw the Sam one I thought of subscribing but did so one month later.


One thing I still remember about that project is after I post it on Reddit. People are starting to argue more about Ridley's dong more than Samus herself.


So that's what happened to the Takamori animation haha

Quintin Ball

What made me join? Honestly, the Makoto Nanaya animation was the one that really lead me straight to becoming a follower.

Brass monkey

For me it was Azura, juri and the Samus animation that really got me, I really enjoy live 2d animation cause I really haven’t seen much out there but when I discovered those animations then I knew your work was going to be amazing and being able to follow your art and animation but what really set in stone was the Cerberus animation that I had to follow. Keep up the great work and hopefully I can continue to support your amazing work


To be honest, not so much in the term of posing because I have to think about the moving angle of the project first (and for this type of animation there are limited compositions you can actually use.) Still, there is a good amount of the scenes themselves. Darkness is supposed to have a masturbation scene at some point. Kojima was supposed to be fully clothed but changed to semi-naked to appeal to a broader audience. They are pretty much the change in the actual scene rather than the drawing


Waiting for a new wave of TeeTee to sparks. All I can think right now is Gura with that glowing stick lol.


Sam is a nightmare. Still fun to make, but a nightmare. That was my fault though. I kinda gave her too few drawing source files so I have to be very very creative with her facial expression. Which actually become a boon for her playful style.


What made me join? Hard to remember, be if I were to take a guess it was probably the Io one. I was getting into Code Vein at the time, and Io lewds were surprisingly few and far between. I had heard of your animations before and liked them, so when I learned you did an Io one, I decided to join. I've had no regrets about joining, as you keep putting out good stuff.


Now to think of it, I didn't do much of this kind of project, am I? Monster male and such.


The animation that led me to your support page earlier in the year was the Futa (with balls) Darkness animation, and I quickly subscribed thereafter. I wish you luck into 2022 as well! It's promising that you opened up annual subscriptions too, though I'm not totally confident that Patreon will even be around in a year, or at least without continual, increasing censorship concessions and takedowns.


Glad you love them! I doubt I am going to do something as lengthy as The Cerberus project again. lol

Kayami Kira

Well, fun fact, it was actually ridley's dong that did that job ! I go back to that animation often as well as it is one of my fav of yours, I have been loving your Vtuber focus as of recently as well tho :)


Io is actually a very unique character to work with. Not a lot of characters will give the same vibe as her.


A real talk isn't it? I still doubt Patreon will go anywhere soon but it does become more and more stressful for creators. On the plus side, they are at least not pulling OnlyFans or on the Youtube level of a minefield. I still believe there is a fine line for NSFW content that they can't afford to cross. Let's hope that's the case.


Yeah, it's less like an earthquake or a wildfire, and more like an encroaching mold, slowly snuffing the life out of its host.


I still remembered a comment about how "Mesmerizing" it looks lol.


I believe that I subscribed when you were doing the additional animations for Samus which are H O T. I’m super excited to see the Cynthia animation because she’s one of my favorites and I can’t wait to see her in your drawing style! Happy New Year to you Skello and I wish you all the best!!!


Thank you! Cynthia going to be one of a very exaggerated design (almost Hex Maniac's level.)


Samus and Ridley was my introduction to your work, although, the one that got me to join I would say is probably your work with Wiz. Couldn’t say no to a subscription after that. All in all, I wish you good fortune in 2022! I look forward to your future work as much as I enjoy to revisit your old work.


I was one of the many that flooded in after the Ridley and Samus animation was posted on Reddit. Always on the lookout for some quality hentai animations and yours are some of my favorites!


happy new year

John Smith

I joined because of the Morrigan one you posted on r/kappa ages ago. I agree with you, body language is defs way more hotter and better than dialogue. I think when artists use body language well it easily puts them above the rest. All the best for your future endeavors and I appreciate you sharing your joirney with us.


Honestly, Skello, I don’t support a ton of artists, your art has really did it for me, and I couldn’t really tell you when I first saw your works. It’s so cool to watch you grow, improve, and enjoy what you do. That’s just the type of passion we need right now. You’re doing good mayne, keep it up!


Ah, r/kappa is a good old time. There are a lot more fighting games character projects back then too. Being no one at that time, I tried to advertise myself in specific communities first. Funny enough, it's around the time r/kappa starting to ban NSFW stuff too lol. I also take a lot of influent of my animation style from fighting classics like 3rd Strike, Guilty Gear, and Darkstalkers (this one is pretty obvious.) Based on 60fps, Zoom-in climax (like a super), and very similar timing. Thank you for a long time supports, John Smith. Your pledge popup always makes me smile from a nostalgia feeling.


I joined you because of your 2B and Samus animations, and then you made one of the Samus ones even better by giving her a fat cock! I hope I get to commission you before you move on and Happy New Year! ;D


They did look pretty bare bone back then. Got called "Feels like a cheap flash animation" or "low budget drawing tween" is pretty common for me (to be fair, they are right even in the pretty mean way lol.) Still, I have huge respect for creators who can use limited tools like flash or adobe animate. Someone like Zone and Minus 8 are legendary phenomenons I always look up to. I am also feeling thankful for having a far easier tool to use nowadays. Playing tons of Newgrounds NSFW games also feed my obsession greatly. All in all, I have my origin of passion back in 2000 and 2010 and I want this to keep going.


Wiz is really cool. I hope I can do of ASMR ARA ARA type of service scene more. Thank you!


I swear she is so close to getting boned by E.M.M.I lol. Futa 2B is also very tempting. I might still be doing some commissions after I moved on. Might still be very sparse like 3 per year. They might also be all free projects to the public at that point. One workaround for commission tight space problems is for collaboration. Still, convincing other artists to let me manipulate and redraw on their works (like eyes, mouth, brows.) to make animation more detailed feels pretty rude to them. So I hesitate to ask them myself. But if someone can reach them out to me, I really want to try.

John Smith

Ah a lot of FG influence, that probably makes sense then with how I like your timing.


If I recall correctly, I think it was either a Zelda or the Hilda/Sonia animations that started this. At the time, I couldn't support you, so it had to be a year until I could properly support on patreon. My favorite one is probably the girl from Dagashi Kashi or Hex though


I had seen your work around for awhile and always enjoyed it but the Jalter one was the last straw for me. I decided I wanted to be fully in the loop on everything you made or were making. I have never gone so far as to sub to someone's Patreon before because when I tried to consider for other artists I found out they used some sort of model that makes it to where you cannot just join and be able to view past works. Maybe they have a good business reason to do that, but it isn't a good one for me that is for damn sure. I have been loving your work and plan to stay for as long as you do!


Thank you for recognizing me throughout somewhere of 2019. I remembered it to be the heaviest Nintendo year. Really fun and wild. Hex and Hotaru might be my peak time of "group" type of projects! I just realized 2021 has far fewer of multiple male projects.


To be honest, nope. This is not the best business practice (and the irony is I study in business major back in college lol.) I respect other artists using the usual model, this is just my choice to use it. This can even be seen as unfair to longer subscribed members due to no time gate system (at all.) The least I can do is keep my entry point low and make a higher tier just a generous option (with some little extra benefits of course.) This way, the only way I can survive is to get on the good side of my community because there is almost no content as bargaining I hold with me, only my promise to keep delivering. It's a bad business practice in every book but a nice way to not look at it as a job but a passion. That's why I am going to accept annual payment just until the end of January. The big chunk of money is a bit too beneficial for me, I start to feel lazy already, lol. About, Jalter project. The huge cock that's borderline between pleasure and pain is one type of scenario I want to go back to.


I think it was your palutena and 2b animations that made me seek you out. You had a very fluid form of animation I really liked and stood out to me. My favorite tho, thats a tough one, I like a lot of your work. I think the Jean Alter one takes the cake for now, with palutena cowgirl being up there too


Thank you! These 3 works have been mentioned quite a lot. I have to research them more.


I'm a recent backer, and it's sort of a tie between Makoto, Kronii and Jean Alter for me, though the others are all consistently good. To be honest it's some of the best puppet-style animation I can find, and I'm currently ripping apart a few of those projects to learn live2D myself. Also, don't downplay your art, it's reqlly good. Still can't believe how quick you work for being full-stack. Yeah bro just keep being poggers and I'll keep subbed


Thank you! And do feel free to salvage my Live2D files to learn about my method and my habit behind it. I am pretty sure mines are not going to look much like others because of how little I know the conventional knowledge about it (a lot of self-taught techniques I applied on spot.) That's why it's pretty hard for me to make a tutorial out of them.


I subscribed for your condom project but I only realized after subbing that I hadn't chosen the pledge level that gives me access to it! But I still felt happy to support you regardless because I have been following your twitter for a long time and your projects are really impressive.


Hotaru Shidare! After this animation I realized I NEED to subscribe and support the diamond you are ❤